Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Purification de l'eau: U.S. Filter

U.S. Filter

USFilter : Un héritage d'eau propre et de solutions environnementales

USFilter, un nom synonyme de solutions de traitement de l'eau et de l'environnement, possède une riche histoire profondément liée à l'évolution de la gestion moderne de l'eau. Bien que le nom USFilter lui-même soit désormais un vestige du passé, son impact sur l'industrie continue de résonner.

Les racines d'USFilter :

Le voyage d'USFilter a commencé avec The Permutit Company, fondée en 1907. Permutit a révolutionné le traitement de l'eau avec l'introduction de la technologie d'échange d'ions, une avancée révolutionnaire qui a ouvert la voie à un adoucissement et une purification de l'eau efficaces.

En 1966, The Permutit Company a fusionné avec The Roberts Filter Manufacturing Company, créant Permutit Company, Inc. Cette union a consolidé sa position de leader dans les solutions de traitement de l'eau résidentielle et industrielle.

L'entreprise a finalement adopté le nom USFilter Corporation en 1999, reflétant son champ d'action plus large et son engagement à relever les défis environnementaux variés.

Une approche globale des solutions environnementales :

USFilter, sous ses différents noms, a développé une réputation de fournisseur de solutions complètes de traitement de l'eau et de l'environnement. Son expertise couvrait :

  • Traitement de l'eau municipale : USFilter proposait des systèmes de filtration avancés, des technologies de désinfection et des solutions d'adoucissement de l'eau pour les approvisionnements en eau municipaux, garantissant ainsi une eau potable sûre et fiable pour les communautés.
  • Traitement de l'eau industrielle : L'entreprise répondait aux besoins industriels divers avec des solutions spécialisées pour le traitement de l'eau d'alimentation des chaudières, la purification de l'eau de procédé et la gestion des eaux usées.
  • Traitement des eaux usées : Les technologies innovantes d'USFilter ont permis de relever les défis liés aux eaux usées grâce à des systèmes de filtration avancés, des procédés de traitement biologique et des systèmes de gestion des boues.
  • Assainissement environnemental : L'entreprise proposait également une expertise en assainissement environnemental, en s'attaquant aux sites contaminés et en fournissant des solutions pour le nettoyage des sols et des eaux souterraines.

L'évolution d'USFilter :

En 2000, USFilter Corporation a été acquise par Veolia Water, leader mondial des services environnementaux. Cette acquisition a marqué un tournant important dans le parcours de l'entreprise, intégrant son expertise au sein d'un conglomérat multinational plus vaste.

Aujourd'hui, bien que le nom USFilter ne soit plus utilisé, son héritage continue de vivre au sein de Veolia Water Technologies. L'héritage de l'entreprise en matière d'innovation, d'avancées technologiques et d'engagement envers une gestion durable de l'eau témoigne de sa contribution durable à l'industrie.

Perspectives d'avenir :

L'histoire d'USFilter met en lumière l'évolution du traitement de l'eau et des solutions environnementales. Alors que nous sommes confrontés à une pénurie d'eau croissante et à des défis environnementaux, l'héritage de l'entreprise nous rappelle le rôle vital que joue la technologie pour garantir un avenir durable à notre planète.

Test Your Knowledge

USFilter Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What was the original name of the company that eventually became USFilter?

a) Roberts Filter Manufacturing Company b) Veolia Water Technologies c) The Permutit Company d) USFilter Corporation


c) The Permutit Company

2. What groundbreaking technology did The Permutit Company introduce?

a) Reverse osmosis filtration b) Ultraviolet disinfection c) Ion exchange technology d) Activated carbon adsorption


c) Ion exchange technology

3. In what year did The Permutit Company merge with The Roberts Filter Manufacturing Company?

a) 1907 b) 1966 c) 1999 d) 2000


b) 1966

4. Which of the following is NOT an area of expertise USFilter was known for?

a) Municipal water treatment b) Industrial water treatment c) Wastewater treatment d) Solar energy production


d) Solar energy production

5. Which company acquired USFilter Corporation in 2000?

a) Siemens b) General Electric c) Veolia Water d) Pentair


c) Veolia Water

USFilter Exercise

Task: Imagine you are a water treatment specialist working for a small municipality. You need to recommend a solution for treating their water supply, which is contaminated with high levels of iron and manganese.

Using the information about USFilter's areas of expertise, research and describe how USFilter (now Veolia Water Technologies) could have provided a solution for this problem.


  • Specific technologies or products USFilter might have offered.
  • How these solutions would have addressed the iron and manganese contamination.
  • Why USFilter would be a suitable partner for this project.

Exercice Correction

**Possible Solutions:**

USFilter, with its expertise in municipal water treatment, could have offered a variety of solutions to address the iron and manganese contamination. Some possible options include:

  • Ion Exchange Filtration: USFilter likely would have offered specialized ion exchange resins specifically designed for iron and manganese removal. This technology would effectively capture and remove the contaminants, ensuring safe drinking water.
  • Oxidation and Filtration: USFilter might have suggested a combination of oxidation using potassium permanganate or chlorine and followed by a sand or multimedia filtration system. This process would oxidize the iron and manganese, allowing them to be removed by filtration.
  • Advanced Oxidation Processes: For more complex contamination, USFilter might have proposed advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), such as ozone or UV oxidation, followed by filtration. These processes are effective in breaking down and removing dissolved metals.

**Why USFilter would be a suitable partner:**

  • Expertise: USFilter has a long history of providing innovative solutions for municipal water treatment, including iron and manganese removal.
  • Comprehensive Solutions: USFilter likely would have offered a complete solution, including system design, equipment supply, installation, and ongoing maintenance.
  • Reputation: USFilter was known for its quality products and reliable services. They were a trusted partner for municipalities seeking safe and effective water treatment solutions.


  • "The History of Water Treatment" by A.S.K. Sinha - Provides a comprehensive overview of water treatment technologies, including those developed by USFilter and its predecessors.
  • "Water Treatment Plant Design" by James M. Symons - This text covers various aspects of water treatment plant design, including technologies developed and implemented by USFilter.
  • "Environmental Engineering: A Global Perspective" by P. Aarne Vesilind, et al. - This book delves into environmental engineering practices and technologies, including those relevant to USFilter's contributions in wastewater treatment and remediation.


  • "A History of the Permutit Company" - This article, likely found in industry journals or historical archives, would provide detailed insights into the early years of USFilter and its innovative contributions to water treatment.
  • "Veolia Water Technologies: A Legacy of Innovation" - Articles highlighting Veolia Water Technologies' history and its integration of USFilter's legacy could offer insights into the company's current activities and continued commitment to water and environmental solutions.
  • Industry publications like "Water Technology", "Water Environment & Technology", or "Environmental Engineering Science" - Search for articles about specific technologies developed by USFilter, its mergers and acquisitions, or its impact on the industry.

Online Resources

  • Veolia Water Technologies website: - Explore the website for information about their history, services, and current technologies.
  • US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website: - Search the EPA website for information on water treatment technologies and regulations, potentially referencing USFilter or its technologies.
  • Historical archives: Explore archives of engineering societies, water treatment associations, or historical societies for information on The Permutit Company, Roberts Filter Manufacturing, or USFilter Corporation.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "USFilter history", "Permutit Company history", "Roberts Filter Manufacturing history", "Veolia Water Technologies acquisition USFilter", "USFilter water treatment technologies", etc.
  • Combine keywords with relevant industry terms like "ion exchange", "water softening", "filtration", "disinfection", "wastewater treatment", "environmental remediation".
  • Use quotation marks around specific phrases like "The Permutit Company" to find exact matches.
  • Try searching for historical documents, company reports, or presentations related to USFilter.
  • Explore news archives and press releases related to USFilter's mergers and acquisitions.
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