Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Wastewater Treatment: suspended growth process

suspended growth process

Procédés à croissance en suspension : le moteur microbien du traitement des eaux usées

Le traitement des eaux usées est un processus crucial pour la protection de la santé publique et de l'environnement. L'une des technologies clés employées dans ce processus est le **procédé à croissance en suspension**, une méthode de traitement biologique où la magie opère en suspension.

**Qu'est-ce qu'un procédé à croissance en suspension ?**

Dans les procédés à croissance en suspension, les micro-organismes responsables de la dégradation des polluants des eaux usées sont maintenus en suspension dans le liquide lui-même. Cela signifie que les microbes ne sont pas fixés à un support solide comme dans les procédés à film fixe (par exemple, les filtres à ruissellement ou les biofiltres). Au lieu de cela, ils flottent librement, se nourrissant de la matière organique dans les eaux usées et se multipliant au cours du processus.

**Comment fonctionne-t-il ?**

Imaginez une ville animée où les microbes sont les habitants. Les eaux usées arrivent, apportant de la nourriture (matière organique) aux microbes. Alors que les microbes se nourrissent, ils décomposent les polluants en substances moins nocives, comme le dioxyde de carbone, l'eau et la biomasse. Ce processus continu d'alimentation et de multiplication garantit un traitement efficace des eaux usées.

**Caractéristiques clés des procédés à croissance en suspension :**

  • **Densité microbienne élevée :** Les systèmes à croissance en suspension permettent des concentrations élevées de micro-organismes, ce qui conduit à des taux de traitement rapides.
  • **Flexibilité :** Ces systèmes peuvent facilement s'adapter aux fluctuations des débits d'eaux usées et des charges polluantes.
  • **Efficaces pour les charges organiques élevées :** Ils excellent dans le traitement des eaux usées à forte teneur en matière organique.

**Types courants de procédés à croissance en suspension :**

  • **Boues activées :** Cette méthode largement utilisée implique des cuves d'aération où de l'oxygène est introduit pour favoriser la croissance microbienne. La biomasse, connue sous le nom de boues activées, est ensuite séparée et recyclée dans le système.
  • **Digesteurs aérobies :** Ces réacteurs sont conçus pour maximiser le transfert d'oxygène, favorisant l'oxydation rapide de la matière organique.
  • **Digesteurs anaérobies :** Ces processus fonctionnent sans oxygène, s'appuyant sur des bactéries anaérobies pour décomposer la matière organique et produire du biogaz.

**Avantages des procédés à croissance en suspension :**

  • **Haute efficacité :** Ils peuvent éliminer une large gamme de polluants organiques, notamment les solides en suspension, les nutriments et les agents pathogènes.
  • **Contrôle du processus :** Les opérateurs ont un excellent contrôle sur les paramètres du processus, garantissant des performances optimales.
  • **Rentabilité :** Ces systèmes ont souvent des coûts d'investissement inférieurs à d'autres options de traitement.

**Limitations :**

  • **Gestion des boues :** Le processus produit une quantité importante de boues qui nécessitent une manipulation et une élimination appropriées.
  • **Sensibilité aux composés toxiques :** Certaines eaux usées industrielles contiennent des composés toxiques qui peuvent inhiber l'activité microbienne.

**Conclusion :**

Les procédés à croissance en suspension sont une pierre angulaire du traitement des eaux usées, offrant un moyen fiable et efficace de gérer et de purifier les eaux usées. Leur polyvalence et leur grande efficacité de traitement en font un élément essentiel des infrastructures modernes de traitement des eaux usées. Cependant, il est important de prendre en compte les caractéristiques spécifiques des eaux usées et les défis potentiels liés à la gestion des boues pour garantir des performances optimales du système.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Suspended Growth Processes

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of suspended growth processes?

a) High microbial density


Incorrect. Suspended growth processes have high microbial density.

b) Flexibility in adapting to changing wastewater conditions


Incorrect. Suspended growth processes are flexible.

c) Dependence on solid media for microbial attachment


**Correct**. Microbes in suspended growth processes are not attached to solid media.

d) Effective for handling high organic loads


Incorrect. Suspended growth processes are well-suited for high organic loads.

2. What is the main purpose of aeration in activated sludge processes?

a) To remove suspended solids


Incorrect. While aeration can help settle solids, its primary purpose is to provide oxygen.

b) To provide oxygen for microbial growth


**Correct**. Aeration introduces oxygen, essential for the aerobic microbes in activated sludge.

c) To break down organic matter


Incorrect. The microbes break down organic matter, not the aeration process itself.

d) To prevent sludge buildup


Incorrect. While aeration can influence sludge characteristics, it's not its primary function.

3. Which type of suspended growth process relies on bacteria that thrive without oxygen?

a) Activated sludge


Incorrect. Activated sludge is an aerobic process.

b) Aerobic digesters


Incorrect. Aerobic digesters require oxygen.

c) Anaerobic digesters


**Correct**. Anaerobic digesters utilize bacteria that can break down organic matter without oxygen.

d) Trickling filters


Incorrect. Trickling filters are a fixed-film process, not a suspended growth process.

4. What is a significant drawback of suspended growth processes?

a) High capital costs


Incorrect. Suspended growth processes often have lower capital costs compared to other methods.

b) Inefficient removal of organic pollutants


Incorrect. Suspended growth processes are efficient at removing organic pollutants.

c) Difficulty in controlling process parameters


Incorrect. Suspended growth processes offer good control over process parameters.

d) Production of significant amounts of sludge


**Correct**. Sludge management is a major challenge in suspended growth processes.

5. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of suspended growth processes?

a) High treatment efficiency


Incorrect. Suspended growth processes are highly efficient.

b) Cost-effectiveness


Incorrect. They are often cost-effective.

c) Resistance to toxic compounds


**Correct**. Some toxic compounds can inhibit microbial activity in suspended growth processes.

d) Good process control


Incorrect. They offer good control over process parameters.

Exercise: Designing a Wastewater Treatment Plant

Problem: You are designing a wastewater treatment plant for a small community. The community produces wastewater with a high organic load. You have the option of using a suspended growth process or a fixed-film process (like a trickling filter).


  1. Choose the most appropriate treatment process (suspended growth or fixed-film) and explain your reasoning. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each process in relation to the high organic load.
  2. Describe one specific type of suspended growth process that would be suitable for this community. Explain how it works and why it's a good choice.
  3. Identify one potential challenge associated with the chosen process and propose a solution.

Exercice Correction

1. Choosing the appropriate process:

For wastewater with a high organic load, a **suspended growth process** is generally more suitable. Here's why:

  • High efficiency for organic removal: Suspended growth processes like activated sludge are designed to handle high organic loads effectively, as they have a high density of microbes.
  • Flexibility: Suspended growth systems can adapt to fluctuations in organic load, which is important for a community with varying wastewater production.

2. Specific type of suspended growth process:

Activated Sludge Process: This is a common and effective suspended growth process. It involves:

  • Aeration tank: Wastewater is mixed with activated sludge (microbes) and aerated to provide oxygen for microbial growth.
  • Settling tank: The sludge is allowed to settle, separating the treated water from the biomass.
  • Sludge return: A portion of the settled sludge is recycled back to the aeration tank to maintain a high microbial concentration.

This is a good choice because it can handle high organic loads efficiently and provides good control over the treatment process.

3. Potential Challenge and Solution:

Challenge: A major challenge with activated sludge is the production of excess sludge, which requires proper handling and disposal.

Solution: Implementing a sludge thickening and dewatering system can reduce the volume and weight of the sludge, making disposal more manageable. Anaerobic digestion can also be used to further treat the sludge, producing biogas for energy and reducing the overall sludge volume.


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (This comprehensive text covers all aspects of wastewater treatment, including suspended growth processes in detail.)
  • Biological Wastewater Treatment: Principles, Modeling, and Design by D.W. Smith and G.M. Dobbs (Focuses on the biological principles behind wastewater treatment, with a strong emphasis on suspended growth systems.)
  • Activated Sludge Technology: A Comprehensive Guide to Design and Operation by A.E. Ekama and P. Marais (Provides detailed insights into the activated sludge process, a prominent example of suspended growth.)


  • A review of suspended growth biological wastewater treatment systems: Principles, processes, and applications by A.K. Jain et al. (Journal of Environmental Management, 2018) (This article offers a concise overview of suspended growth processes and their applications.)
  • The activated sludge process: A historical perspective by G.T. Pahl and J.P. Chudoba (Water Science & Technology, 2006) (Traces the evolution of the activated sludge process, providing context for its development and significance.)
  • Anaerobic digestion of wastewater sludge: A review by A. Demirel and M.A.A. M. Aziz (International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2011) (Examines the role of anaerobic digestion in sludge treatment, an important aspect of suspended growth systems.)

Online Resources

  • EPA - Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet: Suspended Growth Processes (Provides a concise overview of suspended growth processes with links to other relevant resources.)
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF) (Offers a wealth of information on wastewater treatment, including technical papers, industry standards, and research updates.)
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (Provides access to research publications, technical guidelines, and industry resources related to wastewater treatment.)

Search Tips

  • Use specific terms: Instead of simply searching "suspended growth process," be more specific: "suspended growth process wastewater treatment," "activated sludge process," "aerobic digestion wastewater."
  • Combine keywords: Use terms like "suspended growth" AND "biological treatment," "suspended growth" AND "wastewater engineering," etc.
  • Filter results by source: Use the "Tools" option in Google Search to filter results by file type, date, and website type (e.g., education, government).
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