Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Purification de l'eau: Rex Chainbelt

Rex Chainbelt

Rex Chainbelt : Un héritage d'innovation dans le traitement de l'eau et de l'environnement

Rex Chainbelt, un nom synonyme de machines industrielles et d'innovation, occupe une place importante dans l'histoire du traitement de l'eau et de l'environnement. Bien que le nom lui-même ne soit plus utilisé activement, son héritage perdure à travers l'entreprise dans laquelle il a évolué : USFilter/Envirex.

Les premières contributions de Rex Chainbelt :

Initialement connue pour son expertise dans la transmission de puissance et la manutention des matériaux, Rex Chainbelt a étendu sa portée pour répondre au besoin croissant de solutions de traitement de l'eau efficaces et fiables. L'entreprise a développé une gamme de technologies innovantes, notamment :

  • Clarificateurs : Les clarificateurs de Rex Chainbelt ont révolutionné le processus de séparation des solides des liquides. Ces systèmes utilisaient des techniques de décantation avancées et des systèmes de décantation des boues efficaces, améliorant l'efficacité et l'efficience des stations de traitement de l'eau.
  • Filtres : L'entreprise a développé une variété de filtres, notamment des filtres à sable, des filtres multimédias et des filtres à cartouche, offrant des solutions complètes pour éliminer les solides en suspension et les impuretés de l'eau.
  • Systèmes d'alimentation en produits chimiques : Reconnaissant l'importance du dosage précis des produits chimiques dans le traitement de l'eau, Rex Chainbelt a introduit des systèmes d'alimentation en produits chimiques innovants qui garantissaient une application précise et constante de produits chimiques comme les coagulants et les désinfectants.

L'évolution vers USFilter/Envirex :

En 1997, Rex Chainbelt a fusionné avec USFilter Corporation, créant une force puissante dans l'industrie du traitement de l'eau. Cette entité combinée, désormais connue sous le nom de USFilter/Envirex, a encore élargi son portefeuille de produits et son expertise, offrant une gamme complète de solutions pour :

  • Traitement de l'eau potable : Fournir des technologies pour le traitement de l'eau potable, y compris la filtration, la désinfection et l'adoucissement.
  • Traitement de l'eau industrielle : Offrir des solutions pour le traitement de l'eau de procédé, le traitement des eaux usées et la réutilisation.
  • Traitement des eaux usées : Fournir des technologies innovantes pour le traitement des eaux usées municipales et industrielles, y compris le traitement biologique, la gestion des boues et la déshydratation.

Héritage d'innovation :

Le nom Rex Chainbelt n'est peut-être plus utilisé, mais son esprit d'innovation et son engagement envers la responsabilité environnementale continuent de prospérer au sein d'USFilter/Envirex. La focalisation de l'entreprise sur des solutions de gestion durable de l'eau, motivée par un héritage d'avancement technologique, en a fait un acteur majeur dans l'industrie du traitement de l'eau et de l'environnement.

Points clés :

  • L'héritage d'innovation de Rex Chainbelt dans le traitement de l'eau a jeté les bases du succès d'USFilter/Envirex.
  • L'entreprise a développé des technologies clés pour la clarification de l'eau, la filtration et le dosage des produits chimiques.
  • USFilter/Envirex continue d'offrir une large gamme de solutions de traitement de l'eau, des applications municipales aux applications industrielles.
  • Le nom Rex Chainbelt a peut-être disparu, mais son dévouement à la responsabilité environnementale et à l'avancement technologique perdure.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Rex Chainbelt's Legacy in Water Treatment

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What was Rex Chainbelt's original focus before expanding into water treatment?

a) Manufacturing agricultural equipment


Incorrect. Rex Chainbelt was originally focused on industrial machinery.

b) Power transmission and material handling


Correct! Rex Chainbelt was initially known for its expertise in these areas.

c) Chemical production


Incorrect. While Rex Chainbelt developed chemical feed systems for water treatment, it did not primarily focus on chemical production.

d) Construction


Incorrect. Rex Chainbelt's focus was on industrial machinery and later expanded to water treatment.

2. Which of the following technologies did Rex Chainbelt pioneer in water treatment?

a) Reverse osmosis membranes


Incorrect. While reverse osmosis is a crucial water treatment technology, Rex Chainbelt's focus was on other technologies.

b) Clarifiers


Correct! Rex Chainbelt developed innovative clarifiers for separating solids from liquids.

c) Ultraviolet disinfection systems


Incorrect. While UV disinfection is a common water treatment technique, Rex Chainbelt's main contribution was in clarifiers, filters, and chemical feed systems.

d) Nanofiltration membranes


Incorrect. Rex Chainbelt focused on traditional water treatment technologies like clarifiers and filters.

3. What happened to Rex Chainbelt in 1997?

a) It was acquired by a competitor


Incorrect. Rex Chainbelt merged with another company.

b) It went bankrupt


Incorrect. Rex Chainbelt merged with another company, expanding its reach.

c) It merged with USFilter Corporation


Correct! This merger created the powerful entity known as USFilter/Envirex.

d) It was split into separate divisions


Incorrect. Rex Chainbelt merged with USFilter, forming a larger company.

4. What type of water treatment solutions does USFilter/Envirex offer?

a) Only municipal water treatment


Incorrect. USFilter/Envirex offers a wider range of solutions.

b) Only industrial water treatment


Incorrect. USFilter/Envirex offers solutions for both municipal and industrial water treatment.

c) Municipal and industrial water treatment, as well as wastewater treatment


Correct! USFilter/Envirex provides a comprehensive suite of solutions for various water treatment needs.

d) Only wastewater treatment


Incorrect. USFilter/Envirex's expertise extends to municipal and industrial water treatment as well.

5. What is the main takeaway from Rex Chainbelt's legacy in the water treatment industry?

a) The importance of focusing on a single area of expertise


Incorrect. Rex Chainbelt's story highlights the benefits of expanding into new areas.

b) The value of innovation and commitment to environmental responsibility


Correct! This legacy continues to influence USFilter/Envirex's focus on sustainable water management.

c) The need to prioritize profit over environmental concerns


Incorrect. Rex Chainbelt's story emphasizes the importance of environmental responsibility and sustainable solutions.

d) The difficulty of merging with another company


Incorrect. Rex Chainbelt's merger with USFilter resulted in a successful expansion of their reach.

Exercise: Water Treatment Scenario

Scenario: A small town is experiencing problems with its drinking water supply. The water has a noticeable odor and high turbidity (cloudiness).

Task: Using your knowledge of Rex Chainbelt's water treatment technologies, suggest two solutions to address the issues in the town's water supply. Explain how each technology would help improve the water quality.

Exercise Correction

Here are two possible solutions using Rex Chainbelt's technologies:

  1. **Clarifiers:** The high turbidity suggests a significant amount of suspended solids in the water. Installing a clarifier would effectively remove these solids, improving the water's clarity and reducing the potential for taste and odor issues.
  2. **Filters:** To further address the odor and potential remaining contaminants, a filtration system could be employed. A multimedia filter, for example, would remove a wider range of impurities, including those contributing to the odor.

Rex Chainbelt's legacy of innovation in water treatment provides a valuable resource for addressing various water quality challenges. The combination of clarification and filtration can effectively tackle issues like turbidity and odor, leading to safer and more palatable drinking water.


  • "The History of the Rex Chainbelt Company" by [Author Name] - While this book may not be readily available, searching for it or similar titles related to Rex Chainbelt's history could provide valuable insights.
  • "Water Treatment: Principles and Design" by [Author Name] - This book may contain sections discussing the historical development of water treatment technologies, potentially including mentions of Rex Chainbelt's contributions.
  • "Industrial Water Treatment" by [Author Name] - A similar book focused on industrial water treatment could also offer insights into Rex Chainbelt's impact on the industry.


  • "Rexnord: A History of Innovation" - This article, potentially found on Rexnord's website or in industry publications, could provide information on the history of the company and its predecessor, Rex Chainbelt.
  • "The Evolution of Water Treatment Technologies" - Articles discussing the history of water treatment technologies might mention Rex Chainbelt's contributions to specific advancements. Search for such articles in publications related to water treatment, engineering, and environmental science.
  • Trade Magazine Articles: Search for articles in trade magazines related to water treatment and industrial machinery published in the 1950s to 1990s. You might find articles specific to Rex Chainbelt's products and innovations.

Online Resources

  • Rexnord Website: While the Rex Chainbelt name is no longer in use, the Rexnord website ( may contain historical information or archives that provide details about the company's past and its contributions to water treatment.
  • Water Environment Federation (WEF) Archives: The WEF, a professional organization for water quality professionals, might have archival materials or publications containing information about Rex Chainbelt and its role in the industry.
  • Water Treatment Industry Websites: Websites of water treatment companies, research institutions, and industry organizations could contain historical information or references to Rex Chainbelt's innovations.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "Rex Chainbelt" with terms like "water treatment," "environmental," "history," "innovations," "clarifiers," "filters," "chemical feed systems," "USFilter," "Envirex."
  • Search for quotes: Try searching for quotes about Rex Chainbelt from industry experts, historical accounts, or company publications.
  • Explore archived websites: Use the "Wayback Machine" ( to access archived versions of websites related to Rex Chainbelt, USFilter, or Envirex. This could provide information on products, company history, and past projects.
  • Utilize advanced search operators: Use quotation marks to search for specific phrases, the minus sign to exclude terms, and the asterisk to use wildcards in your searches.
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