Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Environmental Health & Safety: National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan (NOHSCP)

National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan (NOHSCP)

Naviguer dans les eaux de la contamination : le Plan national d'urgence pour les substances dangereuses et les déversements d'hydrocarbures (NOHSCP)

Le Plan national d'urgence pour les substances dangereuses et les déversements d'hydrocarbures (NOHSCP), établi par la loi sur la réponse environnementale complète, la compensation et la responsabilité (CERCLA) de 1980, est la pierre angulaire de la réglementation environnementale fédérale en matière de rejets de substances dangereuses et de déversements d'hydrocarbures. Ce plan complet sert de guide, définissant les responsabilités, les procédures et les meilleures pratiques pour prévenir, répondre et nettoyer la contamination environnementale.

Portée du NOHSCP :

Le NOHSCP englobe un large éventail de dangers environnementaux, notamment :

  • Déversements d'hydrocarbures : Des rejets mineurs aux catastrophes majeures, le NOHSCP décrit les procédures de confinement, de nettoyage et de remise en état environnementale.
  • Rejets de substances dangereuses : Le plan traite des rejets de substances figurant sur la Liste des priorités nationales (NPL), qui comprend les sites de déchets dangereux nécessitant une action immédiate.
  • Intervention d'urgence : Le NOHSCP fournit des directives pour la coordination des interventions d'urgence en cas d'incidents de contamination environnementale, assurant une action efficace et efficiente.

Éléments clés du NOHSCP :

Le NOHSCP est organisé en plusieurs éléments clés :

  • Liste des priorités nationales (NPL) : Cette liste identifie les sites de déchets dangereux les plus graves aux États-Unis, nécessitant une remise en état immédiate dans le cadre du programme Superfund.
  • Étude d'investigation et de faisabilité (RI/FS) : Ce processus implique la caractérisation du site contaminé, l'évaluation des risques posés et l'élaboration d'options possibles de nettoyage.
  • Action corrective : La dernière étape implique la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de nettoyage choisie, assurant la remise en état du site à des niveaux acceptables.
  • Planification et intervention d'urgence : Le NOHSCP décrit les procédures de planification et de réponse aux urgences liées aux rejets de substances dangereuses et aux déversements d'hydrocarbures.

Le NOHSCP en action :

Le NOHSCP joue un rôle essentiel dans de nombreuses initiatives de protection de l'environnement :

  • Programme Superfund : Le NOHSCP fournit le cadre pour identifier et nettoyer les sites Superfund, assurant la santé et la sécurité publiques.
  • Prévention et réponse aux déversements : Le plan guide la réponse aux déversements d'hydrocarbures et aux rejets de substances dangereuses, atténuant les dommages environnementaux et assurant une action rapide.
  • Préparation aux situations d'urgence : Le NOHSCP favorise la préparation aux situations d'urgence environnementales, en promouvant la coordination entre les agences fédérales, étatiques et locales.

L'avenir du NOHSCP :

Le NOHSCP continue d'évoluer pour répondre aux nouveaux défis environnementaux. Des mises à jour et des révisions sont régulièrement mises en œuvre pour intégrer les progrès technologiques, les contaminants émergents et les priorités environnementales changeantes. Le plan reste un outil essentiel pour protéger l'environnement et la santé publique, assurant une gestion responsable des substances dangereuses et des déversements d'hydrocarbures.

En conclusion, le NOHSCP sert de cadre essentiel pour prévenir, répondre et nettoyer les rejets de substances dangereuses et les déversements d'hydrocarbures. Il garantit une réponse coordonnée et efficace à la contamination environnementale, protégeant la santé publique et préservant l'environnement pour les générations futures.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Navigating the Waters of Contamination: The NOHSCP

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which Act established the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan (NOHSCP)? a) Clean Air Act b) Clean Water Act c) Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) d) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)


c) Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)

2. Which of the following is NOT a key element of the NOHSCP? a) National Priorities List (NPL) b) Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) c) Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) d) Remedial Action


c) Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

3. The NOHSCP primarily focuses on: a) Preventing pollution from industrial facilities b) Regulating the disposal of hazardous waste c) Responding to hazardous substance releases and oil spills d) Promoting sustainable development practices


c) Responding to hazardous substance releases and oil spills

4. Which of the following is NOT a role of the NOHSCP in environmental protection? a) Guiding the Superfund Program b) Providing a framework for spill prevention and response c) Establishing air quality standards d) Promoting emergency preparedness for environmental incidents


c) Establishing air quality standards

5. The NOHSCP is a dynamic document that: a) Remains unchanged since its inception b) Is updated only when a major environmental disaster occurs c) Is periodically revised to incorporate new information and challenges d) Is primarily focused on historical incidents and past practices


c) Is periodically revised to incorporate new information and challenges

Exercise: NOHSCP in Action

Scenario: A large oil spill has occurred in a coastal region, impacting marine life and local communities.

Task: Imagine you are an environmental manager tasked with responding to this oil spill. Using the principles outlined in the NOHSCP, describe the key steps you would take to address this situation. Include at least three specific actions you would implement based on the information provided in the document.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible approach to addressing the oil spill based on the NOHSCP:

1. Immediate Response and Containment: * Activate the National Response System (NRS): This is a key component of the NOHSCP, facilitating a coordinated response between federal, state, and local agencies. * Implement containment measures: Use booms, skimmers, and other equipment to contain the spread of the oil and prevent further contamination.

2. Damage Assessment and Environmental Remediation: * Conduct an environmental assessment: Determine the extent of the oil spill's impact on marine life, coastal ecosystems, and human health. This will help in determining the necessary cleanup and restoration efforts. * Develop a cleanup plan: Based on the assessment, choose the most appropriate and effective methods for oil removal, considering factors like the type of oil, environmental conditions, and potential risks.

3. Emergency Planning and Public Communication: * Communicate with affected communities: Provide clear and timely information about the oil spill, potential health risks, and the ongoing response efforts. This will help build trust and ensure community safety.

4. Long-Term Remediation and Restoration: * Monitor the affected area: Continue to assess the environmental impact and monitor the effectiveness of the cleanup measures. * Implement restoration efforts: Develop and execute plans to restore damaged habitats and ecosystems, potentially using techniques like bioremediation.

Remember: This is just a brief overview. A real-world response would involve many more steps, detailed planning, and coordination with various stakeholders.


  • Environmental Law Handbook: This comprehensive handbook provides a thorough overview of environmental law, including the NOHSCP and its implementation under CERCLA.
  • Hazardous Waste Management by David A. D. Parry: This book offers an in-depth analysis of hazardous waste management practices, with a dedicated section on the NOHSCP and its role in handling hazardous substance releases.
  • Superfund: A Legacy of Toxic Waste: This book provides a historical perspective on the Superfund program, outlining the development and implementation of the NOHSCP within this framework.


  • "The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan: A Comprehensive Overview" by Environmental Law Reporter: This article offers a detailed overview of the NOHSCP, including its history, key elements, and implementation.
  • "The Role of the NOHSCP in Emergency Response" by Journal of Environmental Management: This article explores the specific role of the NOHSCP in coordinating and directing emergency responses to hazardous substance releases and oil spills.
  • "The NOHSCP: A Catalyst for Environmental Remediation" by Environmental Science and Technology: This article examines the NOHSCP's effectiveness in promoting environmental remediation efforts, highlighting its impact on the cleanup of contaminated sites.

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • "National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan" + [specific keyword] (e.g., "implementation," "emergency response," "Superfund"): This search will refine your results to focus on specific aspects of the NOHSCP.
  • "NOHSCP" + [specific agency] (e.g., "EPA," "Coast Guard," "Department of Transportation"): This search will highlight resources and information relevant to specific agencies involved in the NOHSCP.
  • "NOHSCP" + [specific case study] (e.g., "Exxon Valdez," "Deepwater Horizon"): This search will provide information on how the NOHSCP has been applied in real-world scenarios.
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