Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Gestion de la qualité de l'air: landscaping


Aménagement paysager : bien plus que de jolies plantes - Son rôle dans le traitement de l'environnement et de l'eau

Le terme "aménagement paysager" évoque des images de pelouses impeccables, de parterres de fleurs vibrants et de passages élégants. Cependant, dans le domaine du traitement de l'environnement et de l'eau, l'aménagement paysager prend un rôle beaucoup plus crucial et multiforme. Au-delà de l'esthétique, il devient un outil essentiel pour protéger nos ressources naturelles et améliorer notre environnement.

Voici un aperçu de la façon dont l'aménagement paysager joue un rôle clé dans le traitement de l'environnement et de l'eau :

1. Contrôle de l'érosion : Des techniques d'aménagement paysager comme le contournage, le terrassement et la plantation de végétation sur les pentes aident à stabiliser le sol et à prévenir l'érosion. C'est essentiel pour protéger les cours d'eau des sédiments en provenance des eaux de ruissellement et garantir la qualité de l'eau.

2. Gestion des eaux pluviales : L'aménagement paysager peut être utilisé pour créer des noues, des jardins de pluie et d'autres éléments qui ralentissent et filtrent les eaux de ruissellement. Cela permet de prévenir les inondations, de réduire la quantité de polluants entrant dans les cours d'eau et de reconstituer les nappes phréatiques.

3. Amélioration de la qualité de l'eau : La plantation d'arbres et d'arbustes le long des rivières et des ruisseaux procure de l'ombre et réduit les températures de l'eau, ce qui peut être bénéfique pour la vie aquatique. La végétation absorbe également les nutriments et les polluants, améliorant ainsi la qualité de l'eau.

4. Création d'habitats fauniques : L'aménagement paysager peut créer ou améliorer des habitats fauniques en fournissant de la nourriture, un abri et des lieux de reproduction à diverses espèces. Cela soutient la biodiversité et maintient des écosystèmes sains.

5. Amélioration de la qualité de l'air : Les arbres et les arbustes agissent comme des filtres à air naturels, absorbant les polluants comme le dioxyde de carbone et libérant de l'oxygène. Cela contribue à un air plus propre et à un environnement plus sain.

6. Atténuation du changement climatique : L'aménagement paysager avec des plantes et des arbres indigènes peut aider à lutter contre le changement climatique en stockant du carbone et en réduisant les émissions de gaz à effet de serre.

7. Remédiation des sols : Certaines plantes peuvent être utilisées pour phytoremédier les sols contaminés en absorbant et en décomposant les polluants. C'est un outil précieux pour nettoyer les zones polluées et restaurer les terres.

Au-delà de ces fonctions clés, l'aménagement paysager dans le traitement de l'environnement et de l'eau offre également :

  • Amélioration esthétique : L'aménagement paysager peut créer des espaces visuellement attrayants et accueillants autour des installations de traitement, améliorant l'esthétique générale de l'environnement environnant.
  • Engagement communautaire : L'aménagement paysager peut être utilisé pour créer des espaces publics et des zones vertes qui encouragent l'interaction communautaire et promeuvent la sensibilisation environnementale.

Exemples d'aménagement paysager en action :

  • Jardins de pluie : Conçus pour capturer et filtrer les eaux de ruissellement, ces espaces aménagés utilisent des plantes indigènes et des matériaux perméables pour réduire les polluants et recharger les eaux souterraines.
  • Noues : Ces dépressions linéaires plantées de végétation ralentissent le débit des eaux de ruissellement, filtrent les polluants et favorisent l'infiltration.
  • Toitures vertes : Ces systèmes de toiture végétalisés aident à gérer les eaux de ruissellement, à fournir une isolation et à améliorer la qualité de l'air.

En conclusion, l'aménagement paysager ne se limite plus à la création de beaux espaces extérieurs. C'est un outil essentiel pour le traitement de l'environnement et de l'eau, jouant un rôle crucial dans la protection de nos ressources naturelles, l'amélioration de la qualité de l'eau et l'atténuation du changement climatique. En adoptant les principes de l'aménagement paysager durable, nous pouvons créer un environnement plus résilient et plus sain pour les générations futures.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Landscaping for Environmental & Water Treatment

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. How does landscaping help with erosion control?

a) By creating flat surfaces that reduce water flow.


Incorrect. Flat surfaces can actually worsen erosion by concentrating water flow in specific areas.

b) By planting vegetation on slopes to stabilize soil.


Correct! Vegetation roots hold soil together, preventing it from being washed away.

c) By using artificial barriers to block water flow.


Incorrect. While barriers can be helpful, they can also disrupt natural drainage patterns.

d) By removing all vegetation to prevent organic matter buildup.


Incorrect. Vegetation is essential for soil health and erosion control.

2. Which of these landscaping features is specifically designed to manage stormwater runoff?

a) A flower garden.


Incorrect. While a flower garden can be aesthetically pleasing, it doesn't directly manage stormwater runoff.

b) A rain garden.


Correct! Rain gardens are specifically designed to capture and filter stormwater runoff.

c) A traditional lawn.


Incorrect. A traditional lawn can contribute to runoff and pollution.

d) A paved driveway.


Incorrect. Paved surfaces prevent infiltration and increase stormwater runoff.

3. How does landscaping benefit aquatic life in waterways?

a) By providing more sunlight to the water.


Incorrect. Too much sunlight can increase water temperature, harming aquatic life.

b) By planting trees and shrubs to create shade.


Correct! Shade reduces water temperature and improves habitat for aquatic organisms.

c) By adding fertilizers to increase nutrient levels.


Incorrect. Fertilizers can cause algae blooms and deplete oxygen in the water, harming aquatic life.

d) By introducing invasive species to increase biodiversity.


Incorrect. Invasive species can disrupt native ecosystems and harm aquatic life.

4. What is one way landscaping can help mitigate climate change?

a) By using more fossil fuels to maintain lawns and gardens.


Incorrect. Using fossil fuels increases greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change.

b) By planting trees that absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.


Correct! Trees store carbon and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, mitigating climate change.

c) By creating more paved surfaces to reflect sunlight.


Incorrect. Paved surfaces absorb heat, contributing to the urban heat island effect.

d) By using synthetic fertilizers that release harmful gases.


Incorrect. Synthetic fertilizers can contribute to air pollution and climate change.

5. Which of these is NOT an example of landscaping in action for environmental & water treatment?

a) A rain garden.


Incorrect. Rain gardens are a prime example of landscaping for stormwater management.

b) A green roof.


Incorrect. Green roofs are a great example of landscaping for stormwater management and climate change mitigation.

c) A paved parking lot.


Correct! Paved parking lots increase runoff and heat absorption, contributing to environmental problems.

d) A bioswale.


Incorrect. Bioswales are a vital part of stormwater management landscaping.

Exercise: Designing a Sustainable Landscape


Imagine you are designing a landscaping plan for a new community park. Consider the following factors:

  • Location: A semi-arid region prone to occasional heavy rainfall.
  • Goals:
    • Reduce stormwater runoff and erosion.
    • Enhance water quality in a nearby stream.
    • Provide shade and habitat for wildlife.
    • Create a beautiful and welcoming space for community use.


  1. Identify 3 specific landscaping techniques or features that would be suitable for this park, based on the provided goals.
  2. Explain how each chosen technique/feature would contribute to achieving the desired outcomes.
  3. Draw a simple sketch or diagram showing how these features might be integrated into the park design.


  • Feature: Rain garden
  • Explanation: This would capture and filter stormwater runoff, reducing erosion and pollution entering the nearby stream.
  • Sketch: A simple illustration of a rain garden within the park layout.

Exercice Correction

Here's an example of a possible solution:

1. Landscaping Techniques:

  • Rain gardens: To capture and filter stormwater runoff, reducing erosion and improving water quality in the nearby stream.
  • Native tree planting: To provide shade, reduce water temperature in the stream, and create habitat for wildlife.
  • Bioswales: To slow down stormwater flow, filter pollutants, and encourage infiltration.

2. Explanations:

  • Rain gardens: These depressions planted with native plants will capture and absorb stormwater runoff, slowing it down and allowing it to soak into the ground. This reduces erosion and prevents polluted water from reaching the nearby stream.
  • Native tree planting: Choosing trees native to the semi-arid region will ensure they are well-adapted to the climate. Trees provide shade, which reduces water temperature in the stream, benefiting aquatic life. They also offer food and shelter for wildlife, enhancing biodiversity in the park.
  • Bioswales: These shallow, vegetated channels will slow down stormwater runoff, allowing it to filter through the soil and vegetation, removing pollutants before it reaches the stream. This further improves water quality and prevents erosion.

3. Sketch:

  • A simple sketch of the park layout, with rain gardens located near areas with potential runoff, native trees strategically placed around the park, and bioswales running along key drainage paths.


  • "Ecological Landscaping: Restoring Nature's Beauty & Balance" by Robert A. Williams and John A. MacDonald: This book provides practical advice on designing landscapes that benefit the environment.
  • "The Green Roof Manual: A Guide to Roof Gardens" by Stephan Brenneisen and Wolfgang Larcher: This comprehensive guide covers design, construction, and maintenance of green roofs.
  • "Bioretention: A Practical Guide to Designing, Constructing, and Maintaining Water Quality Treatment Systems" by Thomas W. Schueler: This book provides detailed information on bioretention systems for stormwater management.
  • "The Water-Wise Landscape: Water Conservation & Sustainable Design" by Judyth K. Reid: This book offers tips for creating drought-tolerant landscapes that minimize water use.
  • "Rain Gardens: Sustainable Solutions for Managing Stormwater" by Nancy C. Lowe: This book covers the design, construction, and maintenance of rain gardens for stormwater management.


  • "The Role of Landscaping in Sustainable Water Management" by American Society of Landscape Architects: This article explores the role of landscaping in water conservation and stormwater management.
  • "Landscaping for Stormwater Management" by National Association of Landscape Professionals: This article provides practical tips for designing landscapes that manage stormwater effectively.
  • "Green Roofs: A Sustainable Solution for Urban Environments" by Green Roofs for Healthy Cities: This article discusses the benefits of green roofs for environmental and urban sustainability.
  • "The Benefits of Rain Gardens" by The Nature Conservancy: This article highlights the ecological and hydrological benefits of rain gardens.
  • "Phytoremediation: A Sustainable Approach to Soil and Water Remediation" by Environmental Protection Agency: This article explores the use of plants to clean up contaminated soil and water.

Online Resources

  • American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA):
  • National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP):
  • Green Roofs for Healthy Cities:
  • The Nature Conservancy:
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: For example, "landscaping stormwater management," "bioretention systems," "green roofs," "phytoremediation."
  • Combine keywords with location: For example, "landscaping stormwater management Chicago," "rain gardens Los Angeles."
  • Use quotation marks: For example, "rain garden design," "green roof installation."
  • Use filters: You can filter your search results by date, type (images, videos, etc.), and other criteria.
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