Leaders de l'industrie


Lagco : Un héritage dans le traitement de l'environnement et de l'eau

Lagco, abréviation de F.B. Leopold Co., Inc., est un nom synonyme d'innovation et de qualité dans le domaine du traitement de l'environnement et de l'eau. Fondée en 1909, Lagco possède une riche histoire de développement et de fabrication de solutions fiables et efficaces pour un large éventail d'applications, notamment :

  • Traitement des eaux usées : Des eaux usées industrielles aux eaux usées municipales, Lagco propose des équipements et des systèmes pour un traitement et une élimination efficaces. Cela inclut les processus de traitement primaire, secondaire et tertiaire.
  • Traitement de l'eau : Lagco fournit des solutions pour le traitement de l'eau potable, assurant une eau potable propre et sûre pour les communautés.
  • Eau de procédé industrielle : Soutenant diverses industries, Lagco fournit des équipements pour le traitement de l'eau utilisée dans la fabrication, la production d'énergie et d'autres processus.
  • Gestion des eaux pluviales : Lagco propose des solutions pour gérer le ruissellement des eaux pluviales, minimiser la pollution et protéger les ressources en eau.

Le canal à seuil de Parshall : Une innovation de Lagco

Parmi les nombreuses innovations de Lagco, le canal à seuil de Parshall se distingue comme une contribution phare. Mis au point par Ralph L. Parshall au début du XXe siècle, cet appareil est utilisé pour mesurer avec précision le débit de l'eau dans les canaux ouverts. Lagco est un fabricant de premier plan de canaux à seuil de Parshall depuis des décennies, offrant une large gamme de tailles et de configurations pour répondre à diverses exigences de débit.

Principales caractéristiques et avantages des canaux à seuil de Parshall de Lagco :

  • Mesure précise : Les canaux à seuil de Parshall fournissent des mesures de débit précises, essentielles pour optimiser les processus de traitement de l'eau et garantir la conformité aux réglementations.
  • Facilité d'installation : Les canaux de Lagco sont conçus pour une installation simple et efficace, minimisant les temps d'arrêt et les coûts de projet.
  • Construction durable : Lagco utilise des matériaux de haute qualité et des méthodes de construction robustes pour garantir la longévité et la fiabilité de ses canaux.
  • Large éventail d'applications : Les canaux à seuil de Parshall sont applicables dans divers contextes, des stations d'épuration des eaux usées aux systèmes d'irrigation et aux processus industriels.
  • Rentabilité : L'efficacité et la précision des canaux à seuil de Parshall de Lagco en font une solution rentable pour la mesure du débit.

Lagco : Un partenaire de confiance pour les solutions environnementales

Le dévouement de Lagco à l'innovation, à la qualité et à la satisfaction de la clientèle en a fait un partenaire de confiance pour les solutions de traitement de l'environnement et de l'eau dans le monde entier. Leurs canaux à seuil de Parshall ne sont qu'un exemple de leur engagement à fournir des technologies fiables, efficaces et durables pour un environnement plus propre et plus sain.

En plus des canaux à seuil de Parshall, Lagco propose une large gamme d'autres produits et services, notamment :

  • Débitmètres : Lagco fabrique divers types de débitmètres pour une mesure précise dans les applications de traitement de l'eau.
  • Systèmes de pompage : Lagco fournit des pompes et des systèmes de pompage pour un transfert et une distribution efficaces de l'eau.
  • Systèmes de contrôle : Lagco propose des systèmes de contrôle avancés pour optimiser les processus de traitement de l'eau et garantir l'efficacité.
  • Services d'ingénierie : Lagco fournit des services d'ingénierie complets pour la conception et la mise en œuvre de solutions de traitement de l'eau.

Avec son expertise et son engagement, Lagco continue d'être un leader dans l'industrie du traitement de l'environnement et de l'eau, en fournissant des solutions qui contribuent à un avenir durable.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Lagco & Environmental Solutions

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the acronym "Lagco" stand for? a) Leopold & Company, Inc. b) Lagrange Company, Inc. c) Legacy & Company, Inc. d) F.B. Leopold Co., Inc.


d) F.B. Leopold Co., Inc.

2. Which of the following is NOT a core area of expertise for Lagco? a) Wastewater treatment b) Water treatment c) Industrial process water d) Solar energy production


d) Solar energy production

3. The Parshall flume is a device used for: a) Measuring the volume of water in a tank b) Filtering impurities from water c) Accurately measuring the flow of water in open channels d) Treating wastewater to safe drinking water standards


c) Accurately measuring the flow of water in open channels

4. Which of these is NOT a benefit of Lagco's Parshall flumes? a) Accurate measurement b) Easy installation c) Low maintenance costs d) Limited applications


d) Limited applications

5. Besides Parshall flumes, what other products and services does Lagco offer? a) Flow meters, pumping systems, and control systems b) Solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal energy systems c) Construction materials, building design, and landscaping services d) Financial consulting, marketing, and legal services


a) Flow meters, pumping systems, and control systems

Exercise: Parshall Flume Application

Scenario: A small municipality is building a new wastewater treatment plant. They need to accurately measure the flow of wastewater entering the plant to ensure efficient treatment and compliance with environmental regulations. They are considering using a Parshall flume for this purpose.


  • Research: Find the appropriate size and configuration of a Parshall flume for the anticipated wastewater flow rate (assume 10,000 gallons per minute).
  • Consider: What factors should the municipality consider when choosing a location for the Parshall flume?
  • Write: A brief report outlining your recommendations for the Parshall flume selection and installation, including justification for your choices.

Exercise Correction

**Report: Parshall Flume Recommendation for Wastewater Treatment Plant** **1. Flume Selection:** * Based on the anticipated flow rate of 10,000 gallons per minute (approximately 2,270 liters per second), a Parshall flume with a throat width of 3 feet (0.91 meters) would be appropriate. This size ensures accurate measurement within the expected flow range. **2. Location Considerations:** * **Accessibility:** The flume should be located in a readily accessible area for maintenance and inspection. * **Flow conditions:** The flume should be placed in a section of the channel with a uniform flow pattern and minimal turbulence. * **Slope:** The channel should have a slight slope towards the flume to ensure consistent flow. * **Obstructions:** Avoid locations with potential obstructions that could interfere with the flume's operation. **3. Installation:** * Ensure the flume is installed according to Lagco's guidelines to maintain accuracy and longevity. * Consider using a concrete or reinforced structure for the flume base to withstand the flow forces. **4. Justification:** * **Accuracy:** Parshall flumes are known for their accuracy in flow measurement, crucial for optimizing treatment processes and regulatory compliance. * **Reliability:** Lagco's Parshall flumes are built for durability and long-term performance. * **Cost-effectiveness:** The efficiency and accuracy of Parshall flumes make them a cost-effective solution for flow measurement in wastewater treatment. **Conclusion:** By selecting the appropriate size and configuration of a Parshall flume and considering the location factors, the municipality can ensure accurate flow measurement and efficient operation of the wastewater treatment plant.


  • "Water Treatment Plant Design" by AWWA - This comprehensive book covers various aspects of water treatment design, including flow measurement with Parshall flumes.
  • "Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse" by Metcalf & Eddy - A standard text in wastewater engineering, this book discusses various treatment processes and technologies, including those offered by Lagco.


  • "Parshall Flume: A Comprehensive Guide" by Lagco - This article provides detailed information about the Parshall flume, its history, design, applications, and advantages.
  • "Lagco's Parshall Flumes: Measuring Flow with Precision" by Water & Wastewater Technology Magazine - A technical article exploring Lagco's expertise in Parshall flume manufacturing and its contribution to the water treatment industry.

Online Resources

  • Lagco website: www.lagco.com - Provides information about Lagco's history, products, services, and customer testimonials.
  • Parshall Flume Calculator: https://www.lagco.com/parshall-flume-calculator - An online tool to calculate flow rates based on Parshall flume dimensions.
  • AWWA (American Water Works Association): www.awwa.org - Provides resources and information on water treatment technologies and standards.
  • WEF (Water Environment Federation): www.wef.org - Offers information on wastewater treatment technologies, research, and best practices.

Search Tips

  • "Lagco Parshall Flume" + "case study" - Find real-world examples of Lagco's Parshall flumes in various applications.
  • "Lagco environmental solutions" + "review" - Search for customer reviews and testimonials regarding Lagco's products and services.
  • "Lagco history" + "timeline" - Explore the historical development of Lagco and its contributions to the industry.
  • "Parshall flume" + "alternatives" - Discover different flow measurement methods and compare them to Lagco's Parshall flumes.


Chapter 1: Techniques

Lagco's Expertise in Environmental and Water Treatment Techniques

Lagco's history is steeped in the development and application of proven techniques for effectively treating water and addressing environmental concerns. Their focus on innovation and quality has led to the mastery of a diverse range of techniques, ensuring efficient and sustainable solutions for their clients.

1. Wastewater Treatment:

  • Primary Treatment: Lagco utilizes traditional methods like sedimentation and screening to remove large solids and debris from wastewater.
  • Secondary Treatment: Biological processes like activated sludge and trickling filters are employed to break down organic matter and reduce biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).
  • Tertiary Treatment: Lagco offers advanced techniques like filtration, disinfection, and nutrient removal to further purify wastewater before discharge or reuse.

2. Water Treatment:

  • Coagulation and Flocculation: Lagco applies these techniques to remove suspended particles and turbidity from raw water sources using chemical addition and mixing.
  • Filtration: Sand, membrane, and other filtration techniques are used to remove remaining particles, ensuring clean and safe drinking water.
  • Disinfection: Lagco utilizes chlorine, ultraviolet light, and other disinfection methods to eliminate harmful pathogens and bacteria.

3. Industrial Process Water Treatment:

  • Reverse Osmosis: This technique is employed to remove dissolved salts, impurities, and contaminants from industrial process water, ensuring optimal water quality for various industrial applications.
  • Ion Exchange: Lagco leverages ion exchange resins to remove specific ions like calcium, magnesium, and sodium from water, improving water quality and reducing scaling.
  • Dealkalization: Lagco implements techniques to remove alkalinity from water, mitigating issues like corrosion and scaling in industrial processes.

4. Stormwater Management:

  • Retention and Detention Ponds: Lagco designs and implements these structures to capture and temporarily store stormwater runoff, reducing flooding and pollution.
  • Infiltration Systems: Lagco utilizes techniques like permeable pavements and infiltration trenches to allow stormwater to seep into the ground, replenishing groundwater reserves.
  • Green Infrastructure: Lagco incorporates green roofs, rain gardens, and bioswales to manage stormwater runoff while enhancing aesthetic appeal and biodiversity.

Lagco's mastery of these techniques ensures comprehensive and customized solutions tailored to the specific needs of their clients, contributing to environmental sustainability and water quality improvement.

Chapter 2: Models

Lagco's Model Solutions for Environmental and Water Treatment

Lagco's success lies in its ability to apply its expertise in various techniques to develop model solutions for a wide range of environmental and water treatment applications. These models serve as a framework for creating tailored solutions, offering efficiency, reliability, and sustainability.

1. Wastewater Treatment Plant Models:

  • Activated Sludge Model: Lagco designs and implements activated sludge plants utilizing aeration tanks, clarifiers, and biological treatment processes to remove organic matter and nutrients.
  • Trickling Filter Model: Lagco leverages the simplicity and robustness of trickling filters for treating wastewater, featuring a packed bed of media and continuous water flow for biological treatment.
  • Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Model: Lagco offers advanced MBR models combining membrane filtration with biological treatment for high-quality effluent and reduced footprint.

2. Water Treatment Plant Models:

  • Conventional Water Treatment Plant Model: Lagco builds traditional plants featuring coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection for providing safe and clean drinking water.
  • Direct Filtration Model: Lagco implements simplified plant models utilizing direct filtration and disinfection, suitable for smaller communities and source water with low turbidity.
  • Reverse Osmosis Plant Model: Lagco designs and constructs RO plants for producing high-purity water for industrial and commercial purposes.

3. Industrial Process Water Treatment Models:

  • Demineralization Plant Model: Lagco offers complete demineralization plant solutions using ion exchange, reverse osmosis, or a combination of technologies to meet specific industrial water requirements.
  • Boiler Feedwater Treatment Model: Lagco provides specialized models for treating boiler feedwater to prevent scaling, corrosion, and other issues, ensuring efficient and safe boiler operations.
  • Cooling Water Treatment Model: Lagco designs and implements models for treating cooling water to prevent fouling, corrosion, and microbial growth, optimizing cooling tower performance.

4. Stormwater Management Models:

  • Low Impact Development (LID) Model: Lagco applies LID principles to manage stormwater runoff using green infrastructure like rain gardens, bioswales, and permeable pavements.
  • Stormwater Retention Pond Model: Lagco designs and constructs stormwater retention ponds to capture and store runoff, reducing flooding and improving water quality.
  • Stormwater Detention Pond Model: Lagco implements stormwater detention ponds to temporarily hold runoff, slowing its release and reducing peak flows.

Lagco's model solutions provide a comprehensive and efficient framework for developing tailored solutions for their clients, ensuring reliable and sustainable environmental and water treatment outcomes.

Chapter 3: Software

Lagco's Leverage of Software for Enhanced Efficiency and Optimization

Lagco is committed to integrating cutting-edge software solutions into its operations to optimize efficiency, improve decision-making, and deliver comprehensive solutions for its clients. These software tools facilitate a data-driven approach and enhance project management, design, and operational effectiveness.

1. Design and Simulation Software:

  • CAD Software: Lagco utilizes Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software to create detailed 2D and 3D models of treatment plants, structures, and equipment, facilitating visualization, design optimization, and accurate construction documentation.
  • Hydraulic Modeling Software: Lagco employs software for simulating water flow, pressure, and hydraulic behavior within treatment systems, enabling accurate design, optimization, and performance analysis.
  • Process Simulation Software: Lagco leverages software to model and simulate chemical and biological processes within treatment plants, optimizing process parameters and predicting effluent quality.

2. Data Acquisition and Monitoring Software:

  • SCADA Systems: Lagco integrates Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems for real-time monitoring of key operational parameters, enabling remote control, data analysis, and early detection of anomalies.
  • Data Logging Software: Lagco utilizes software for continuous data logging and analysis of process variables, facilitating trend identification, performance optimization, and regulatory compliance.
  • Process Control Software: Lagco implements process control software to automate and optimize treatment processes, ensuring consistent performance, energy efficiency, and minimized operational costs.

3. Project Management Software:

  • Project Management Software: Lagco leverages dedicated project management software for planning, tracking, and coordinating project activities, improving collaboration, communication, and project delivery efficiency.
  • Document Management Software: Lagco utilizes software to organize, store, and access project documents, drawings, reports, and other critical information, ensuring easy accessibility and data integrity.
  • Risk Management Software: Lagco employs software for identifying, assessing, and managing project risks, enabling proactive mitigation strategies and ensuring successful project outcomes.

Lagco's commitment to software utilization ensures a data-driven approach, optimizes design, operation, and project management, and delivers efficient and sustainable solutions for its clients.

Chapter 4: Best Practices

Lagco's Commitment to Best Practices for Sustainable and Reliable Solutions

Lagco's success is built upon a strong foundation of best practices that guide their approach to environmental and water treatment solutions. These practices ensure the delivery of reliable, efficient, and sustainable solutions, while minimizing environmental impact and maximizing customer satisfaction.

1. Design and Engineering Best Practices:

  • Process Optimization: Lagco employs rigorous process design and optimization techniques to minimize energy consumption, reduce chemical usage, and maximize treatment efficiency.
  • Sustainability Considerations: Lagco integrates sustainable design principles, incorporating renewable energy sources, minimizing waste generation, and prioritizing resource conservation.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Lagco meticulously adheres to all applicable regulatory standards and guidelines, ensuring compliance with environmental protection regulations and water quality standards.

2. Construction and Installation Best Practices:

  • Quality Control: Lagco implements stringent quality control measures throughout construction and installation, ensuring the use of high-quality materials, skilled labor, and adherence to design specifications.
  • Safety First: Lagco prioritizes safety during all construction and installation activities, implementing comprehensive safety protocols and training for all personnel.
  • Environmental Awareness: Lagco promotes environmental awareness during construction, minimizing disturbance to surrounding ecosystems, and implementing erosion control measures.

3. Operation and Maintenance Best Practices:

  • Preventive Maintenance: Lagco implements a proactive preventive maintenance program for all equipment and systems, ensuring optimal performance, minimizing downtime, and extending asset life.
  • Operator Training: Lagco provides comprehensive operator training programs to ensure the operation and maintenance of treatment plants are performed to the highest standards, guaranteeing efficiency and reliability.
  • Data Analysis and Monitoring: Lagco analyzes operational data continuously to identify trends, optimize processes, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, contributing to overall efficiency and effectiveness.

Lagco's commitment to best practices ensures the delivery of high-quality, reliable, and sustainable solutions, contributing to a cleaner environment and a healthier future.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

Lagco's Proven Track Record: Case Studies Demonstrating Success

Lagco's expertise and commitment to best practices have resulted in a wealth of successful projects across various sectors. These case studies showcase the company's ability to deliver innovative, efficient, and sustainable solutions for environmental and water treatment challenges.

1. Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant:

  • Project: Lagco designed and constructed a state-of-the-art activated sludge wastewater treatment plant for a growing municipality, ensuring compliance with stringent effluent discharge regulations.
  • Result: The plant effectively treats wastewater, producing high-quality effluent that meets regulatory requirements, contributing to water quality improvement and environmental protection.

2. Industrial Process Water Treatment:

  • Project: Lagco implemented a demineralization plant for a manufacturing facility, providing high-purity water for critical industrial processes, reducing operating costs and ensuring product quality.
  • Result: The demineralization plant effectively removes impurities from the water, improving product quality, extending equipment life, and minimizing operational costs.

3. Stormwater Management:

  • Project: Lagco designed and installed a stormwater retention pond for a large development project, mitigating flood risk, improving water quality, and enhancing the aesthetics of the area.
  • Result: The retention pond effectively captures and stores stormwater runoff, reducing peak flows, mitigating flood risk, and contributing to water quality improvement.

4. Parshall Flume Installation:

  • Project: Lagco provided and installed a Parshall flume for a wastewater treatment plant, ensuring accurate flow measurement for operational optimization and regulatory compliance.
  • Result: The Parshall flume provides precise flow measurements, enabling efficient operation of the plant, minimizing energy consumption, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

These case studies highlight Lagco's ability to deliver successful and impactful solutions for various environmental and water treatment challenges, demonstrating their commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability.


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