Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Santé et sécurité environnementales: Griductor


Le Griductor : Un Géant Oublié du Traitement des Eaux Usées

Le terme "Griductor" peut ne pas être aussi familier que "Comminutor" lorsqu'on parle de traitement des eaux usées, pourtant il représente un élément crucial dans le chemin vers une eau plus propre. Si les deux termes désignent des machines conçues pour broyer et réduire la taille des solides volumineux dans les eaux usées, le "Griductor" était un modèle spécifique développé par Infilco Degremont, Inc., une société connue pour ses solutions innovantes de traitement de l'eau.

L'héritage du Griductor d'Infilco Degremont :

Le Griductor, tout comme son contemporain, le Comminutor, était un dispositif mécanique utilisant un mécanisme de coupe rotatif pour décomposer les solides volumineux présents dans les eaux usées. Sa fonction principale était d'empêcher le blocage des processus de traitement en aval, tels que les pompes, les grilles et les conduites. Cependant, ce qui distinguait le Griductor était sa conception robuste et ses caractéristiques uniques :

  • Construction robuste : Le Griductor était conçu pour résister aux rigueurs d'un fonctionnement continu et à la manipulation de débris volumineux et abrasifs.
  • Grande capacité : Il était capable de traiter des volumes importants d'eaux usées, ce qui le rendait idéal pour les applications municipales et industrielles.
  • Haute efficacité : Le Griductor assurait un broyage complet, minimisant le risque de blocages en aval.

Pourquoi le Griductor a disparu :

Malgré son efficacité, le Griductor est largement tombé dans l'oubli. Cela peut s'expliquer par plusieurs facteurs :

  • Progrès technologiques : Les nouveaux modèles de Comminutor, développés par divers fabricants, ont surpassé le Griductor en termes d'efficacité, de consommation d'énergie et de facilité d'entretien.
  • Évolution des demandes du marché : L'accent a été mis sur des solutions plus compactes et personnalisables, reléguant le Griductor au rang d'équipement patrimonial.
  • Évolution d'Infilco Degremont : L'entreprise, désormais connue sous le nom de SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions, a élargi son portefeuille, se concentrant sur des solutions de traitement de l'eau plus larges plutôt que uniquement sur le Griductor.

L'impact durable du Griductor :

Si le Griductor est peut-être un vestige du passé, son héritage perdure. Il a ouvert la voie au développement des Comminutor modernes, qui continuent de jouer un rôle essentiel dans un traitement efficace et fiable des eaux usées. De plus, la conception robuste et le fonctionnement efficace du Griductor ont servi de référence pour les innovations ultérieures dans le domaine.

Conclusion :

Le Griductor, bien qu'un terme oublié, occupe une place importante dans l'histoire du traitement des eaux usées. Sa conception robuste et son fonctionnement efficace ont contribué à une eau plus propre et ont ouvert la voie au développement des technologies modernes de Comminutor. Même si le Griductor peut être absent du paysage actuel du traitement de l'eau, sa contribution au progrès de ce domaine crucial reste indéniable.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Griductor - A Forgotten Giant

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What was the primary function of the Griductor in wastewater treatment?

a) To remove dissolved organic matter from wastewater. b) To filter out suspended solids from wastewater. c) To shred and reduce the size of large solids in wastewater. d) To disinfect wastewater before discharge.


c) To shred and reduce the size of large solids in wastewater.

2. Which company developed the Griductor?

a) Siemens b) GE Water c) Infilco Degremont d) Veolia Water Technologies


c) Infilco Degremont

3. What was a distinguishing feature of the Griductor compared to other similar machines?

a) It was significantly smaller and more compact. b) It was designed for use in smaller wastewater treatment plants. c) It had a unique, patented design for removing sand from wastewater. d) It was built to withstand the rigors of continuous operation and handling large debris.


d) It was built to withstand the rigors of continuous operation and handling large debris.

4. Which of the following factors contributed to the decline of the Griductor?

a) Increased regulations on wastewater discharge. b) The rise of more efficient and compact Comminutor models. c) The growing popularity of biological wastewater treatment methods. d) The discovery of new, environmentally friendly chemicals for wastewater treatment.


b) The rise of more efficient and compact Comminutor models.

5. What is the most accurate statement about the Griductor's legacy?

a) The Griductor is still widely used in wastewater treatment plants today. b) The Griductor was a failure and its development had no lasting impact. c) The Griductor was a significant innovation that paved the way for modern wastewater treatment technologies. d) The Griductor was a revolutionary technology that entirely changed the field of wastewater treatment.


c) The Griductor was a significant innovation that paved the way for modern wastewater treatment technologies.

Exercise: The Griductor's Impact

Scenario: You are a historian researching the development of wastewater treatment technologies. You have come across a journal article from the 1970s discussing the Griductor.

Task: Based on the information provided about the Griductor, answer the following questions:

  • What specific advantages did the Griductor offer compared to other wastewater treatment technologies of its time?
  • How did the Griductor's design and capabilities contribute to the advancement of modern Comminutor technology?
  • What insights can you glean from the Griductor's decline about the evolving needs and priorities of wastewater treatment?

Exercise Correction

Here are some possible answers to the exercise questions:

  • Advantages: The Griductor offered advantages like robust construction, large capacity, and high efficiency in shredding large solids. This was crucial for handling large volumes of wastewater and minimizing downstream blockages, which was a common problem at the time.
  • Contribution to modern Comminutors: The Griductor's emphasis on robust design and efficient shredding paved the way for modern Comminutors to develop even more efficient and reliable technologies. The Griductor's success demonstrated the importance of tackling the challenge of large solids effectively in wastewater treatment.
  • Insights from the Griductor's decline: The decline of the Griductor highlights the dynamic nature of the wastewater treatment field. Technological advancements, changing market demands, and evolving priorities (e.g., efficiency, compactness, customization) constantly shape the industry. It also underscores the importance of continuous innovation and adaptation to stay ahead of the curve in a technologically driven field like wastewater treatment.


  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy (This comprehensive textbook likely mentions the Griductor as a historical example of a comminutor.)
  • The History of Wastewater Treatment by [Author Name] (This, if it exists, would be a great resource for finding information about the Griductor and its context.)


  • Journal of the American Water Works Association (AWWA): This journal frequently publishes articles on wastewater treatment innovations, some of which might mention the Griductor. Search for articles on comminutor history or Infilco Degremont.
  • Water Environment & Technology (WE&T): Another valuable journal, WE&T often features articles on the development of wastewater treatment technology. Search for articles on comminutor evolution, Infilco Degremont, or related historical topics.

Online Resources

  • SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions website: SUEZ is the successor company to Infilco Degremont. Their website might have archival information or historical documents about the Griductor, although it's likely to be limited.
  • Water Treatment Equipment Supplier Websites: Websites of companies specializing in wastewater treatment might offer information on the evolution of comminutors, which could provide insights about the Griductor.
  • Online archives of water treatment industry publications: Websites like the AWWA and WE&T might offer digital archives, potentially holding articles on the Griductor.
  • Google Scholar: A great resource for finding academic papers and technical reports on wastewater treatment, including historical research.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: In addition to "Griductor," try searching for "Infilco Degremont comminutor," "historical wastewater treatment," and "early comminutor technology."
  • Utilize advanced search operators: Use quotation marks (" ") to search for exact phrases, e.g., "Infilco Degremont Griductor."
  • Include specific dates: You can restrict search results to a specific time period, e.g., "Griductor 1960s."
  • Explore online forums and communities: Forums dedicated to wastewater treatment or engineering may have discussions about the Griductor or similar historical equipment.
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