Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Santé et sécurité environnementales: flotables


Flotables : Les invités indésirables dans le traitement de l'eau

Flotables, un terme couramment utilisé dans l'environnement et le traitement de l'eau, fait référence aux **matières flottantes** présentes dans l'eau ou les eaux usées qui doivent être éliminées avant tout traitement ou rejet ultérieur. Ces invités indésirables posent des problèmes importants, affectant l'efficacité et l'efficience des processus de traitement et contaminant potentiellement l'environnement.

Que sont les flotables ?

Les flotables englobent une large gamme de matériaux, notamment :

  • Matière organique : Feuilles, brindilles, herbe et autres débris végétaux.
  • Plastiques : Bouteilles, sacs et autres déchets plastiques.
  • Papier : Produits en papier, carton et matériaux d'emballage.
  • Textiles : Vêtements, tissus et autres déchets textiles.
  • Déchets alimentaires : Pelures de fruits, restes de nourriture et autres débris alimentaires.
  • Déchets animaux : Carcasses d'animaux, plumes et autres sous-produits animaux.
  • Huile et graisse : Déversements d'huile, graisses et autres substances grasses.

Pourquoi les flotables sont-ils problématiques ?

La présence de flotables dans l'eau et les eaux usées présente plusieurs défis :

  • Interférence avec les processus de traitement : Les flotables peuvent obstruer les pompes, les écrans, les filtres et autres équipements de traitement, réduisant leur efficacité et leur efficience.
  • Impact sur la qualité de l'eau : Les flotables peuvent abriter des bactéries et d'autres agents pathogènes, posant un risque pour la santé publique. Ils peuvent également contribuer à la formation d'odeurs désagréables et à des problèmes esthétiques.
  • Contamination de l'environnement : Les flotables peuvent polluer les cours d'eau, nuire à la vie aquatique et perturber les écosystèmes.

Comment les flotables sont-ils éliminés ?

Diverses techniques sont utilisées pour éliminer les flotables de l'eau et des eaux usées :

  • Criblage : Des grilles grossières sont utilisées pour éliminer les gros débris, tels que les feuilles, les branches et les plastiques.
  • Écrémage : Les écrémeurs collectent les matières flottantes à la surface de l'eau, souvent à l'aide d'un tambour rotatif ou d'un déversoir fixe.
  • Flotation : De l'air est injecté dans les eaux usées, ce qui fait remonter les flotables à la surface où ils peuvent être écrémés.
  • Centrifugation : Ce processus utilise la force centrifuge pour séparer les flotables des eaux usées.


Les flotables sont un défi persistant dans le traitement de l'eau et des eaux usées. Une élimination adéquate est essentielle pour garantir l'efficacité des processus de traitement, protéger la santé publique et minimiser les impacts environnementaux. En comprenant les types de flotables, leur nature problématique et les méthodes d'élimination disponibles, nous pouvons mieux gérer ces invités indésirables et maintenir la qualité de nos ressources en eau.

Test Your Knowledge

Flotables Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT considered a floatable? a) Leaves


This is the correct answer. Leaves are a type of organic matter, which is a common floatable.

b) Plastic bottles

This is incorrect. Plastic bottles are a common type of floatable.

c) Gravel

This is the correct answer. Gravel is denser than water and would sink, not float.

d) Feathers

This is incorrect. Feathers are a type of animal waste, which can float.

2. What is a significant problem caused by flotables in wastewater treatment? a) Improved water clarity


This is incorrect. Flotables often make the water cloudy and reduce clarity.

b) Clogging of treatment equipment

This is the correct answer. Flotables can obstruct pumps, screens, and filters.

c) Increased nutrient levels

This is incorrect. While flotables can contain nutrients, their primary problem is physical obstruction.

d) Enhanced water disinfection

This is incorrect. Flotables can harbor pathogens and hinder disinfection.

3. Which of the following is NOT a common method for removing flotables? a) Screening


This is incorrect. Screening is a widely used method for removing large debris.

b) Sedimentation

This is the correct answer. Sedimentation is used to remove heavier particles that settle at the bottom.

c) Skimming

This is incorrect. Skimming is used to collect floatable materials from the surface.

d) Flotation

This is incorrect. Flotation uses air to bring flotables to the surface for removal.

4. Flotables can contribute to the formation of which of the following problems? a) Pleasant odors


This is incorrect. Flotables often contribute to unpleasant odors.

b) Clear water

This is incorrect. Flotables make the water cloudy and reduce clarity.

c) Reduced disease risk

This is incorrect. Flotables can harbor pathogens and increase disease risk.

d) Aesthetic problems

This is the correct answer. Flotables can make the water visually unpleasant.

5. What is the main goal of removing flotables from wastewater? a) To increase the water's aesthetic appeal


This is incorrect. While aesthetics are important, the primary goal is to protect public health and the environment.

b) To improve the efficiency of treatment processes

This is the correct answer. Flotables can clog equipment and hinder treatment effectiveness.

c) To reduce the cost of water treatment

This is incorrect. While floatable removal can improve efficiency, its primary goal is not cost reduction.

d) To enhance the taste of the water

This is incorrect. Flotables do not directly affect the taste of water.

Flotables Exercise

Scenario: A wastewater treatment plant is experiencing a significant increase in the amount of floatable materials entering the system. The plant manager believes this is due to a nearby construction site where workers are disposing of debris improperly.


  • Identify 3 potential floatable materials that could be entering the wastewater system from the construction site.
  • Explain how each of these materials could negatively impact the wastewater treatment process.
  • Suggest one practical solution for preventing or reducing these floatable materials from entering the wastewater system.

Exercise Correction

Here are some possible solutions:

Potential Floatable Materials:

  1. Plastic sheeting/wrap: Commonly used in construction, this material can clog screens and filters, reducing treatment efficiency. It can also pose a risk to aquatic life if it ends up in waterways.
  2. Wood scraps: These can clog screens and filters, and their decomposition can contribute to unpleasant odors and oxygen depletion in the wastewater.
  3. Metal scraps: These can damage treatment equipment and potentially leach heavy metals into the wastewater, posing a risk to public health and the environment.

Negative Impacts on Treatment:

  • Clogging: All these materials can clog pumps, screens, and filters, reducing treatment efficiency.
  • Environmental Impact: These materials can pollute waterways, harming aquatic life and ecosystems.

Practical Solution:

  • Proper Waste Disposal: The construction site could implement a strict policy for waste disposal, including designated bins for different types of materials and regular inspections to ensure proper disposal. This could also involve educating workers about the importance of proper waste disposal and the potential environmental consequences of improper practices.


  • Water Treatment Plant Design by Richard D. Wood (This book provides a comprehensive overview of water treatment processes, including floatable removal techniques.)
  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy (This classic textbook covers wastewater treatment in detail, including chapters on solids removal and floatable management.)
  • Water and Wastewater Treatment: Principles and Design by Louis Theodore (This book offers a thorough exploration of water and wastewater treatment technologies, with sections on floatable removal methods.)


  • "Floatable Removal in Wastewater Treatment: A Review" by [Author Name] (This article provides a detailed overview of different floatable removal methods, their advantages, and limitations.)
  • "The Impact of Flotables on Wastewater Treatment Plant Performance" by [Author Name] (This article explores the consequences of floatable presence on treatment plant efficiency and effectiveness.)
  • "Emerging Technologies for Floatable Removal in Wastewater Treatment" by [Author Name] (This article examines new technologies and approaches for managing flotables in wastewater treatment.)

Online Resources

  • Water Environment Federation (WEF): (WEF is a leading professional organization in water quality and wastewater treatment. Their website provides resources, publications, and news on floatable management.)
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): (AWWA focuses on drinking water treatment and distribution. Their website offers information on floatable removal in potable water treatment.)
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): (The EPA website provides regulations, guidance, and research related to water quality, wastewater treatment, and floatable control.)

Search Tips

  • "Floatable removal wastewater treatment"
  • "Floating debris water treatment"
  • "Skimming technologies wastewater"
  • "Screening methods wastewater treatment"
  • "Flotation process wastewater"
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