Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Water Purification: Emery-Trailigaz


L'essor de l'ozone dans la gestion durable de l'eau : L'acquisition d'Emery-Trailigaz par Praxair-Trailigaz

La demande mondiale en eau propre et sûre augmente rapidement, alimentée par la croissance démographique, l'urbanisation et le changement climatique. Cela nécessite un passage à des pratiques de gestion durable de l'eau, et la technologie de l'ozone joue un rôle de plus en plus important.

Ozone : Un outil puissant pour le traitement durable de l'eau

L'ozone (O3) est un oxydant très efficace qui peut être utilisé pour une variété d'applications de traitement de l'eau, notamment :

  • Désinfection : L'ozone élimine efficacement les bactéries, les virus et les parasites nuisibles, offrant une alternative au chlore avec moins de sous-produits.
  • Oxydation : L'ozone oxyde les contaminants organiques comme les pesticides, les herbicides et les produits pharmaceutiques, les éliminant de la source d'eau.
  • Contrôle du goût et de l'odeur : L'ozone élimine efficacement les goûts et les odeurs désagréables de l'eau, améliorant sa qualité et son goût.

Emery-Trailigaz : Un pionnier de la technologie de l'ozone

Emery-Trailigaz, un fournisseur leader d'équipements d'ozonation, est à la pointe de cette révolution technologique. L'expertise de l'entreprise réside dans le développement et la fourniture de systèmes d'ozonation de pointe adaptés aux besoins spécifiques de traitement de l'eau.

Praxair-Trailigaz : Étendre la portée de l'ozone

Reconnaissant le potentiel transformateur de la technologie de l'ozone, Praxair, un leader mondial des gaz industriels et des services connexes, a acquis Emery-Trailigaz en 2008. Cette acquisition stratégique a créé Praxair-Trailigaz Ozone Co., une puissance dans l'industrie de l'ozone.

Les avantages de l'acquisition :

  • Capacités technologiques améliorées : L'expertise combinée de Praxair et d'Emery-Trailigaz a accéléré l'innovation et le développement de systèmes d'ozonation avancés.
  • Élargissement de la portée du marché : La portée mondiale et les ressources de Praxair ont permis à Praxair-Trailigaz Ozone Co. d'étendre sa présence sur le marché et d'offrir des solutions à une clientèle plus large.
  • Meilleur accès aux ressources : L'acquisition a fourni à Praxair-Trailigaz Ozone Co. l'accès au vaste réseau de ressources de Praxair, y compris l'expertise en ingénierie, les capacités de fabrication et la gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement.

Conclusion :

L'acquisition d'Emery-Trailigaz par Praxair a considérablement stimulé l'adoption de la technologie de l'ozone dans la gestion durable de l'eau. Praxair-Trailigaz Ozone Co. continue d'être une force motrice dans l'industrie, développant des solutions innovantes et repoussant les limites de la technologie de l'ozone pour répondre à la demande croissante d'eau propre et sûre dans le monde entier.

Remarque : Cet article fournit un bref aperçu du sujet. Pour approfondir les aspects techniques spécifiques de la technologie de l'ozone et l'impact de l'acquisition de Praxair-Trailigaz, des recherches supplémentaires sont recommandées.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Rise of Ozone in Sustainable Water Management

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary driver behind the increasing demand for clean and safe water?

a) Increased industrialization b) Population growth and urbanization c) Recreational activities d) Agricultural irrigation


b) Population growth and urbanization

2. What is the main advantage of using ozone over chlorine in water disinfection?

a) Ozone is cheaper to produce. b) Ozone has a longer residual effect. c) Ozone produces fewer harmful byproducts. d) Ozone is more effective against all types of microorganisms.


c) Ozone produces fewer harmful byproducts.

3. What was the primary reason behind Praxair's acquisition of Emery-Trailigaz?

a) To gain control of the ozone technology market. b) To expand its portfolio of industrial gases. c) To capitalize on the growing demand for sustainable water management solutions. d) To acquire Emery-Trailigaz's strong brand recognition.


c) To capitalize on the growing demand for sustainable water management solutions.

4. What was a significant outcome of the Praxair-Trailigaz acquisition?

a) Increased competition in the ozone technology market. b) Improved technology and innovation in ozone systems. c) A decline in the cost of ozone production. d) Increased reliance on traditional water treatment methods.


b) Improved technology and innovation in ozone systems.

5. What is the primary function of Praxair-Trailigaz Ozone Co.?

a) To research and develop new ozone technologies. b) To manufacture and distribute ozone equipment. c) To provide consulting services for water treatment projects. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.


Scenario: You are a water treatment plant manager responsible for choosing a disinfection method for your facility. You are considering using either chlorine or ozone.


  1. Research: Investigate the advantages and disadvantages of both chlorine and ozone disinfection. Consider factors like effectiveness, cost, environmental impact, and byproducts.
  2. Decision: Based on your research, write a brief report justifying your choice between chlorine and ozone disinfection for your water treatment plant. Explain your reasoning and consider the specific needs of your facility.

Exercice Correction

This exercise requires individual research and analysis, so there is no single "correct" answer. However, a strong answer would include a clear comparison of chlorine and ozone disinfection, addressing factors like: * **Effectiveness:** Both chlorine and ozone are effective disinfectants but differ in their effectiveness against specific microorganisms and their residual effect. * **Cost:** Ozone systems are typically more expensive to install and operate than chlorine systems. * **Environmental Impact:** Chlorine has a higher environmental impact due to the formation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs). Ozone breaks down quickly in water, leaving fewer byproducts. * **Byproducts:** Chlorine produces DBPs, some of which are considered harmful. Ozone produces fewer byproducts, but the formation of bromate is a potential concern. The report should then explain the decision based on the specific needs of the water treatment facility, taking into account factors like water quality, budget constraints, and environmental regulations.


  • No specific books directly on Emery-Trailigaz or the Praxair acquisition are readily available. However, general books on ozone technology and water treatment would provide a good background:
    • "Ozone: Science & Engineering" by Werner Hoigne (This book delves into the scientific principles and applications of ozone in water treatment).
    • "Handbook of Water Treatment" by Jack Hunter (A comprehensive resource covering various water treatment methods, including ozone).


  • "Praxair Acquires Emery-Trailigaz, Expands Ozone Offerings" - This article is likely to be the most relevant. It would discuss the acquisition itself and its potential impact on the ozone technology market. Search for this article in business publications like:
    • Chemical & Engineering News
    • Water Technology
    • Industrial Gas
    • Water World

Online Resources

  • Praxair-Trailigaz Ozone Co. Website: The website for the company (if still available) should provide information about their ozone systems and services.
  • Emery-Trailigaz Archive: Searching for Emery-Trailigaz's past website or archived content might reveal information about their history and technologies.
  • Water Technology Industry Publications: Websites of industry publications like Water Technology and Water World often publish articles about water treatment technologies and companies like Praxair-Trailigaz Ozone Co.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Emery-Trailigaz," "Praxair-Trailigaz Ozone Co," "Ozone Technology," "Water Treatment," "Acquisition."
  • Combine keywords: "Emery-Trailigaz Praxair Acquisition"
  • Use advanced operators: Use quotation marks around specific phrases to ensure an exact match, e.g., "Emery-Trailigaz Ozone Co."
  • Specify search timeframe: Use the "Tools" option in Google Search to filter results by date range. This can help find relevant articles about the acquisition.
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