Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Santé et sécurité environnementales: coliform index

coliform index

L'indice colibacillaire : une fenêtre sur la pureté de l'eau

La présence de bactéries coliformes dans l'eau est un indicateur important d'une contamination potentielle et suscite des inquiétudes. L'indice colibacillaire, un outil crucial en environnement et traitement des eaux, est un système de classement qui permet d'évaluer la pureté de l'eau en quantifiant le nombre de coliformes fécaux présents.

Comprendre l'indice colibacillaire :

Les coliformes constituent un groupe diversifié de bactéries que l'on trouve généralement dans les intestins des animaux à sang chaud, y compris les humains. Les coliformes fécaux, un sous-ensemble des coliformes, sont spécifiquement associés aux matières fécales et servent d'indicateur fiable d'une contamination potentielle par des déchets humains ou animaux.

L'indice colibacillaire est déterminé en comptant le nombre de coliformes fécaux par 100 millilitres d'eau. Ce décompte, connu sous le nom d'"unités formant des colonies" (UFC), fournit une mesure quantitative du potentiel de contamination fécale.

Importance de l'indice colibacillaire :

Un indice colibacillaire élevé signifie une probabilité accrue de présence de pathogènes nocifs dans l'eau. Ces pathogènes peuvent provoquer diverses maladies, notamment :

  • Maladies gastro-intestinales : Diarrhée, vomissements, crampes abdominales et fièvre.
  • Infections : Infections des voies urinaires, infections cutanées et infections respiratoires.
  • Autres problèmes de santé : Hépatite, fièvre typhoïde et choléra.

Par conséquent, la surveillance de l'indice colibacillaire est cruciale pour garantir la sécurité de l'eau potable, des eaux récréatives et des eaux usées.

Interprétation de l'indice colibacillaire :

L'indice colibacillaire acceptable varie en fonction de l'usage prévu de l'eau.

  • Eau potable : L'Agence de protection de l'environnement des États-Unis (EPA) fixe un niveau maximum de contaminant (NMC) de zéro bactérie coliforme par 100 millilitres pour l'eau potable.
  • Eaux récréatives : L'EPA fixe des normes différentes pour les eaux récréatives, autorisant un niveau plus élevé de bactéries coliformes en fonction du type d'activité.
  • Eaux usées : L'indice colibacillaire est utilisé pour surveiller l'efficacité des processus de traitement des eaux usées, avec pour objectif de réduire considérablement les bactéries coliformes avant leur rejet dans l'environnement.

Conclusion :

L'indice colibacillaire fournit un outil précieux pour évaluer la qualité de l'eau et protéger la santé publique. En surveillant et en contrôlant la présence de coliformes fécaux, nous pouvons garantir la sécurité et la pureté de nos sources d'eau, nous protégeant nous-mêmes et nos communautés contre des pathogènes potentiellement dangereux.

Test Your Knowledge

Coliform Index Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of the Coliform Index? a) To measure the overall bacterial content in water. b) To assess the purity of water by quantifying fecal coliform bacteria. c) To determine the mineral content of water. d) To evaluate the aesthetic qualities of water.


The correct answer is **b) To assess the purity of water by quantifying fecal coliform bacteria.**

2. Which type of bacteria is specifically associated with fecal matter and serves as a reliable indicator of contamination? a) Coliforms b) Fecal coliforms c) Aerobic bacteria d) Anaerobic bacteria


The correct answer is **b) Fecal coliforms.**

3. What does "CFU" stand for in the context of the Coliform Index? a) Colony Forming Units b) Coliform Fecal Units c) Contamination Frequency Units d) Clean Water Factor


The correct answer is **a) Colony Forming Units.**

4. What is the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for coliform bacteria in drinking water set by the EPA? a) 1 CFU per 100 milliliters b) 10 CFU per 100 milliliters c) 0 CFU per 100 milliliters d) 100 CFU per 100 milliliters


The correct answer is **c) 0 CFU per 100 milliliters.**

5. Which of the following is NOT a potential health risk associated with high levels of coliform bacteria in water? a) Gastrointestinal diseases b) Respiratory infections c) Skin infections d) Cancer


The correct answer is **d) Cancer.**

Coliform Index Exercise:

Scenario: A local swimming pool has been experiencing a high number of swimmers reporting stomach illnesses. You have been tasked to investigate the potential cause. Your initial investigation revealed a coliform index of 150 CFU per 100 milliliters in the pool water.


  1. Evaluate the coliform index result and explain its significance in relation to the swimmers' illnesses.
  2. Identify potential sources of fecal contamination in a swimming pool.
  3. Suggest measures that could be taken to reduce the coliform index and prevent further illnesses.

Exercise Correction

**1. Evaluation:** The coliform index of 150 CFU per 100 milliliters is significantly high and indicates a high likelihood of fecal contamination in the pool water. This explains the swimmers' stomach illnesses, as the presence of fecal coliforms suggests the potential for harmful pathogens like bacteria and viruses that can cause gastrointestinal problems.

**2. Potential Sources:** Possible sources of fecal contamination in a swimming pool include: * Swimmers who are not adequately hygienic (e.g., not showering before swimming). * Inadequate disinfection or filtration of the pool water. * Leaky pipes or faulty plumbing. * Contamination from wildlife or surrounding areas.

**3. Measures:** To reduce the coliform index and prevent further illnesses, the following measures could be taken: * Implement stricter hygiene regulations for swimmers, including mandatory showers before entering the pool. * Ensure proper disinfection and filtration of the pool water, checking and maintaining equipment regularly. * Conduct regular inspections for leaks and potential contamination sources within the pool area. * Implement safety barriers to prevent wildlife access to the pool area. * Educate swimmers about the importance of good hygiene and the health risks associated with contaminated water.


  • Water Quality: Examination and Interpretation by L. Theodore (This comprehensive book discusses various water quality parameters, including the coliform index)
  • Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater by the American Public Health Association (APHA) (This widely used reference manual provides detailed information on the methods for coliform testing)
  • Environmental Microbiology by Paul Singleton (This textbook covers the fundamental principles of microbial ecology and includes a section on coliforms and their significance)


  • "Coliform Bacteria as Indicators of Water Quality" by R.A. Clasen and J.M. Symons (This review article provides an overview of the history, significance, and limitations of using coliform bacteria as indicators of water quality)
  • "The Use of Coliform Bacteria as Indicators of Water Quality" by the World Health Organization (WHO) (This document provides guidance on the use of coliform bacteria as indicators of water quality for various purposes, including drinking water and recreational water)
  • "Coliform Index: A Tool for Assessing Water Quality" by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (This article explains the rationale behind the coliform index and its importance in water quality management)

Online Resources

  • EPA website: The EPA website provides extensive information on water quality standards, including those related to coliform bacteria. (
  • WHO website: The WHO website offers resources on safe water management, including guidance on coliform testing and interpretation. (
  • CDC website: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website provides information on waterborne diseases and health risks associated with contaminated water. (

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: When searching for information about the coliform index, use keywords like "coliform index," "fecal coliform," "water quality," "contamination," "public health," and "environmental monitoring."
  • Combine keywords with "PDF" or "filetype:pdf": This will filter your search results to include only PDF documents, which often contain more comprehensive and technical information.
  • Include site limitations: Add "" or "" to your search query to focus on specific websites like the EPA or CDC.
  • Use quotation marks: Surround specific phrases like "coliform index" with quotation marks to find exact matches and improve search accuracy.
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