Glossaire des Termes Techniques Utilisé dans Santé et sécurité environnementales: BART


BART : La Meilleure Technologie de Réaménagement Disponible pour une Eau Plus Propre

Dans le domaine de l'environnement et du traitement des eaux, la recherche de sources d'eau plus propres et plus sûres est primordiale. Si les nouvelles technologies offrent des solutions prometteuses, les infrastructures existantes nécessitent souvent une mise à niveau pour répondre aux normes modernes. C'est là que la **Meilleure Technologie de Réaménagement Disponible (BART)** joue un rôle crucial.

**Qu'est-ce que la BART ?**

La BART désigne la technologie la plus efficace et pratique disponible pour réaménager les installations existantes afin de respecter les réglementations environnementales strictes. Il ne s'agit pas nécessairement de la technologie la plus récente, mais plutôt de la solution la plus faisable qui équilibre rentabilité, performance et impact environnemental.

**Pourquoi la BART est-elle importante ?**

La BART contribue à atteindre plusieurs objectifs importants :

  • **Amélioration de la qualité de l'eau :** Les installations réaménagées utilisant la BART peuvent réduire considérablement les polluants et les contaminants dans les eaux usées, ce qui se traduit par des ressources en eau plus propres et plus sûres.
  • **Conformité aux réglementations :** La BART assure la conformité aux réglementations environnementales en constante évolution, évitant ainsi des pénalités et des problèmes juridiques potentiels.
  • **Pratiques durables :** Elle encourage l'utilisation de technologies durables, minimisant les déchets et réduisant l'empreinte environnementale.
  • **Rentabilité :** En tenant compte des coûts initiaux et opérationnels, la BART donne la priorité aux solutions économiquement viables, assurant la durabilité à long terme de la mise à niveau.

**Applications de la BART dans le traitement des eaux :**

La BART trouve de nombreuses applications dans divers processus de traitement des eaux, notamment :

  • **Stations d'épuration des eaux usées :** Mise à niveau des stations d'épuration des eaux usées existantes pour éliminer les polluants tels que l'azote, le phosphore et les métaux lourds.
  • **Traitement des eaux usées industrielles :** Mise en œuvre de la BART dans des industries telles que la fabrication, l'exploitation minière et l'agriculture afin de minimiser le rejet de substances dangereuses.
  • **Gestion des eaux pluviales :** Utilisation de la BART pour contrôler le ruissellement des zones urbaines, réduisant ainsi le risque d'inondations et de pollution de l'eau.
  • **Traitement de l'eau potable :** Réaménagement des installations de traitement existantes pour améliorer l'élimination des contaminants et garantir la salubrité de l'eau potable.

**Facteurs pris en compte dans l'évaluation de la BART :**

La sélection de la BART implique une évaluation complète tenant compte de :

  • **Infrastructure existante :** L'état actuel de l'installation, y compris l'âge, la capacité et les technologies existantes.
  • **Charge polluante :** Le type et la quantité de polluants rejetés.
  • **Faisabilité technologique :** La disponibilité et la praticabilité du réaménagement avec diverses technologies.
  • **Analyse coûts-avantages :** La viabilité économique des différentes options BART, en tenant compte à la fois de l'investissement initial et des coûts opérationnels à long terme.
  • **Impact environnemental :** L'impact potentiel de la BART sur l'environnement et les écosystèmes environnants.

**BART : Une clé pour une gestion durable de l'eau**

En se concentrant sur des solutions pratiques et efficaces, la BART joue un rôle crucial dans la réalisation d'une eau plus propre et d'un environnement plus durable. Elle permet aux infrastructures existantes de relever les défis actuels et futurs, garantissant que la quête d'une eau propre se poursuit avec innovation et praticité.

Test Your Knowledge

BART Quiz: Best Available Retrofit Technology for Cleaner Water

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of BART?

a) To develop entirely new water treatment technologies. b) To improve existing facilities to meet environmental regulations. c) To promote the use of the most expensive water treatment technologies. d) To replace all old water treatment infrastructure with new systems.


The correct answer is b) To improve existing facilities to meet environmental regulations.

2. What is a key factor considered when choosing BART for a facility?

a) The availability of the most advanced technology, regardless of cost. b) The cheapest available option, even if it compromises effectiveness. c) A balance of cost-effectiveness, performance, and environmental impact. d) The technology that has been used most often in similar facilities.


The correct answer is c) A balance of cost-effectiveness, performance, and environmental impact.

3. Which of the following is NOT a potential application of BART?

a) Upgrading wastewater treatment plants. b) Treating industrial wastewater discharges. c) Developing new desalination plants. d) Managing stormwater runoff.


The correct answer is c) Developing new desalination plants. BART focuses on retrofitting existing facilities, not creating new ones.

4. Why is BART important for achieving sustainable water management?

a) It forces industries to completely shut down their operations until they can afford new technologies. b) It promotes the use of cutting-edge technologies, regardless of their feasibility. c) It encourages the use of practical and cost-effective solutions to improve water quality. d) It mandates the use of the same BART technology across all facilities, regardless of their needs.


The correct answer is c) It encourages the use of practical and cost-effective solutions to improve water quality.

5. Which of the following factors is NOT typically considered in a BART assessment?

a) The age and capacity of the existing infrastructure. b) The type and amount of pollutants being discharged. c) The availability of skilled labor for installation. d) The potential environmental impact of the chosen technology.


The correct answer is c) The availability of skilled labor for installation. While labor availability can influence a project, it's not a core element of the BART assessment itself.

BART Exercise: Retrofitting a Wastewater Treatment Plant

Scenario: A small town's wastewater treatment plant is struggling to meet new regulations on phosphorus levels in discharged water. They need to implement BART to upgrade their facility.


  1. Identify three potential BART solutions: Research different technologies used for phosphorus removal in wastewater treatment. Choose three that could be feasible for retrofitting the existing plant.
  2. Evaluate each BART option: For each solution, consider the following factors:
    • Cost: Initial investment and long-term operational costs.
    • Effectiveness: How well it reduces phosphorus levels.
    • Environmental Impact: Potential impact on the surrounding environment.
    • Feasibility: How easily can it be retrofitted into the existing plant.
  3. Recommend the best BART solution: Based on your evaluation, which technology would be the most suitable for this specific situation? Justify your recommendation.

Exercice Correction

This is a sample solution. Your research and analysis may lead to different conclusions.

**Potential BART Solutions:**

  • Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR): This biological process uses specific bacteria to remove phosphorus from wastewater. It can be cost-effective and highly effective, but requires careful management and monitoring.
  • Chemical Precipitation: Using chemicals like aluminum or iron salts to bind phosphorus and remove it as sludge. This is generally effective but can be expensive and produce large amounts of sludge.
  • Membrane Filtration: Using membranes to physically remove phosphorus from the water. This technology can be very effective but can require high upfront investment and significant energy consumption.


  • EBPR: * **Cost:** Moderate initial investment, lower long-term operational costs. * **Effectiveness:** Highly effective in reducing phosphorus levels. * **Environmental Impact:** Generally minimal environmental impact. * **Feasibility:** Can be retrofitted, but requires careful design and operational adjustments.
  • Chemical Precipitation: * **Cost:** High initial investment, moderate to high operational costs. * **Effectiveness:** Effective, but can be less efficient than EBPR. * **Environmental Impact:** Potential for sludge disposal issues. * **Feasibility:** Relatively easy to retrofit, but requires careful chemical handling and disposal.
  • Membrane Filtration: * **Cost:** High initial investment, moderate operational costs. * **Effectiveness:** Highly effective. * **Environmental Impact:** Energy consumption can be a concern. * **Feasibility:** Potentially challenging retrofit for existing plants, depending on layout and existing infrastructure.

**Recommendation:** In this case, **EBPR** might be the most suitable BART solution. It offers a good balance of effectiveness, cost, and environmental impact. While requiring careful management, it can be a practical and sustainable option for retrofitting the existing wastewater treatment plant.


  • Water Treatment: Principles and Design by Mark J. Hammer: This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of water treatment, including the principles behind retrofitting and implementing BART.
  • Environmental Engineering: A Global Perspective by Davis and Cornwell: This book explores environmental engineering principles and practices, offering insights into the application of BART in different contexts.
  • Handbook of Environmental Engineering edited by Richard A. Dorf: This handbook provides a wide range of information about environmental engineering, including sections related to water treatment and technology selection.


  • "Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) for Water Treatment: A Review" by [Author Name]: This article provides an overview of BART, its importance in water treatment, and examples of its application. (You may need to search for relevant articles using keywords like "BART water treatment" or "retrofit technology water").
  • "Case Studies of Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) Implementation in Wastewater Treatment Plants" by [Author Name]: This article presents case studies of how BART has been successfully implemented in existing facilities, highlighting the practical benefits and challenges.
  • "The Role of Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) in Achieving Sustainable Water Management" by [Author Name]: This article discusses the environmental and economic benefits of BART and its role in achieving sustainable water management practices.

Online Resources

  • EPA's Technology Transfer Network: This website offers a wealth of information about water treatment technologies, including a section on Best Available Technologies (BAT) and BART.
  • The Water Environment Federation (WEF): WEF provides resources and information about water quality and wastewater treatment, including guidelines and best practices for implementing BART.
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA): AWWA offers resources on drinking water treatment and distribution, with information on retrofitting and upgrading existing infrastructure.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "BART water treatment," "Best Available Retrofit Technology wastewater," or "retrofit technology drinking water."
  • Combine keywords with specific pollutants or treatment processes, such as "BART nitrogen removal," "BART phosphorus removal," or "BART industrial wastewater."
  • Utilize advanced search operators like quotation marks ("") for exact phrase matching or "site:" for specific website searches.
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