Le modèle binomial est une pierre angulaire de la théorie de la valorisation des options, fournissant un cadre relativement simple mais puissant pour évaluer les options, en particulier les options de style américain. Bien que des modèles plus sophistiqués comme le modèle de Black-Scholes existent, la nature intuitive du modèle binomial et sa capacité à gérer les caractéristiques d'exercice anticipé le rendent inestimable pour comprendre les principes fondamentaux de la valorisation des options. Développé indépendamment par Cox, Ross, Rubinstein et Sharpe, il offre une approche discrète dans le temps pour modéliser les mouvements de prix de l'actif sous-jacent, contrairement au cadre continu dans le temps de Black-Scholes.
Fonctionnement :
Le cœur du modèle binomial réside dans sa représentation des mouvements futurs des prix des actifs. Il suppose que sur une période donnée (par exemple, un jour, une semaine ou un mois), le prix de l'actif sous-jacent ne peut évoluer que vers l'un des deux états possibles : il peut soit augmenter d'un certain facteur (u), soit diminuer d'un facteur (d). Ces facteurs sont déterminés en fonction de la volatilité de l'actif et de la durée de la période. La probabilité d'un mouvement ascendant (p) est également calculée, généralement sur la base de la probabilité neutre au risque.
Le modèle travaille ensuite à rebours à partir de la date d'expiration de l'option. À l'expiration, la valeur de l'option est connue – elle est soit dans la monnaie, soit hors de la monnaie. En travaillant à rebours à chaque pas de temps, le modèle calcule la valeur de l'option à chaque nœud en prenant la valeur attendue de ses futures valeurs possibles, actualisées au présent à l'aide d'un taux d'intérêt sans risque. Cette espérance est calculée en utilisant les probabilités neutres au risque, qui garantissent que le rendement attendu de l'actif sous-jacent est égal au taux sans risque.
Principaux avantages du modèle binomial :
Limitations du modèle binomial :
En résumé :
Le modèle binomial, bien qu'il présente des limites, offre un outil précieux pour comprendre et valoriser les options, en particulier les options de style américain. Son approche intuitive et sa capacité à gérer l'exercice anticipé en font un élément crucial de la boîte à outils de valorisation des options, fournissant une base solide pour comprendre les modèles plus avancés. Sa simplicité en fait un point de départ idéal pour toute personne apprenant la valorisation des options.
Instructions: Choose the best answer for each multiple-choice question.
1. The binomial model is primarily used for valuing: (a) Only European-style options (b) Only American-style options (c) Both European and American-style options (d) Neither European nor American-style options
(c) Both European and American-style options
While it excels at handling American options due to its ability to model early exercise, it can also be used for European options.
2. Which of the following is NOT an assumption of the binomial model? (a) The underlying asset price can move to only two states in each period. (b) Volatility is constant over the life of the option. (c) Asset prices move continuously. (d) The risk-free interest rate is known.
(c) Asset prices move continuously.
The binomial model uses discrete time steps, not continuous price movements.
3. In the binomial model, 'u' and 'd' represent: (a) The risk-free interest rate and the dividend yield. (b) The upward and downward movement factors of the underlying asset price. (c) The probability of an upward and downward movement. (d) The strike price and the current market price.
(b) The upward and downward movement factors of the underlying asset price.
'u' typically represents a multiplicative upward factor and 'd' a multiplicative downward factor.
4. The risk-neutral probability in the binomial model is used to: (a) Calculate the expected value of the option at each node. (b) Determine the volatility of the underlying asset. (c) Account for the investor's risk aversion. (d) Calculate the actual probability of an upward or downward movement.
(a) Calculate the expected value of the option at each node.
Risk-neutral probabilities ensure the expected return matches the risk-free rate, simplifying the valuation process.
5. A key advantage of the binomial model over the Black-Scholes model is its ability to: (a) Handle continuous time movements. (b) Account for stochastic volatility. (c) Model early exercise of American options. (d) Provide closed-form solutions.
(c) Model early exercise of American options.
The Black-Scholes model is primarily for European options.
Consider a European call option with the following characteristics:
Construct a two-period binomial tree to value this European call option. Show your calculations at each node.
Step 1: Create the Binomial Tree
121 / \ 110 99 / \ / \ 100 99 90 81
Step 2: Calculate option values at expiration (period 2)
Step 3: Work backwards to calculate option values at earlier nodes (period 1)
Step 4: Calculate the option value at time 0 (today)
Therefore, the value of the European call option today is approximately $6.86.
This document expands on the binomial model for options pricing, breaking down the key aspects into separate chapters.
Chapter 1: Techniques
The binomial model employs a recursive approach to value options. The core technique involves building a binomial tree representing possible price movements of the underlying asset. Each node in the tree represents a point in time and a possible price level. The process unfolds as follows:
Defining Parameters: The model requires several inputs: the current price of the underlying asset (S), the strike price (K), the time to expiration (T), the risk-free interest rate (r), and the volatility of the underlying asset (σ). From volatility and time, we derive the up (u) and down (d) factors:
Constructing the Binomial Tree: The tree is built iteratively. Starting from the current price (S), each node branches into two possible future prices: Su and Sd. This branching continues for each time step until the expiration date is reached.
Calculating Option Values at Expiration: At the expiration date (the final nodes of the tree), the option's value is easily determined: it's the intrinsic value (max(S-K, 0) for a call option, max(K-S, 0) for a put option).
Backward Induction: This is the key step. Working backward from the expiration date, the value of the option at each node is calculated using the risk-neutral probability (p):
The value (V) at each node is the discounted expected value of the option's value at the subsequent nodes:
Early Exercise (for American Options): For American options, at each node, the model compares the value calculated above (V) with the immediate exercise value. The higher value is selected as the option's value at that node.
Option Price: The option price is the value calculated at the initial node (time zero).
Chapter 2: Models
The basic binomial model discussed above is the foundation. However, variations exist to enhance accuracy and address limitations:
Extended Binomial Model: This increases the number of time steps ('n') to better approximate continuous-time price movements. A larger 'n' improves accuracy but increases computational complexity.
Jump Diffusion Binomial Model: This incorporates the possibility of sudden, large price jumps, addressing the limitations of the basic model's assumption of continuous price changes. This would require a modified approach to calculating 'u' and 'd'.
Stochastic Volatility Binomial Model: This addresses the limitation of constant volatility. It models volatility as a stochastic process, allowing it to change over time, providing a more realistic representation.
Chapter 3: Software
Implementing the binomial model can be done using various software tools:
Spreadsheets (Excel, Google Sheets): For smaller trees and simple models, spreadsheets are sufficient. Formulas can be used to recursively calculate option values.
Programming Languages (Python, R, MATLAB): These languages provide more flexibility and efficiency, especially for larger trees or more complex variations of the model. Libraries like NumPy (Python) or similar numerical computation libraries significantly aid in calculations.
Specialized Financial Software: Some dedicated financial software packages incorporate binomial and other option pricing models.
Chapter 4: Best Practices
Choosing the Number of Steps: Increasing the number of steps improves accuracy but increases computational cost. A balance must be struck. Experimentation is key to finding an optimal number of steps for a given level of accuracy and computational resources.
Input Parameter Sensitivity Analysis: Analyze the impact of changes in input parameters (volatility, interest rates, etc.) on the calculated option price. This helps understand the model's sensitivity and potential risks.
Validation: Compare results from the binomial model with those from other models (e.g., Black-Scholes) or market prices whenever possible to validate the accuracy of the model's implementation and parameter choices.
Documentation: Thoroughly document the model's assumptions, parameters, and calculations for reproducibility and transparency.
Chapter 5: Case Studies
Case studies would demonstrate the application of the binomial model in various scenarios:
Pricing American Call Options on Stocks: Show a step-by-step calculation using a specific set of parameters and demonstrate the impact of early exercise.
Comparing Binomial and Black-Scholes Models: Illustrate the differences in option prices obtained from both models and discuss the implications.
Impact of Volatility Changes: Analyze how changes in volatility affect option prices calculated using the binomial model.
Using the Binomial Model for Real Options Analysis: Demonstrate how the model can be used to value real options in capital budgeting decisions.
These chapters provide a more comprehensive understanding of the binomial model for options pricing, covering its techniques, variations, implementation, and applications. Remember that the accuracy of the model depends heavily on the accuracy of the input parameters and the assumptions made.