Electronique industrielle

2-D Attasi model

Déconstruction du modèle 2D d'Attasi : Un aperçu des systèmes multidimensionnels

Le modèle 2D d'Attasi, introduit par Serge Attasi en 1973, fournit un cadre fondamental pour analyser et comprendre les **systèmes multidimensionnels**. Ces systèmes, contrairement à leurs homologues unidimensionnels, évoluent sur deux variables indépendantes, représentant souvent des coordonnées spatiales (par exemple, les lignes et les colonnes d'une image numérique) ou le temps et l'espace. La signification du modèle réside dans sa capacité à capturer l'**interdépendance** inhérente entre ces variables, permettant l'analyse de phénomènes complexes sur plusieurs dimensions.

Comprendre les équations

Le modèle 2D d'Attasi est défini par la paire d'équations suivante :

Équation d'état :

x(i+1, j+1) = -A1*A2*x(i, j) + A1*x(i+1, j) + A2*x(i, j+1) + B*u(i, j)

Équation de sortie :

y(i, j) = C*x(i, j) + D*u(i, j)

Où :

  • x(i, j) ∈ R^n: Le **vecteur d'état local** à l'emplacement spatial (i, j). Il encapsule l'état interne du système à ce point.
  • u(i, j) ∈ R^m: Le **vecteur d'entrée** appliqué à l'emplacement (i, j), représentant les stimuli externes influençant le système.
  • y(i, j) ∈ R^p: Le **vecteur de sortie** observé à l'emplacement (i, j), représentant la réponse du système aux entrées et à l'état interne.
  • A1, A2, B, C, et D: Des matrices réelles de dimensions appropriées représentant la **dynamique** du système.

Principales observations du modèle :

Le modèle d'Attasi révèle plusieurs aspects cruciaux des systèmes multidimensionnels :

  • Couplage spatial : L'équation d'état capture explicitement l'interdépendance entre les emplacements voisins. Les termes impliquant A1 et A2 démontrent comment l'état du système à (i+1, j) et (i, j+1) influence l'état à (i+1, j+1), mettant en évidence le couplage spatial.
  • Relation entrée-sortie : L'équation de sortie définit comment la sortie à un emplacement est influencée par l'état local et l'entrée, permettant l'analyse de la réponse du système aux stimuli externes.
  • Linéarité : Le modèle suppose une relation linéaire entre l'état, l'entrée et la sortie, fournissant un cadre analytique pratique pour de nombreux systèmes.

Applications et extensions

Le modèle 2D d'Attasi trouve des applications dans divers domaines, notamment :

  • Traitement d'images : Analyser et manipuler des images numériques en fonction de leur structure spatiale.
  • Théorie du contrôle : Concevoir des contrôleurs pour des systèmes multidimensionnels, tels que des bras robotiques ou des véhicules autonomes.
  • Traitement du signal : Analyser et filtrer des signaux multidimensionnels, tels que ceux trouvés dans les systèmes radar ou sonar.

Des extensions du modèle ont été proposées pour accommoder les non-linéarités, les paramètres variables dans le temps et d'autres complexités.


Le modèle 2D d'Attasi offre un cadre puissant pour comprendre et analyser les systèmes qui évoluent sur plusieurs dimensions. Sa capacité à capturer le couplage spatial, les relations entrée-sortie et les dynamiques linéaires en fait un outil précieux pour aborder divers problèmes du monde réel dans le traitement d'images, la théorie du contrôle et le traitement du signal. Au fur et à mesure que la recherche progresse, le modèle continue d'inspirer de nouvelles extensions et applications dans le monde en constante expansion des systèmes multidimensionnels.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Deconstructing the 2-D Attasi Model

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary difference between a 1-D and a 2-D system, as defined by the Attasi model?

a) 2-D systems have a larger state vector.


Incorrect. The size of the state vector is determined by the system's internal variables, not its dimensionality.

b) 2-D systems evolve over two independent variables, while 1-D systems evolve over one.


Correct! This is the defining characteristic of a 2-D system in the Attasi model.

c) 2-D systems are always linear, while 1-D systems can be nonlinear.


Incorrect. The Attasi model itself assumes linearity for both 1-D and 2-D systems. However, extensions exist to handle nonlinearities.

d) 2-D systems are used for image processing, while 1-D systems are used for signal processing.


Incorrect. Both 1-D and 2-D systems find applications in various fields, including image processing and signal processing.

2. What do the terms involving matrices A1 and A2 in the state equation represent?

a) The system's inputs.


Incorrect. Inputs are represented by the matrix B in the state equation.

b) The system's outputs.


Incorrect. Outputs are determined by the matrix C in the output equation.

c) The system's spatial coupling.


Correct! These terms demonstrate the influence of neighboring locations on the current state.

d) The system's dynamics over time.


Incorrect. The Attasi model focuses on spatial dynamics, not temporal evolution.

3. Which of the following applications is NOT directly related to the 2-D Attasi model?

a) Analyzing a digital image for features.


Incorrect. Image analysis is a prime application of the 2-D Attasi model.

b) Controlling a robotic arm's movements.


Incorrect. The 2-D Attasi model can be used to model and control multi-dimensional systems like robotic arms.

c) Simulating weather patterns on a global scale.


Correct! While weather patterns are complex multidimensional systems, the Attasi model might not be the ideal tool due to its limitations in handling nonlinearities and temporal dynamics.

d) Filtering noise from a radar signal.


Incorrect. Radar signal processing often involves analyzing signals with spatial characteristics, making the 2-D Attasi model relevant.

4. What does the output equation in the Attasi model demonstrate?

a) How the system's state influences its input.


Incorrect. The output equation shows how the state and input influence the output, not vice versa.

b) The relationship between the system's state and output.


Correct! The equation defines how the output is generated based on the local state and input.

c) The system's internal dynamics.


Incorrect. The output equation focuses on the output behavior, not the internal workings of the system.

d) The system's response to external stimuli.


Incorrect. While the equation reflects the system's response to stimuli, it also includes the influence of the internal state.

5. Which of the following is NOT a limitation of the 2-D Attasi model?

a) It assumes linearity in the system's relationships.


Incorrect. Linearity is a key assumption of the Attasi model.

b) It does not account for time-varying parameters.


Incorrect. The Attasi model assumes constant parameters, making it less suitable for time-varying systems.

c) It cannot handle complex spatial dependencies.


Incorrect. The model explicitly considers spatial coupling between neighboring locations.

d) It can be computationally expensive for large systems.


Correct! While not a fundamental limitation, the model's complexity can lead to increased computational requirements for large-scale systems.

Exercise: Simulating a Simple 2-D Attasi Model

Task: Consider a simple 2-D system with the following parameters:

  • n = 2: The state vector has two components.
  • m = 1: The input is a scalar.
  • p = 1: The output is a scalar.

The matrices are defined as:

  • A1 = [[1, 0], [0, 0.5]]
  • A2 = [[0.8, 0], [0, 0.6]]
  • B = [[1], [0.2]]
  • C = [1, 0]
  • D = 0

Assume an initial state vector x(0, 0) = [0, 1] and a constant input u(i, j) = 1 for all locations.

Write a Python code to simulate the system for a 5x5 grid. Output the state vector and the output at each location.

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

```python import numpy as np # Define the system parameters A1 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0.5]]) A2 = np.array([[0.8, 0], [0, 0.6]]) B = np.array([[1], [0.2]]) C = np.array([1, 0]) D = 0 # Initialize the state vector x = np.zeros((5, 5, 2)) x[0, 0] = [0, 1] # Set the input u = np.ones((5, 5)) # Simulate the system for i in range(5): for j in range(5): if i > 0 and j > 0: x[i, j] = -A1 @ A2 @ x[i-1, j-1] + A1 @ x[i, j-1] + A2 @ x[i-1, j] + B * u[i, j] y = C @ x[i, j] + D * u[i, j] print(f"Location ({i}, {j}): State: {x[i, j]}, Output: {y}") ``` This code will simulate the system for a 5x5 grid, iterating through each location and updating the state vector based on the Attasi model equations. It then calculates the output for each location and prints both the state and output.


  • Digital Image Processing by Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods: A comprehensive resource on image processing, including sections on 2-D systems and the Attasi model.
  • Linear Systems Theory by Thomas Kailath: A classic textbook covering linear systems theory, with sections on multidimensional systems and their representation.
  • Discrete-Time Systems: An Introduction by Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer: Discusses the fundamental concepts of discrete-time systems, providing a basis for understanding multidimensional systems.


  • "A New Approach to the Analysis of Two-Dimensional Systems" by S. Attasi (1973): This seminal work introduced the 2-D Attasi model and its applications.
  • "Two-Dimensional Systems: An Overview" by N.K. Bose (1982): An excellent overview of the development and applications of two-dimensional systems theory.
  • "A Unified Approach to 2-D System Theory" by E. Fornasini and G. Marchesini (1978): Presents a generalized framework for two-dimensional systems theory, including the Attasi model.

Online Resources

  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on Systems Theory: Provides a philosophical overview of systems theory, including discussion of multidimensional systems.
  • MATLAB documentation for 2-D system analysis: Provides code examples and functions for analyzing two-dimensional systems using MATLAB.
  • Scholarly articles on "Attasi Model" on Google Scholar: Search Google Scholar for "Attasi Model" to access a collection of research papers and dissertations on the subject.

Search Tips

  • Use specific search terms: Search for "2-D Attasi model", "Attasi model image processing", "Attasi model control theory", etc. to refine your search results.
  • Combine search terms: Use Boolean operators like "AND" and "OR" to narrow down your search. For example, "Attasi model AND image processing".
  • Include keywords: Add relevant keywords like "linear systems", "multidimensional", "spatial coupling", etc. to your search query.


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