Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Target Date

Target Date

Target Dates: Guiding Your Project to Success

In project planning and scheduling, target dates are powerful tools that act as milestones, guiding your team towards achieving project goals within a defined timeframe. Essentially, they represent dates imposed by the project stakeholders or users, indicating a desired start or finish point for a specific activity or the entire project.

There are two primary types of target dates:

1. Target Start Dates:

These dates indicate the desired beginning of an activity or project. While not absolute deadlines, they serve as a strong recommendation. This can be helpful in scenarios where:

  • External Dependencies Exist: A target start date might be set for an activity that relies on the completion of another project or task managed by a different team. This helps ensure a smooth transition and avoids delays.
  • Resource Availability: Target start dates can help coordinate resource allocation. If a specific resource is required for an activity, scheduling the start date ensures the resource is available when needed.
  • Pre-emptive Planning: Establishing target start dates encourages proactive planning. Teams can anticipate potential challenges and prepare for the activity's launch.

2. Target Finish Dates:

These dates mark the desired completion point for an activity or the entire project. They act as aspirational goals, promoting efficiency and motivating the team to work towards a specific outcome. Key reasons for using target finish dates include:

  • Client Expectations: Client contracts often outline target finish dates for deliverables, driving project timelines and ensuring satisfaction.
  • Market Demands: In fast-paced industries, meeting target finish dates can be crucial for gaining a competitive edge.
  • Internal Goals: Target finish dates can be set for achieving internal milestones or reaching specific productivity targets within the organization.

Benefits of using Target Dates:

  • Improved Communication: Target dates facilitate clear communication with stakeholders regarding project expectations and deadlines.
  • Enhanced Focus: Setting clear objectives through target dates helps the team prioritize tasks and focus on achieving specific outcomes.
  • Increased Accountability: Target dates create a sense of responsibility and accountability among team members, motivating them to work towards the defined goals.
  • Streamlined Decision-Making: Target dates can assist in making informed decisions regarding resource allocation, prioritization, and potential adjustments to project plans.

Important Considerations:

  • Flexibility: While target dates provide a framework, it's crucial to remain adaptable and adjust plans as needed based on unforeseen circumstances or changing priorities.
  • Realism: Setting unrealistic target dates can lead to frustration and demotivation. It's vital to consider the complexity of the project and the team's capabilities when establishing these dates.
  • Regular Monitoring: Closely monitoring progress against target dates is essential. This allows for timely identification of potential roadblocks and implementation of corrective actions.

By effectively incorporating target dates into your project planning and scheduling, you can establish a clear vision, guide your team towards success, and ultimately deliver projects that meet or exceed expectations. Remember, target dates are not rigid deadlines but rather flexible goals that provide a roadmap for efficient and productive project management.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Target Dates in Project Management

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of target dates in project management?

a) To set absolute deadlines for each task. b) To provide a framework for project planning and scheduling. c) To allocate resources efficiently. d) To track project progress.


b) To provide a framework for project planning and scheduling.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using target dates?

a) Improved communication with stakeholders. b) Enhanced focus and prioritization. c) Increased accountability among team members. d) Elimination of potential project delays.


d) Elimination of potential project delays.

3. What is a target start date used for?

a) To indicate the absolute deadline for completing a task. b) To indicate a desired starting point for an activity or project. c) To identify potential roadblocks in the project plan. d) To track the time spent on each task.


b) To indicate a desired starting point for an activity or project.

4. What is a key consideration when setting target dates?

a) The availability of resources. b) The complexity of the project. c) The client's expectations. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. What is the importance of monitoring progress against target dates?

a) To ensure that deadlines are met. b) To identify and address potential roadblocks. c) To adjust project plans as needed. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Exercise: Target Date Scenario

Scenario: You are the project manager for the development of a new website for a local bakery. The client has requested that the website be launched by the end of June.


  1. Identify three key tasks or milestones that need to be completed before the website launch.
  2. Set target dates for each milestone, keeping the June launch date in mind.
  3. Explain your reasoning for choosing those dates.

Exercice Correction:

Exercice Correction

Here is a possible solution for the exercise. Note that these are just examples, and the specific tasks and dates might vary depending on the project's scope and complexity.

Milestone 1: Website Design Completion

  • Target Date: Mid-April
  • Reasoning: Allowing ample time for design revisions and client feedback. This ensures a solid foundation for development.

Milestone 2: Content Creation & Integration

  • Target Date: End of May
  • Reasoning: Content creation is often a time-consuming process, and it needs to be integrated with the website's structure. This timeline allows for efficient development and content management.

Milestone 3: Website Testing & Deployment

  • Target Date: Mid-June
  • Reasoning: This allows for thorough testing of the website's functionality, performance, and user experience before the official launch.

It is important to remember that these target dates are flexible and should be adjusted as needed based on unforeseen circumstances or changes in project scope. Regular monitoring and communication with the client are crucial for ensuring project success.


  • Project Management Institute (PMI). (2017). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (7th ed.). Project Management Institute. This comprehensive guide covers various project management aspects, including scheduling and target dates.
  • Kerzner, H. (2017). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling (12th ed.). John Wiley & Sons. This book offers in-depth knowledge of project planning, scheduling, and control, including the role of target dates in project success.
  • Meredith, J. R., & Mantel, S. J. (2019). Project Management: A Managerial Approach (10th ed.). John Wiley & Sons. This textbook covers project management principles, including scheduling and target dates, with a focus on practical applications.


  • "Target Dates: The Importance of Setting Goals and Objectives" (Project Management Institute). This article from PMI emphasizes the value of setting target dates in project planning and how they contribute to effective project management.
  • "Project Management: The Importance of Setting Target Dates" (Smart Sheet). This article discusses the various types of target dates and their significance in achieving project goals.
  • "The Power of Target Dates in Project Management" (LinkedIn). This article outlines the benefits of target dates and provides strategies for effectively setting and utilizing them within a project.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): – The PMI website offers a wealth of information on project management, including resources on scheduling, target dates, and other related topics.
  • Smart Sheet: – Smart Sheet provides helpful guides and tools for project management, including resources on scheduling and target dates.
  • Asana: – Asana is a popular project management tool that offers features for setting and tracking target dates, enhancing project progress and accountability.

Search Tips

  • "Target Dates Project Management" – This search phrase will yield results related to the role of target dates in project management, including articles, guides, and tools.
  • "Target Dates vs. Deadlines" – This search query will provide information on the differences between target dates and deadlines, helping you understand their specific functions within a project.
  • "How to Set Realistic Target Dates" – This search will offer tips and strategies for setting achievable target dates based on project complexity and resource availability.
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