Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Cost Estimation & Control: Target


Target: A Precision Goal in the Oil & Gas Industry

In the world of oil and gas, "target" is more than just a metaphorical aim. It represents a specific, measurable objective crucial to successful exploration, production, and even refining. This article delves into the various applications of the term "target" in this dynamic industry, revealing how it fuels critical decision-making.

1. Exploration Targets:

  • Geological Targets: This refers to specific formations or geological features believed to hold potential for oil and gas accumulation. These targets are identified through extensive geological analysis, seismic surveys, and other exploration techniques. For example, a geologist might target a specific sandstone formation based on its porosity and permeability, properties that indicate potential for storing hydrocarbons.
  • Drilling Targets: Within a geological target, specific locations are chosen for drilling, based on factors like the depth, structural configuration, and proximity to existing infrastructure.

2. Production Targets:

  • Production Rates: Production targets are set for individual wells or entire fields, aiming for specific quantities of oil or gas to be extracted over a defined period. These targets are crucial for planning and resource management.
  • Reservoir Management Targets: Specific goals related to maintaining reservoir pressure, maximizing recovery, or minimizing production decline are established as targets.

3. Refining Targets:

  • Product Quality Targets: Refineries set targets for the quality of their output, ensuring compliance with product specifications and meeting market demands. This involves targets for parameters like viscosity, sulfur content, and octane ratings.
  • Efficiency Targets: Refineries strive to improve operational efficiency by setting targets for energy consumption, waste minimization, and overall production cost reduction.

4. Business Targets:

  • Financial Targets: Oil and gas companies set targets for profitability, revenue growth, and shareholder value. These financial targets influence investment decisions, production strategies, and overall business operations.
  • Environmental Targets: The industry is increasingly focused on sustainability, setting targets for reducing emissions, minimizing environmental impact, and promoting responsible resource management.


In the oil and gas industry, the term "target" encompasses a wide range of objectives that drive exploration, production, and business decisions. Setting and achieving these targets is critical for maximizing resource recovery, optimizing operations, and ensuring profitability. As the industry navigates technological advancements and evolving environmental concerns, the concept of "target" remains essential for navigating the complexities of this ever-evolving sector.

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