Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Stretching


Stretching in Oil & Gas Resource Scheduling: A Flexible Approach to Project Optimization

In the high-stakes world of oil and gas project management, optimizing resource allocation and project timelines is crucial. Resource scheduling software plays a vital role, enabling project managers to efficiently plan and track activities. One powerful feature within these tools is the ability to "stretch" activities, a concept that offers flexibility and potential for improved project outcomes.

What is Stretching?

Stretching, in the context of oil & gas resource scheduling, refers to the ability to extend the duration of an activity while proportionally reducing its resource intensity. This approach allows for a more adaptable scheduling strategy, particularly when faced with resource constraints or unexpected delays.

Why is Stretching Useful?

  • Optimized Completion Dates: By stretching activities, project managers can potentially achieve an earlier project finish date without compromising overall resource allocation.
  • Resource Leveling: Stretching helps distribute resources more evenly across the project timeline, mitigating potential bottlenecks and ensuring a smoother workflow.
  • Flexibility in Response to Delays: If unforeseen delays occur, stretching can help adjust the schedule and minimize their impact on the overall project timeline.

How Stretching Works

The process of stretching an activity involves:

  1. Identifying the Activity: Select the activity you wish to stretch, considering its potential impact on the overall project timeline.
  2. Determining the Stretch Factor: Calculate the desired increase in the activity's duration. This factor will directly affect the reduction in resource intensity.
  3. Adjusting the Profile: The resource intensity of the activity is proportionally reduced to reflect the increased duration. For example, if you double the duration, the resource requirement is halved.

Example Scenario

Imagine an oil and gas project involving drilling operations. The initial schedule allocates 10 days for drilling a specific well, requiring a crew of 5 engineers. Stretching this activity to 15 days could allow for a smaller crew of 3 engineers, while still achieving the desired outcome. This approach potentially saves on labor costs and provides flexibility in crew allocation.

Considerations for Effective Stretching

  • Activity Suitability: Stretching is not suitable for every activity. Activities with strict deadlines or those requiring constant resource utilization might not benefit from this approach.
  • Resource Availability: Ensure that the required resources are available for the extended duration of the activity.
  • Potential Impacts: Evaluate the potential impact of stretching on other project activities and dependencies.


Stretching offers a valuable tool for oil and gas project managers to optimize resource allocation and achieve desired project outcomes. By strategically extending activity durations and adjusting resource intensity, stretching can help navigate challenges, enhance flexibility, and ultimately contribute to successful project completion. Utilizing this feature effectively requires careful analysis and consideration of its impact on the project as a whole.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Stretching in Oil & Gas Resource Scheduling

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is "stretching" in the context of oil & gas resource scheduling? a) Increasing the resource intensity of an activity. b) Extending the duration of an activity while reducing its resource intensity. c) Shortening the duration of an activity while increasing its resource intensity. d) Assigning more resources to an activity to complete it faster.


b) Extending the duration of an activity while reducing its resource intensity.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using stretching? a) Optimizing project completion dates. b) Decreasing overall project costs. c) Increasing the need for overtime work. d) Providing flexibility in response to delays.


c) Increasing the need for overtime work.

3. Which of these is a key step in the stretching process? a) Increasing the number of resources assigned to the activity. b) Determining the desired increase in activity duration (stretch factor). c) Prioritizing the activity to be stretched based on its complexity. d) Shortening the duration of other activities to make room for the stretched activity.


b) Determining the desired increase in activity duration (stretch factor).

4. Stretching is most suitable for activities that: a) Have strict deadlines and require constant resource utilization. b) Can be completed with varying levels of resource intensity. c) Are essential to the project but have no impact on other activities. d) Have a very short duration.


b) Can be completed with varying levels of resource intensity.

5. What is a potential drawback to consider when stretching an activity? a) The need for additional resources. b) The impact on project morale. c) The potential for increased resource costs. d) The difficulty in scheduling meetings with stakeholders.


c) The potential for increased resource costs.

Exercise: Stretching for Optimization


You are managing a project to install a new pipeline for an oil and gas company. The initial schedule allocates 10 days for welding the pipeline sections, requiring a crew of 8 welders.


Using the concept of stretching, propose a revised schedule for the welding activity that:

  • Extends the duration to 15 days.
  • Reduces the number of welders required.
  • Considers potential resource availability and project dependencies.

Explain your reasoning and any potential implications of this approach.

Exercice Correction

**Revised Schedule:**

  • Duration: 15 days (extended from 10 days)
  • Welders: 5 (reduced from 8)


  • By stretching the welding activity, we can reduce the required number of welders by 3.
  • This can potentially save on labor costs and offer flexibility in resource allocation.
  • The extended duration might require adjustments to the overall project timeline, which should be carefully considered.

Potential Implications:

  • Project Timeline: The extended duration for welding might push back the overall project completion date.
  • Resource Availability: Ensure that the required 5 welders are available throughout the extended duration.
  • Dependencies: Analyze any dependencies on the welding activity and how the extended duration might affect downstream tasks.
  • Quality Control: With a smaller crew, it is essential to implement robust quality control procedures to ensure the welds are performed to the required standards.


Stretching the welding activity provides a potential solution to optimize resource allocation, but a careful analysis of potential impacts on the project timeline and other dependencies is essential.


  • Project Management for Oil and Gas: A Practical Guide by Peter R. Smith and Chris J. Skelcher - This book covers various aspects of project management in the oil and gas industry, including resource scheduling and optimization techniques.
  • Resource Management for Project Managers by Erik Van Der Merwe - Offers a comprehensive guide to resource management principles and practices, including techniques like activity stretching.
  • The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) by the Project Management Institute - This widely recognized guide provides a framework for project management, including concepts related to resource scheduling and optimization.


  • Resource Leveling Techniques for Project Managers by - This article explores different techniques for resource leveling, including stretching activities.
  • Resource Optimization Techniques for Oil and Gas Projects by Oil & Gas Journal - This article delves into resource optimization strategies for oil and gas projects, highlighting the importance of flexible scheduling methods.
  • Activity Duration Estimation and Optimization in Project Management by The Journal of Construction Engineering and Management - This journal article discusses the process of estimating and optimizing activity durations, touching upon techniques like stretching.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI) - PMI's website offers a wealth of resources on project management, including articles, webinars, and training materials related to resource management and scheduling.
  • - This website offers a vast collection of articles, tools, and templates for project managers, covering various aspects of project management, including resource scheduling.
  • Oil & Gas Journal - This online publication provides industry news and insights on the oil and gas sector, including articles on project management and resource optimization.

Search Tips

  • "Stretching" AND "resource scheduling" AND "oil & gas" - This will help you find resources specifically related to stretching in oil and gas resource scheduling.
  • "Activity duration optimization" AND "project management" - This search will bring up articles and resources discussing techniques for optimizing activity durations, including stretching.
  • "Resource leveling" AND "project scheduling" - This search will lead you to resources related to resource leveling techniques, which often involve adjusting activity durations.
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