Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Splitting


Splitting in Oil & Gas Resource Scheduling: Maximizing Efficiency Through Flexible Activity Duration

In the fast-paced world of oil and gas operations, efficient resource allocation is paramount. Resource scheduling software plays a crucial role in optimizing project timelines and minimizing downtime. One powerful feature within these tools is the ability to "split" activities, offering increased flexibility and potential for earlier project completion.

What is Splitting?

Splitting allows a resource scheduler to divide a specific activity into two or more segments. While this might seem like a simple concept, it has significant implications for resource allocation and project management. By splitting an activity, the specified duration can be divided, potentially shortening the overall project timeline.

How it Works

Imagine a drilling operation where a single activity "Drilling Well X" is scheduled for 10 days. Using the splitting feature, the scheduler can divide this activity into two segments: 5 days of drilling followed by 5 days of casing. By splitting the activity, the resource required for drilling (drilling rig) can be assigned to another project during the casing phase, maximizing its utilization.

Benefits of Splitting:

  • Earlier Finish Date: By dividing activities, resource scheduling can potentially optimize the project timeline, resulting in earlier completion.
  • Improved Resource Utilization: Splitting allows resources to be allocated efficiently, ensuring they are not idle while waiting for other tasks to be completed.
  • Flexibility: This feature provides flexibility in scheduling, allowing for adjustments to accommodate unforeseen circumstances or resource availability.
  • Optimized Resource Allocation: Splitting helps identify potential bottlenecks and re-allocate resources more effectively, maximizing overall efficiency.


While splitting can be highly beneficial, there are a few things to consider:

  • Resource Availability: Ensure that the necessary resources are available to complete the divided activity segments.
  • Impact on Dependencies: Splitting may affect the dependencies between activities and require adjustments to the overall project schedule.
  • Resource Requirements: Maintain consistency in the resource requirements for each segment of the split activity.

Splitting in Oil & Gas:

Splitting is particularly beneficial in oil and gas projects due to their complex nature and often tight deadlines. By strategically utilizing this feature, resource schedulers can:

  • Minimize Downtime: Ensure that critical resources are always busy, avoiding unnecessary downtime.
  • Optimize Rig Utilization: Maximize the utilization of expensive drilling rigs by assigning them to multiple projects.
  • Increase Project Efficiency: Improve the overall flow of operations by optimizing resource allocation and minimizing bottlenecks.


Splitting is a valuable feature in resource scheduling software, particularly relevant in the oil and gas industry. By leveraging this functionality, project managers can optimize resource utilization, shorten project timelines, and ultimately improve project efficiency. As the industry continues to embrace technological advancements, splitting will become increasingly crucial in ensuring smooth and profitable operations.

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