Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Split


Split: A Key Term in Oil & Gas Operations

In the fast-paced and complex world of oil & gas, efficiency is paramount. To achieve this, operations are often divided into distinct steps or sequences, a process known as "splitting". This term carries significant weight in the industry, encompassing various aspects of production, processing, and even logistical activities.

Understanding the Split:

The term "split" in oil & gas signifies dividing a task or process into two or more separate sequences to optimize efficiency and control. This could involve:

  • Production: Splitting production streams from a well to separate different types of crude oil or gas. This allows for more efficient processing and refining, catering to specific market demands.
  • Processing: Splitting a feed stream in a processing plant to optimize different unit operations. This can involve separating components like propane and butane for different applications.
  • Transportation: Splitting a pipeline flow to distribute product to different destinations. This ensures timely delivery and optimizes logistical routes.

Examples of Splits in Oil & Gas Operations:

  • Wellhead Split: Separating oil and gas at the wellhead to manage different flow rates and optimize production.
  • Pipeline Split: Diverting a pipeline flow to different locations for distribution or further processing.
  • Gas Plant Split: Separating different components of natural gas for various applications like LPG production or pipeline injection.
  • Refining Split: Separating crude oil into different fractions like gasoline, diesel, and kerosene for specific market requirements.

Benefits of Using Splits:

  • Increased Efficiency: Splitting tasks allows for optimized utilization of resources and personnel, streamlining processes.
  • Improved Control: Separating processes provides better control over each individual sequence, enhancing safety and quality.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: Splits allow for adapting to changing market demands and optimizing production based on specific requirements.
  • Reduced Costs: By optimizing processes and minimizing downtime, splitting can significantly reduce operating costs.


"Split" is a crucial term in oil & gas operations, representing a strategic approach to maximize efficiency and control. By dividing complex processes into manageable sequences, the industry can achieve optimal resource utilization, streamline operations, and adapt to changing market demands. This practice underscores the importance of meticulous planning and optimization in this dynamic and demanding field.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Splitting in Oil & Gas Operations

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the term "split" signify in oil & gas operations?

a) Combining different production streams. b) Dividing a task or process into separate sequences. c) Increasing the pressure of a pipeline. d) Analyzing the chemical composition of crude oil.


b) Dividing a task or process into separate sequences.

2. Which of the following is NOT an example of a split in oil & gas operations?

a) Wellhead split b) Pipeline split c) Gas plant split d) Drilling a new oil well


d) Drilling a new oil well

3. What is a primary benefit of using splits in oil & gas operations?

a) Increased safety hazards. b) Reduced operational efficiency. c) Enhanced flexibility to adapt to market changes. d) Increased dependence on manual labor.


c) Enhanced flexibility to adapt to market changes.

4. How can splitting a production stream at the wellhead benefit operations?

a) It allows for processing different types of crude oil separately. b) It increases the overall production rate. c) It reduces the need for pipelines. d) It eliminates the need for refining.


a) It allows for processing different types of crude oil separately.

5. Which of the following statements best describes the significance of splits in oil & gas operations?

a) Splits are a simple and outdated practice used only in traditional oil fields. b) Splits are a crucial strategy for optimizing efficiency and control in complex processes. c) Splits are only used for processing natural gas, not crude oil. d) Splits are solely focused on maximizing production output, regardless of cost.


b) Splits are a crucial strategy for optimizing efficiency and control in complex processes.


Scenario: You are working on a project to expand a gas processing plant. The plant currently receives a single feed stream of natural gas, but the expansion will introduce a second feed stream with a different composition.

Task: Explain how you would apply the concept of "splitting" to accommodate the new feed stream and optimize the processing operations. Consider the following aspects:

  • How would you separate the two feed streams?
  • What specific processing steps would you split, and why?
  • What potential benefits would this splitting approach offer?

Exercise Correction

To accommodate the new feed stream, a splitting approach is necessary. Here's how it could be implemented:

**1. Separating Feed Streams:**

  • A dedicated pipeline or valve system could be used to physically separate the two feed streams at the plant's inlet. This would ensure that each stream enters distinct processing units.

**2. Splitting Processing Steps:**

  • **Gas Sweetening:** If the two streams have different sulfur content, the gas sweetening process could be split into separate units, tailored to each stream's specific requirements.
  • **Fractionation:** Depending on the composition of the two streams, the fractionation process might need to be split to optimize the separation of different hydrocarbons. This could involve using separate fractionating columns or adjusting operating parameters within existing columns.

**3. Benefits of Splitting:**

  • **Increased Efficiency:** By optimizing each processing step for its specific feed stream, overall efficiency and throughput can be improved.
  • **Enhanced Control:** Separate processing units allow for more precise control over each stream's composition and quality.
  • **Flexibility:** The split approach provides the flexibility to adjust operations independently for each stream, catering to varying market demands or changes in feed composition.
  • **Reduced Costs:** By optimizing processes and minimizing downtime, splitting can contribute to cost savings in the long run.

Overall, applying the concept of "splitting" to the expanded gas processing plant would enable more efficient and controlled operations, allowing for adaptation to the changing feed stream composition and maximizing the utilization of resources.


  • Petroleum Refining: Technology and Economics by James G. Speight: Provides a comprehensive overview of refining processes, including splitting techniques.
  • Natural Gas Processing: Technology and Economics by James G. Speight: Covers various aspects of natural gas processing, including splitting for different gas components.
  • Oil and Gas Production Operations by Tarek Ahmed: Discusses production operations, including wellhead splitting and production optimization strategies.
  • Process Engineering for the Oil and Gas Industry by John R. Grace: Provides insights into the design and optimization of processing plants, including splitting techniques for various feedstocks.


  • "Splitting Production Streams for Enhanced Efficiency in Oil and Gas" by [Author Name] (Journal of Petroleum Engineering): This article discusses the benefits of splitting production streams for different crude oil types, leading to improved processing and refining.
  • "Optimization of Gas Processing Plants through Splitting Strategies" by [Author Name] (Chemical Engineering Journal): Examines the use of splitting in gas processing plants for efficient separation and utilization of various gas components.
  • "Pipeline Splitting: Strategies for Optimized Distribution and Logistics" by [Author Name] (Journal of Pipeline Engineering): Discusses the advantages of pipeline splitting for efficient product distribution and transportation.
  • "Refining Optimization through Crude Oil Fractionation and Splitting" by [Author Name] (Journal of Refining and Petrochemicals): Examines the role of splitting in optimizing refining processes to meet market demands for specific petroleum products.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a vast library of technical papers, articles, and presentations related to oil and gas production, processing, and transportation, including splitting techniques.
  • OGJ (Oil & Gas Journal): This industry publication provides news, articles, and analysis related to the oil and gas industry, including discussions on splitting and its implications.
  • IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors): The IADC website offers information and resources on drilling operations, including wellhead splitting techniques and their impact on production.
  • Upstream (Oil & Gas Industry News): This online platform provides news, analysis, and industry updates related to upstream operations, including discussions on splitting and its role in production optimization.

Search Tips

  • "Splitting production streams oil and gas": This search will yield relevant results related to production optimization through splitting.
  • "Splitting natural gas processing": This search will focus on splitting techniques used in gas processing plants.
  • "Pipeline splitting optimization": This search will provide information on splitting strategies for pipeline networks.
  • "Refining crude oil fractionation splitting": This search will give you articles on splitting and its role in refining processes.
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