Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Resourcing Plan

Resourcing Plan

The Resourcing Plan: Fueling Success in Oil & Gas Projects

In the complex and demanding world of oil and gas, success hinges on meticulous planning and efficient execution. A key element in achieving this is a robust Resourcing Plan. This document, often incorporated within the Programme Definition Statement (PDS), acts as a roadmap for securing and managing the vital resources needed for a project's success.

Defining the Foundation:

The Resourcing Plan outlines the project's resource requirements, encompassing personnel, equipment, materials, technology, and financial support. It delves into the specific types and quantities of each resource needed, factoring in project timelines and operational needs.

Beyond the Basics:

Beyond simply listing requirements, the Resourcing Plan goes deeper. It:

  • Identifies supporting services: This includes specialized expertise, logistics, transportation, and communication systems crucial for efficient operations.
  • Specifies required infrastructure: Whether it's drilling rigs, pipelines, or processing facilities, the plan pinpoints the infrastructure essential for the project's execution.
  • Outlines third-party services: The plan identifies the specialized services that need to be contracted from external providers, including engineering, construction, and maintenance services.

A Strategic Blueprint:

The Resourcing Plan serves as a strategic guide for:

  • Resource acquisition: It provides a clear framework for sourcing the necessary resources, from securing skilled personnel to procuring specialized equipment.
  • Cost management: The plan helps to estimate and control project costs by specifying the required resources and their associated expenses.
  • Risk mitigation: Identifying potential resource constraints and developing mitigation strategies helps to minimize delays and cost overruns.
  • Project optimization: The plan facilitates efficient resource allocation, maximizing resource utilization and optimizing project performance.

The Significance in Oil & Gas:

In the oil and gas industry, where projects are often large-scale and complex, the Resourcing Plan plays a critical role. It:

  • Ensures project feasibility: By outlining the resource availability and costs, the plan helps assess the project's viability and feasibility.
  • Facilitates collaboration: It enables efficient communication and coordination between different departments and stakeholders involved in the project.
  • Improves decision-making: The detailed resource information allows for informed decision-making throughout the project lifecycle.


The Resourcing Plan is an essential component of oil and gas project planning. By providing a comprehensive roadmap for resource acquisition, management, and optimization, it contributes significantly to project success, minimizing risks and maximizing returns. This critical document helps navigate the complex landscape of oil and gas operations, ensuring projects are adequately equipped to achieve their objectives.

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