Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Pipeline Construction: Re-measurement


Re-measurement: Quantifying Progress in Construction Projects

In the complex world of construction projects, accurate and timely measurement is crucial for ensuring fair compensation, tracking project progress, and managing costs effectively. One important concept in this process is re-measurement.

Re-measurement, also known as measurement of work actually accomplished, is a process used to determine the actual amount of work completed during a specific period in a construction project. It is particularly relevant in unit price contracts, where the contractor is paid based on the actual quantity of work completed, rather than a fixed lump sum.

Here's how re-measurement works:

  1. Contractual Agreement: The contract clearly outlines the work scope and the unit prices for each component.
  2. Progress Periods: The contract typically defines specific periods for re-measurement, such as weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.
  3. Measurement Process: At the end of each progress period, a qualified individual (often a surveyor or engineer) performs a detailed measurement of the work completed. This involves physically verifying the quantities of materials used, the area or volume of work completed, and the quality of workmanship.
  4. Documentation: The measurement results are meticulously documented with detailed drawings, photographs, and written descriptions. This documentation serves as a record for both the contractor and the client.
  5. Payment Calculation: The re-measurement data is used to calculate the payment due to the contractor for the work completed during that period. The payment is determined by multiplying the measured quantities by the corresponding unit prices specified in the contract.

Benefits of Re-measurement:

  • Fair Compensation: Re-measurement ensures that the contractor is paid accurately for the work performed, eliminating any ambiguity or dispute regarding payment.
  • Project Control: Regular re-measurement allows for effective monitoring of project progress and identifying any potential delays or cost overruns.
  • Accurate Costing: By measuring the actual quantities used, re-measurement provides a realistic assessment of project costs, aiding in financial forecasting and budget management.
  • Improved Communication: The re-measurement process fosters better communication and transparency between the contractor and the client, ensuring both parties are aligned on the project's progress and financial status.

Key Considerations:

  • Timing and Frequency: The frequency of re-measurement should be aligned with the project's complexity and the needs for timely payment and progress monitoring.
  • Methodologies and Standards: Consistent methodologies and industry-standard measurement techniques should be used to ensure accuracy and objectivity.
  • Documentation: Comprehensive and accurate documentation is vital for resolving potential disputes and ensuring clear records of the work performed.
  • Qualifications: The person responsible for re-measurement should be qualified and experienced in the field to ensure accurate and reliable measurements.


Re-measurement is an essential element in construction project management, especially for unit price contracts. By providing a systematic and transparent process for measuring the work completed, it ensures fair compensation, effective project control, and accurate cost tracking, ultimately contributing to the successful completion of the project.

Test Your Knowledge

Re-measurement Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the main purpose of re-measurement in construction projects? a) To determine the total project cost. b) To measure the work completed in a specific period. c) To identify potential delays and cost overruns. d) To ensure the contractor is paid a fixed lump sum.


b) To measure the work completed in a specific period.

2. Re-measurement is most commonly used in which type of construction contract? a) Lump sum contracts b) Cost-plus contracts c) Unit price contracts d) Time and materials contracts


c) Unit price contracts

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of re-measurement? a) Fair compensation for the contractor b) Accurate cost tracking and forecasting c) Improved communication between contractor and client d) Eliminating the need for progress reports


d) Eliminating the need for progress reports

4. What is the role of documentation in the re-measurement process? a) To record the contractor's expenses. b) To provide evidence of the work completed. c) To track the project schedule. d) To ensure the client is happy with the project.


b) To provide evidence of the work completed.

5. Who is typically responsible for performing re-measurement? a) The project manager b) The client c) A qualified surveyor or engineer d) The contractor's accountant


c) A qualified surveyor or engineer

Re-measurement Exercise


A construction project has a unit price contract for the following items:

  • Concrete: $100 per cubic meter
  • Brickwork: $50 per square meter
  • Steel reinforcement: $200 per ton

During a specific progress period, the following work was completed:

  • 50 cubic meters of concrete poured
  • 200 square meters of brickwork laid
  • 3 tons of steel reinforcement installed


Calculate the payment due to the contractor for this progress period based on the re-measurement data.

Exercice Correction

**Calculation:** * Concrete: 50 cubic meters x $100/cubic meter = $5,000 * Brickwork: 200 square meters x $50/square meter = $10,000 * Steel reinforcement: 3 tons x $200/ton = $600 **Total payment due:** $5,000 + $10,000 + $600 = **$15,600**


  • Construction Contracts: Law and Practice by John F. Dolan and Thomas J. Cassidy (Provides a comprehensive overview of construction contracts, including re-measurement and its implications.)
  • Construction Contracts: A Guide for the Construction Professional by Michael A. Sabatino (Explores various contract types and their provisions, including those related to re-measurement.)
  • Construction Project Management: A Practical Guide by David A. Cleland and James A. Kinnell (Covers the management aspects of construction projects, including the importance of accurate re-measurement.)


  • "Re-measurement in Construction Contracts" by Building & Engineering Journal (A practical guide to re-measurement, its methods, and considerations for accurate measurement.)
  • "The Importance of Re-measurement in Construction Projects" by Construction Management Magazine (Discusses the benefits of re-measurement for both the contractor and the client.)
  • "Re-measurement: A Critical Element in Construction Contracts" by Construction Week (Analyzes the legal and practical aspects of re-measurement, including potential disputes and best practices.)

Online Resources

  • RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors): (Provides guidance on quantity surveying and measurement, including re-measurement principles and standards.)
  • ACI (American Concrete Institute): (Offers resources on construction practices and standards, including information on re-measurement methods in concrete construction.)
  • Construction Industry Institute (CII): (Provides research and resources for construction professionals, including best practices for contract administration and re-measurement.)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "re-measurement construction contract," "measurement of work actually accomplished," "unit price contract re-measurement"
  • Include relevant terms: "quantity surveying," "construction cost control," "contract administration"
  • Combine keywords with site operators: " re-measurement," " re-measurement," " re-measurement"
  • Utilize quotation marks: "re-measurement" to find exact matches for the term.
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