Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Pipeline Construction: Progress Payment

Progress Payment

Progress Payments: The Backbone of Construction Finance

Construction projects are complex, long-term endeavors requiring significant financial investment. To ensure a smooth workflow and minimize financial strain, a system of progress payments is implemented. This system allows contractors to receive regular payments for work completed, thus avoiding the need to finance the project entirely out of their own pocket.

What are Progress Payments?

Progress payments are payments made to a construction contractor based on the percentage of work completed or the value of materials and labor used on the project. They are typically made at predetermined intervals, such as monthly or bi-weekly, based on the progress made.

The Process:

  1. Invoice Submission: The contractor submits an invoice to the project owner, detailing the work completed and the associated costs.
  2. Progress Payment Certificate: A crucial element in the process is the Progress Payment Certificate, provided by the supervising consultant (architect, engineer, or project manager). This certificate verifies that the work has been completed to the required standard and is eligible for payment.
  3. Review and Approval: The owner reviews the invoice and the Progress Payment Certificate, ensuring accuracy and adherence to the project contract.
  4. Payment Disbursement: Once approved, the owner releases the payment to the contractor.

Benefits of Progress Payments:

  • Cash Flow Management: Regular payments help contractors manage their cash flow effectively, enabling them to purchase materials, pay labor, and maintain project operations without significant financial strain.
  • Project Continuity: Progress payments encourage contractors to maintain momentum and work diligently, ensuring timely project completion.
  • Risk Mitigation: By providing regular payments, the owner mitigates the risk of the contractor facing financial difficulties and abandoning the project.
  • Transparency and Accountability: The system of invoicing and Progress Payment Certificates promotes transparency and accountability, ensuring that both parties are aware of the work completed and the corresponding payments made.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Accurate Cost Tracking: Ensuring accurate tracking of costs and work completed is essential to determine the appropriate progress payment amount.
  • Schedule Delays: Delays in the project can affect the timing and amount of progress payments.
  • Contractual Disputes: Disputes may arise regarding the amount of work completed or the validity of the Progress Payment Certificate.
  • Lien Rights: Contractors may have lien rights against the project if payment is not made according to the contract.


Progress payments are an essential component of construction finance, ensuring a smooth and efficient flow of funds throughout the project lifecycle. This system benefits both the owner and the contractor by mitigating financial risk, fostering transparency, and ultimately contributing to the successful completion of the project. By establishing a clear understanding of the process, the involved parties can ensure timely and accurate payments, fostering a strong working relationship and promoting a collaborative approach to project delivery.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Progress Payments

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of progress payments in construction projects?

a) To compensate the contractor for their upfront investment in the project.


This is incorrect. While progress payments do compensate contractors, their primary purpose is to ensure a smooth workflow and minimize financial strain.

b) To ensure a timely completion of the project by providing incentives.


This is partially correct. Progress payments do incentivize timely completion, but their primary purpose is to manage cash flow for both parties.

c) To provide regular payments to the contractor based on work completed.


This is the correct answer. Progress payments are regular payments based on the completed work.

d) To mitigate the risk of the contractor abandoning the project.


This is partially correct. Progress payments do mitigate this risk, but it is not their primary purpose.

2. Which document verifies the work completed and is necessary for a progress payment to be released?

a) Invoice


This is incorrect. While an invoice details the work and costs, it doesn't verify completion.

b) Project Contract


This is incorrect. The contract outlines the agreement, not the completion status.

c) Progress Payment Certificate


This is the correct answer. The Progress Payment Certificate verifies completed work and is essential for payment.

d) Lien Waiver


This is incorrect. A lien waiver releases a contractor's right to file a lien, not a document verifying work completion.

3. What is a major benefit of using progress payments for both the owner and contractor?

a) Reduced risk of project delays


This is partially correct. Progress payments can help reduce delays but are not the primary benefit.

b) Improved cash flow management


This is the correct answer. Both parties benefit from better cash flow management with progress payments.

c) Enhanced transparency in cost accounting


This is partially correct. Progress payments promote transparency but are not the main benefit.

d) Reduced legal disputes


This is partially correct. Progress payments can help reduce disputes, but are not the primary benefit.

4. Which of the following is a potential challenge associated with progress payments?

a) Difficulty in identifying qualified contractors


This is incorrect. This is a challenge in general, not specific to progress payments.

b) Accurate cost tracking and documentation


This is the correct answer. Ensuring accurate cost tracking is crucial for progress payment accuracy.

c) Obtaining necessary permits and licenses


This is incorrect. This is a general construction requirement, not specific to progress payments.

d) Availability of suitable construction materials


This is incorrect. This is a general construction issue, not specific to progress payments.

5. Why are progress payments considered an important part of construction finance?

a) They help secure financing for the project.


This is incorrect. While they contribute to project funding, their main purpose is not securing financing.

b) They provide a mechanism for tracking project expenses.


This is partially correct. While they are involved in expense tracking, their primary role is not just tracking.

c) They facilitate a smoother flow of funds throughout the project lifecycle.


This is the correct answer. Progress payments are essential for a smooth flow of funds.

d) They prevent disputes between the owner and contractor.


This is incorrect. While they can contribute to fewer disputes, their primary purpose is not dispute prevention.


Scenario: You are a contractor working on a new office building. The project contract includes a system of monthly progress payments based on the percentage of work completed.


  1. You have completed 25% of the foundation work, which represents 10% of the total project value.
  2. The total project value is $5 million.
  3. Calculate the amount of your progress payment due for this month.
  4. Briefly explain how you arrived at this figure.

Exercice Correction

1. Calculate the value of the completed work: * Project Value: $5,000,000 * Completed Work Percentage: 10% * Value of Completed Work: $5,000,000 * 0.10 = $500,000 2. Determine the progress payment due: * The progress payment is based on the value of the completed work. Therefore, the progress payment due is $500,000. Explanation: Even though you've completed 25% of the foundation work, the progress payment is determined by the overall percentage of the project completed, which is 10% in this case. This means you are eligible for a payment equivalent to 10% of the total project value, regardless of how much of a specific phase is complete.


  • Construction Contracts: A Practical Guide to Drafting and Negotiating Construction Contracts by Edward C. Kemper & Donald C. Langevoort
  • Construction Law: A Guide to the Law and Practice of Construction by Roger A. Bernhardt & Douglas D. McFarland
  • Construction Finance: A Practical Guide to Funding Construction Projects by John R. Harris


  • Progress Payments: Ensuring a Smooth Construction Project by Construction Executive Magazine (search online)
  • Understanding Progress Payments in Construction Contracts by JD Supra
  • Construction Payment Practices: A Guide for Owners and Contractors by AGC of America

Online Resources

  • Construction Payment Practices by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB):
  • Understanding Construction Payment Bonds by the Surety & Fidelity Association of America (SFAA):
  • Construction Payment Issues by the American Bar Association (ABA):

Search Tips

  • "Progress Payments" Construction - This will return results specifically related to construction progress payments.
  • "Construction Payment Bond" - Use this search to learn about payment bonds, which guarantee the payment of subcontractors and suppliers.
  • "Progress Payment Certificate" - This search will help you understand the role of the progress payment certificate in the process.
  • "Construction Contract Clauses Progress Payments" - This will guide you to contract language and legal resources surrounding progress payments.
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