Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Risk Management: Probability


Understanding Probability in Risk Management: A Guide to "Hold" Decisions

In the world of risk management, the term "probability" is a cornerstone. It's a numerical representation of the likelihood of a specific risk event occurring. Understanding and quantifying probability is crucial in making informed decisions about how to handle risks, including when to "hold" a position.

What does "hold" mean in risk management?

"Hold" signifies a decision to maintain the current course of action regarding a specific risk. It implies that the risk is deemed acceptable and the potential benefits outweigh the potential drawbacks.

How does probability factor into "hold" decisions?

When evaluating whether to hold a risk, we need to consider the probability of the risk materializing and its potential impact. A higher probability means the risk is more likely to occur. A high impact suggests that the consequences of the risk event will be severe.

Factors influencing probability:

  • Past data: Historical records and statistical analysis of similar events can provide valuable insights into the likelihood of a risk occurring.
  • Expert opinions: Consulting with subject matter experts can contribute to a more accurate assessment of the probability.
  • Market conditions: Changes in the economic or political landscape can influence the probability of certain risks.
  • Internal control effectiveness: Strong internal controls can significantly reduce the probability of certain risks occurring.
  • Environmental factors: External factors like climate change or natural disasters can impact the probability of certain risks.

Examples of probability in "hold" decisions:

  • Investing: A company may decide to hold an investment in a volatile market, believing that the long-term potential returns outweigh the risk of short-term losses. The probability of market fluctuations is acknowledged, but the overall probability of success is deemed higher.
  • Project management: A project manager may choose to hold a risk associated with a specific task, believing that the mitigation measures in place are sufficient to control the risk. The probability of the risk materializing is considered low, and the impact is not deemed critical to the project's success.
  • Safety management: A manufacturing facility may choose to hold a risk related to a specific process, believing that the safety protocols in place are sufficient to prevent accidents. The probability of an accident occurring is considered low, and the impact is mitigated by the safety measures.

Importance of probability in "hold" decisions:

  • Informed decision-making: Probability allows for more objective and data-driven decisions regarding risk management.
  • Resource allocation: By understanding the probability of different risks, companies can allocate resources effectively to mitigate the most likely and impactful risks.
  • Risk acceptance: The "hold" decision acknowledges that some risks are inherent and unavoidable. By understanding the probability of these risks, companies can make informed choices about accepting them.


Probability plays a crucial role in making informed "hold" decisions. By quantifying the likelihood of a risk occurring, companies can assess the potential impact and determine whether the risk is acceptable given the potential benefits. A strong understanding of probability enables effective risk management, ensuring that risks are controlled, mitigated, and managed appropriately.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding Probability in Risk Management

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "hold" mean in the context of risk management?

a) To completely eliminate a risk.


Incorrect. "Hold" implies accepting the risk.

b) To implement a plan to mitigate a risk.


Incorrect. "Hold" implies accepting the risk, not necessarily taking immediate action.

c) To accept the risk and continue with the current course of action.


Correct. "Hold" means accepting the risk and continuing as planned.

d) To transfer the risk to another party.


Incorrect. "Hold" implies retaining the risk.

2. Which of the following factors does NOT directly influence the probability of a risk occurring?

a) Past data on similar events.


Incorrect. Past data is a key factor in determining probability.

b) The risk manager's personal opinion on the risk.


Correct. While opinions are important, they should be based on data and analysis, not solely personal feelings.

c) Market conditions affecting the industry.


Incorrect. Market conditions can heavily influence the probability of certain risks.

d) The effectiveness of internal controls.


Incorrect. Strong internal controls can significantly reduce the probability of risks.

3. In a project management context, a "hold" decision for a risk might be justified if:

a) The probability of the risk occurring is high, but the impact is low.


Incorrect. A high probability of risk would likely require action, not simply holding.

b) The probability of the risk occurring is low, and the impact is insignificant.


Correct. A low probability and low impact makes the risk acceptable to hold.

c) The probability of the risk occurring is high, and the impact is significant.


Incorrect. A high probability and significant impact would likely require mitigation or avoidance.

d) The probability of the risk occurring is unknown, but the impact is high.


Incorrect. Unknown probability and high impact would require further analysis and potentially mitigation.

4. What is a key advantage of using probability in risk management decisions?

a) It eliminates all uncertainty surrounding risks.


Incorrect. Probability quantifies uncertainty, but doesn't eliminate it completely.

b) It allows for more objective and data-driven decision-making.


Correct. Probability helps move decisions away from subjective opinions and towards data analysis.

c) It guarantees a successful outcome for every risk.


Incorrect. Probability helps assess risk, but doesn't guarantee success.

d) It simplifies risk management by ignoring complex scenarios.


Incorrect. Probability helps understand complexity, not simplify it.

5. Why is understanding probability important for making "hold" decisions?

a) It allows for a complete understanding of the potential impact of the risk.


Incorrect. While impact is important, understanding probability is also crucial.

b) It ensures that all risks are eliminated.


Incorrect. Not all risks can be eliminated. Understanding probability helps with decision-making for acceptable risks.

c) It provides a basis for deciding whether to accept a risk and continue with the current course of action.


Correct. Probability helps determine if the risk is acceptable given the likelihood of its occurrence.

d) It guarantees that all risks are mitigated to a manageable level.


Incorrect. Probability helps with mitigation strategies, but not always guaranteed success.

Exercise: Applying Probability to Risk Management

Scenario: A company is considering launching a new product. The market research suggests a 60% chance of success, which would result in a profit of $1 million. However, there is also a 40% chance of failure, leading to a loss of $500,000.

Task: Using the concepts of probability and risk management, advise the company on whether to "hold" the launch, "mitigate" the risk, or "avoid" the project altogether.

Exercise Correction

This is a classic example of decision-making with risk. Here's how to approach it:

  1. Calculate Expected Value (EV): EV = (Probability of Success * Profit) + (Probability of Failure * Loss) EV = (0.6 * $1,000,000) + (0.4 * -$500,000) = $600,000 - $200,000 = $400,000

  2. Interpret the EV: The positive EV of $400,000 indicates that, on average, the project is expected to be profitable. This supports a "hold" decision, meaning proceeding with the launch.

  3. Consider Mitigation: While the EV is positive, the potential loss of $500,000 is significant. The company could consider mitigation strategies:

    • Market Research Refinement: Conduct deeper market research to potentially improve the probability of success.
    • Marketing Campaign: A strong marketing campaign could increase the chances of success.
    • Product Development Adjustments: Refine the product to address potential weaknesses identified in the research.
  4. Avoidance: If the risk is deemed too high or the company is risk-averse, they could decide to "avoid" the project altogether. This would mean forgoing the potential profit but also eliminating the potential loss.

Conclusion: The company should carefully consider the probability of success, the potential profit, and the risk of failure. While the expected value suggests a "hold" decision, mitigating strategies can be implemented to further reduce the risk before proceeding with the launch.


  • Risk Management: A Practical Guide for Decision Makers by Michael C. Mankins & Eric D. Barefoot: This book provides a comprehensive overview of risk management, including the role of probability and decision-making.
  • The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Nassim Nicholas Taleb: This book explores the concept of "black swan" events - highly improbable events with significant impact. It emphasizes the importance of considering low-probability risks in decision-making.
  • Quantitative Risk Management by David Shimko: This book delves into the mathematical aspects of risk management, including probability analysis and statistical modeling.


  • Risk Management: A Practical Guide to Assessing and Controlling Risk by David L. Olson: This article provides a practical framework for risk management, including a discussion on probability assessment and decision-making.
  • The Role of Probability in Risk Management by Peter Bernstein: This article explores the importance of probability in understanding and managing risk. It emphasizes the need for probabilistic thinking in decision-making.
  • Understanding and Managing Risk: A Practical Guide for Decision Makers by Richard L. Phillips: This article discusses various aspects of risk management, including the role of probability in assessing risk and making informed decisions.

Online Resources

  • The Risk Management Association (RMA): This organization offers numerous resources on risk management, including articles, webinars, and publications.
  • The Project Management Institute (PMI): PMI provides resources on risk management for projects, including guidelines on probability assessment and decision-making.
  • The Society for Risk Management (SRM): SRM offers insights and resources on various aspects of risk management, including probability and decision analysis.

Search Tips

  • "Probability in risk management" + "hold decision": This search will provide articles and resources specifically on probability in the context of risk management and "hold" decisions.
  • "Risk assessment" + "probability analysis": This search will lead you to resources on probability analysis within risk assessment frameworks.
  • "Risk tolerance" + "probability distribution": This search will help you understand how probability distributions are used to evaluate risk tolerance levels.
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