Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Pre-Award Survey

Pre-Award Survey

Pre-Award Survey: Ensuring Success in Oil & Gas Contracts

In the high-stakes world of oil and gas, where projects are often complex, demanding, and geographically dispersed, securing the right contractor is paramount. A crucial step in this process is the Pre-Award Survey, an evaluation designed to assess a prospective contractor's capability to successfully fulfill the terms of a proposed contract. This rigorous assessment goes beyond simple financial analysis, delving into the contractor's technical expertise, operational efficiency, and overall suitability for the specific project.

Why is a Pre-Award Survey Important?

  • Mitigating Risk: A thorough pre-award survey helps identify potential red flags early on, mitigating the risk of delays, cost overruns, safety incidents, and other project setbacks.
  • Ensuring Project Success: By selecting a contractor with proven capabilities, project owners increase the likelihood of achieving project goals within budget and timeframe.
  • Building a Strong Partnership: A pre-award survey helps establish a solid foundation for a successful and collaborative relationship between the project owner and the contractor.

Key Elements of a Pre-Award Survey:

A comprehensive pre-award survey typically includes several key elements:

  • Technical Capability: Evaluating the contractor's technical expertise, experience in similar projects, and access to necessary equipment and resources.
  • Financial Stability: Assessing the contractor's financial health, including their track record, cash flow, and ability to secure financing.
  • Operational Efficiency: Evaluating the contractor's management systems, safety record, and organizational structure to ensure efficient project execution.
  • Compliance and Regulations: Assessing the contractor's understanding and adherence to relevant environmental, safety, and legal regulations in the operating region.
  • Project Management Capabilities: Examining the contractor's project management expertise, experience with similar project complexities, and track record of successful project delivery.

Conducting a Pre-Award Survey:

The pre-award survey process typically involves:

  1. Defining Scope and Objectives: Clearly defining the specific project requirements and the desired outcomes of the survey.
  2. Contractor Selection: Identifying potential contractors based on initial screening and qualification criteria.
  3. Data Gathering: Collecting information through interviews, site visits, documentation review, and other methods to assess the contractor's capabilities.
  4. Evaluation and Scoring: Analyzing the collected data to evaluate the contractor's performance against predefined criteria, often using a scoring system.
  5. Reporting and Recommendations: Presenting the findings and recommendations to the project team, including a clear justification for the chosen contractor.

Benefits of a Pre-Award Survey:

  • Enhanced Decision-Making: Provides objective and well-supported information to inform the decision of selecting the right contractor.
  • Increased Project Success: Minimizes the risk of project delays, cost overruns, and other problems by selecting a capable and experienced contractor.
  • Improved Contractor Relationships: Fosters trust and transparency between the project owner and the contractor through a transparent and rigorous evaluation process.

In Conclusion:

The Pre-Award Survey is an essential tool in the oil and gas industry, helping project owners make informed decisions about selecting the right contractor for their projects. By thoroughly evaluating a contractor's capabilities, operational efficiency, and overall suitability, pre-award surveys contribute significantly to project success, risk mitigation, and the establishment of strong partnerships.

Test Your Knowledge

Pre-Award Survey Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a Pre-Award Survey?

a) To negotiate the best possible price with a contractor. b) To evaluate a contractor's capability to fulfill a contract's terms. c) To finalize the contract details with a chosen contractor. d) To ensure the contractor has the necessary permits and licenses.


b) To evaluate a contractor's capability to fulfill a contract's terms.

2. Which of the following is NOT typically included in a Pre-Award Survey?

a) Technical Capability b) Financial Stability c) Environmental Impact Assessment d) Operational Efficiency


c) Environmental Impact Assessment

3. What is the main benefit of conducting a Pre-Award Survey?

a) Reducing the risk of project delays and cost overruns. b) Increasing the chance of securing government funding for the project. c) Ensuring the contractor is fully insured for any potential accidents. d) Guaranteeing the project will be completed on schedule.


a) Reducing the risk of project delays and cost overruns.

4. What is the typical first step in the Pre-Award Survey process?

a) Conducting site visits to assess the contractor's facilities. b) Gathering financial data from the contractor. c) Defining the scope and objectives of the survey. d) Selecting potential contractors based on initial screening.


c) Defining the scope and objectives of the survey.

5. What is the primary purpose of evaluating the contractor's "project management capabilities" during a Pre-Award Survey?

a) Assessing their ability to manage budgets effectively. b) Determining their expertise in handling complex projects. c) Evaluating their experience with specific technologies. d) Examining their safety procedures and protocols.


b) Determining their expertise in handling complex projects.

Pre-Award Survey Exercise

Scenario: You are the project manager for a large oil and gas exploration project. Your team is preparing to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to contractors. You have identified three potential contractors that seem qualified based on their initial application.


  • Develop a checklist of key elements you will evaluate during the Pre-Award Survey for each of these contractors.
  • Outline a brief plan for gathering data and information relevant to these elements.
  • Describe how you will evaluate and score the contractors based on the collected data.

Exercice Correction

**Pre-Award Survey Checklist:** * **Technical Capability:** * Relevant experience in oil and gas exploration * Equipment and resources available * Expertise in specific technologies used in the project * Safety record related to similar projects * **Financial Stability:** * Financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow) * Credit history and ratings * Ability to secure financing for the project * Track record of successful project delivery * **Operational Efficiency:** * Project management systems and processes * Safety procedures and protocols * Organizational structure and communication channels * Experience with similar project complexities * **Compliance and Regulations:** * Understanding and adherence to environmental regulations in the operating region * Compliance with local labor laws and safety standards * Track record of meeting legal and regulatory requirements * **Project Management Capabilities:** * Experience in managing projects of similar size and scope * Track record of delivering projects on time and within budget * Communication and collaboration skills with stakeholders **Data Gathering Plan:** * **Interviews:** Conduct in-person or virtual interviews with key personnel from each contractor to discuss their capabilities and experience. * **Site Visits:** Visit the contractor's facilities to observe their operations and assess their resources. * **Documentation Review:** Review financial statements, safety reports, project proposals, and other relevant documentation provided by the contractors. * **Third-Party References:** Contact past clients and industry experts to gather feedback on the contractor's performance. **Evaluation and Scoring:** 1. **Develop a scoring system:** Assign points to each element of the checklist based on its importance to the project. 2. **Assign scores:** Assign scores to each contractor based on their performance against each element. 3. **Calculate total scores:** Sum the scores for each contractor to determine their overall ranking. 4. **Consider qualitative factors:** In addition to quantitative scores, take into account qualitative factors such as the contractor's commitment to safety, their communication style, and their overall alignment with your project goals. **Example Scoring System:** | Element | Weighting | |---|---| | Technical Capability | 30% | | Financial Stability | 20% | | Operational Efficiency | 20% | | Compliance and Regulations | 15% | | Project Management Capabilities | 15% |


  • "Project Management for the Oil and Gas Industry" by A.K. Rao: Offers insights into various aspects of project management in the oil and gas sector, including contract management and vendor selection.
  • "The Oil & Gas Procurement Handbook" by John R. Bell: Provides practical guidance on procurement processes in the oil and gas industry, covering vendor evaluation, contract negotiation, and risk management.
  • "Engineering and Construction Contracts: A Practical Guide" by David L. Owen: Offers a comprehensive overview of different types of contracts used in engineering and construction projects, including relevant legal aspects and risk allocation.


  • "Pre-Award Survey: A Crucial Step in Oil & Gas Contract Management" by [Your Name]: This article (the one you provided) can be used as a starting point for further research.
  • "The Importance of Vendor Due Diligence in the Oil and Gas Industry" by [Author Name]: This type of article often focuses on the legal and regulatory implications of vendor selection.
  • "How to Conduct a Successful Pre-Award Survey" by [Author Name]: Focuses on the practical steps involved in carrying out a pre-award survey.

Online Resources

  • The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website contains numerous resources on oil and gas project management, contract management, and vendor selection.
  • The American Petroleum Institute (API): The API offers resources on industry standards, best practices, and legal guidance related to oil and gas operations.
  • Contract Management Institute (CMI): CMI provides information, training, and certification programs related to contract management principles, including vendor selection and risk assessment.
  • The Project Management Institute (PMI): PMI offers resources and training on project management methodologies, risk management, and vendor evaluation.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "pre-award survey," combine it with relevant keywords like "oil and gas," "contract management," "vendor selection," "due diligence," etc.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, "pre-award survey checklist" or "oil and gas contract risks."
  • Specify a time frame: Add a time frame to your search to find more recent articles. For example, "pre-award survey oil and gas 2023."
  • Combine with other search engines: Explore other search engines like Google Scholar, Bing Academic, and ResearchGate for more academic and industry-specific content.
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