Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Period


Period: Understanding its Significance in Oil & Gas

In the complex world of oil and gas, "period" is a term with multifaceted meanings depending on the context. It often refers to a defined timeframe or a specific stage within a larger process. This article delves into the various uses of "period" in the oil and gas industry, providing clear explanations and practical examples.

1. Production Period:

This refers to the duration of oil or gas extraction from a specific well or reservoir. It marks the time between the initial production commencement and the eventual cessation of economic production. Factors like reservoir pressure decline, production rate decrease, and operational challenges contribute to the length of a production period.

Example: "The North Sea oil field entered its production period in 1980, with an estimated duration of 25 years."

2. Reservoir Period:

This term designates the time frame during which a particular reservoir is actively producing hydrocarbons. This period encompasses the entire life of the reservoir, from its initial discovery to the ultimate decline in production.

Example: "The Permian Basin reservoir has a long reservoir period, expected to last several decades due to its vast reserves."

3. Exploration Period:

This refers to the phase of activities focused on discovering new oil or gas deposits. This period involves geological surveys, seismic testing, drilling exploratory wells, and analyzing data to determine the potential of a specific area.

Example: "The exploration period for the new offshore gas field lasted five years, involving extensive seismic surveys and drilling several exploratory wells."

4. Development Period:

This signifies the phase following exploration, during which resources are prepared for production. Activities include drilling production wells, constructing pipelines, and establishing surface infrastructure.

Example: "The development period for the oil field was characterized by rapid construction of pipelines and processing facilities."

5. Cycle Period:

This term is commonly used in reservoir engineering and refers to the time it takes for a particular event to repeat itself. This could be the time for a single well to produce a specific amount of oil or gas, or the time for a reservoir to experience a complete cycle of pressure decline and recharge.

Example: "The cycle period for the gas well is approximately six months, based on the current production rate and reservoir characteristics."

6. Operational Period:

This denotes the duration of a specific operation or activity within the oil and gas industry. It can refer to a particular drilling campaign, maintenance period, or the timeframe for a specific project.

Example: "The operational period for the drilling rig was three months, with a planned shut-down for maintenance."

7. Well Completion Period:

This represents the time frame between the completion of a well and its first production. This period involves various tasks like running casing, cementing, installing production tubing, and connecting to surface facilities.

Example: "The well completion period was delayed by three weeks due to unforeseen equipment failure."

Understanding the context of "period" in oil and gas is essential for accurate interpretation and communication. By grasping the specific meaning within different situations, professionals can navigate the complexities of the industry with greater clarity and efficiency.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding "Period" in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which "period" refers to the time between the start and end of oil or gas extraction from a specific well?

a) Reservoir Period b) Exploration Period c) Production Period


c) Production Period

2. What is the "Development Period" characterized by?

a) Drilling exploratory wells and analyzing data b) Constructing pipelines and processing facilities c) Conducting geological surveys and seismic testing


b) Constructing pipelines and processing facilities

3. Which "period" is primarily associated with reservoir engineering and refers to the time for an event to repeat itself?

a) Operational Period b) Well Completion Period c) Cycle Period


c) Cycle Period

4. During which "period" are new oil or gas deposits discovered?

a) Exploration Period b) Development Period c) Production Period


a) Exploration Period

5. Which "period" encompasses the entire life of a reservoir, from discovery to decline in production?

a) Production Period b) Reservoir Period c) Operational Period


b) Reservoir Period

Exercise: Apply your knowledge of "Period"


You are working as a project manager for a new oil field development. The exploration period has been completed, and you are tasked with planning the development period.


  1. Outline the key activities that should be included in the development period.
  2. Identify potential factors that could affect the duration of the development period.
  3. Explain how understanding the different "periods" in oil and gas helps you manage this project effectively.

Exercice Correction

**1. Key activities in the Development Period:** * **Drilling production wells:** This is the core activity, setting the foundation for production. * **Constructing pipelines:** To transport oil/gas from the well to processing facilities. * **Establishing surface infrastructure:** Including processing plants, storage tanks, and other support structures. * **Securing permits and licenses:** Essential for legal compliance. * **Contracting with vendors:** For equipment, construction, and other services. * **Environmental impact assessment and mitigation:** To ensure sustainable operations. * **Safety planning and implementation:** Prioritizing worker safety and environmental protection. **2. Factors affecting the Development Period duration:** * **Size and complexity of the oil field:** Larger and more complex fields naturally require longer development. * **Geological conditions:** Challenging terrains or difficult reservoir characteristics can lead to delays. * **Regulatory environment:** Stringent regulations may necessitate more time for approval processes. * **Availability of resources:** Shortages of materials, equipment, or skilled labor can impact the timeline. * **Unforeseen challenges:** Geological surprises, equipment failure, or weather events can lead to unexpected delays. **3. Importance of understanding "periods" for project management:** * **Clear project scope:** By understanding the development period within the broader context of exploration, production, and reservoir life, you can accurately define project goals. * **Realistic timeline:** Knowing the factors that influence the development period's duration allows you to create a practical schedule. * **Resource allocation:** Understanding the various stages and their resource needs ensures efficient planning and allocation. * **Risk mitigation:** Anticipating potential challenges associated with each "period" enables effective risk management strategies. * **Communication:** Using the right terminology helps ensure clear communication with stakeholders and within the project team.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook provides detailed information on all aspects of the oil and gas industry, including production periods, reservoir periods, and well completion periods.
  • Reservoir Engineering: This book focuses specifically on reservoir engineering, including concepts like cycle periods and reservoir management.
  • Oil and Gas Exploration and Development: This book covers the exploration and development phases of the oil and gas industry, including the exploration period and development period.


  • "Production Decline Curve Analysis: A Practical Guide" by Society of Petroleum Engineers: This article delves into the concepts of production periods and production decline curves, crucial for understanding reservoir performance and predicting future production.
  • "Reservoir Simulation: A Powerful Tool for Oil and Gas Development" by SPE: This article highlights the role of reservoir simulation in predicting reservoir behavior and optimizing production, including understanding cycle periods and reservoir characteristics.
  • "The Future of Oil and Gas: A Look at the Industry's Challenges and Opportunities" by Harvard Business Review: This article explores the evolving landscape of the oil and gas industry and discusses the impact of factors like production periods, exploration, and development on future trends.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website offers a vast collection of resources, including technical papers, journals, and industry news, all related to the oil and gas industry.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): The API website provides information on various aspects of the oil and gas industry, including exploration, production, and environmental regulations.
  • Oil and Gas Journal (OGJ): OGJ is a leading industry publication that offers news, analysis, and technical articles related to the oil and gas industry.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use specific terms like "production period," "reservoir period," "exploration period," and "development period" along with "oil and gas" for more precise results.
  • Specify search engine: Use the "site:" operator to focus your search on specific websites like SPE, API, or OGJ. For example: " production period."
  • Use quotation marks: Place specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, "cycle period oil and gas."
  • Utilize advanced operators: Experiment with other operators like "+" (include) and "-" (exclude) to refine your search.
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