Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Parallel Activities

Parallel Activities

Parallel Activities: Streamlining Oil & Gas Projects for Faster Completion

In the fast-paced world of oil and gas, time is money. Every day a project is delayed translates to lost revenue and potential setbacks. One key strategy to mitigate these delays and accelerate project completion is the implementation of parallel activities.

What are Parallel Activities?

Parallel activities, also known as concurrent activities, are two or more tasks that can be performed simultaneously. This contrasts with serial activities, where tasks must be completed one after the other in a linear sequence.

Benefits of Parallel Activities:

  • Reduced Project Duration: By executing multiple tasks concurrently, the overall project timeline is significantly shortened. This is particularly crucial for projects with tight deadlines or fluctuating market conditions.
  • Improved Efficiency: Parallelism allows resources to be utilized more effectively, maximizing productivity and minimizing idle time.
  • Increased Flexibility: Parallel activities offer greater flexibility in scheduling and resource allocation, allowing adjustments to be made based on changing circumstances.
  • Enhanced Risk Management: By distributing tasks across multiple teams or contractors, the impact of unforeseen delays or challenges on a single activity is minimized.

Examples of Parallel Activities in Oil & Gas:

  • Drilling and Completion: Drilling operations can be performed concurrently with completion activities, such as wellhead installation and equipment setup.
  • Engineering and Procurement: Engineering design and procurement of materials can be initiated simultaneously to reduce delays caused by waiting for the completion of one before starting the other.
  • Construction and Commissioning: Construction activities, like pipeline installation, can be conducted in parallel with commissioning tasks, such as testing and validation.

Considerations for Parallel Activities:

  • Dependency Analysis: Careful analysis of task dependencies is crucial to ensure that parallel activities can be performed without causing conflicts or delays.
  • Resource Management: Proper resource allocation is essential to ensure that all parallel activities have adequate personnel, equipment, and materials.
  • Communication and Coordination: Effective communication and coordination between different teams and contractors are vital for successful parallel activity execution.
  • Risk Assessment: Thorough risk assessments are necessary to identify and mitigate potential risks associated with parallel activities.


Parallel activities are a valuable tool for optimizing project timelines and improving efficiency in the oil & gas industry. By strategically planning and executing parallel tasks, companies can overcome logistical challenges, reduce costs, and achieve faster project completion, ultimately contributing to greater profitability and a competitive edge.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Parallel Activities in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of implementing parallel activities in oil and gas projects? a) Reduced project duration b) Improved efficiency c) Increased project complexity d) Enhanced risk management


c) Increased project complexity

2. What is the term used for tasks that must be completed one after the other in a linear sequence? a) Concurrent activities b) Parallel activities c) Serial activities d) Independent activities


c) Serial activities

3. Which of the following is an example of parallel activities in oil and gas? a) Drilling a well and then immediately starting production b) Completing environmental impact assessments before starting construction c) Engineering design and procurement of materials happening simultaneously d) Waiting for permits to be approved before starting any construction work


c) Engineering design and procurement of materials happening simultaneously

4. What is a crucial factor to consider when implementing parallel activities? a) Ensuring all tasks are completed by the same team b) Careful analysis of task dependencies c) Minimizing communication between different teams d) Focusing on individual task completion rather than overall project progress


b) Careful analysis of task dependencies

5. What is NOT a consideration for implementing parallel activities? a) Resource management b) Risk assessment c) Using only one contractor for the entire project d) Communication and coordination between teams


c) Using only one contractor for the entire project

Exercise: Parallel Activities Planning

Scenario: You are managing an oil and gas project involving the construction of a new pipeline. Your team has identified the following key tasks:

  1. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): This needs to be completed before any construction can start.
  2. Land Acquisition: The land required for the pipeline needs to be acquired. This can be done in parallel with the EIA.
  3. Pipeline Design: The design of the pipeline needs to be finalized. This can be done in parallel with land acquisition and EIA.
  4. Material Procurement: Once the design is finalized, the necessary materials need to be procured.
  5. Pipeline Construction: The actual construction of the pipeline can only begin once the materials are procured.


  • Identify and list the tasks that can be performed in parallel.
  • Create a simple schedule or flowchart depicting the parallel activities and their dependencies.

Exercise Correction

**Parallel Tasks:** * Land Acquisition and EIA can be performed in parallel. * Pipeline Design can be performed in parallel with Land Acquisition and EIA. **Schedule/Flowchart:**

                 +-------> Land Acquisition ----->
                 |                      |
                 +-------> EIA ------------> Pipeline Design -----> Material Procurement -----> Pipeline Construction
**Explanation:** * The EIA must be completed before construction can start, so it is a prerequisite for Pipeline Construction. * Land Acquisition can be done in parallel with the EIA, as they are not dependent on each other. * Pipeline Design can be done in parallel with both Land Acquisition and EIA, as these tasks are independent. * Material Procurement depends on the Pipeline Design being finalized, so it can only start after the design is complete. * Finally, Pipeline Construction can only begin once the necessary materials are procured.


  • Project Management for the Oil and Gas Industry by David J. Cleland (Covers project planning, scheduling, and resource management with specific focus on oil & gas).
  • Project Management in Oil and Gas: A Practical Guide by Mark P. C. (Offers practical insights into project management techniques, including parallel activities, in the oil & gas sector).
  • Engineering and Construction Project Management for the Oil and Gas Industry by Peter J. Odell (Explores project management principles and their application to oil & gas construction projects, encompassing parallel activities).


  • "Concurrent Engineering: A Paradigm for the 21st Century" by J.M. Juran (Provides a conceptual framework for concurrent engineering, applicable to parallel activities in various industries).
  • "Project Acceleration Techniques for Oil and Gas Projects" by (Find specific articles on project acceleration techniques using online databases like ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, etc.).
  • "Improving Efficiency in Oil and Gas Project Execution: A Focus on Parallel Activities" by (Search for articles with this title or similar using online databases).

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI) - Offers resources and articles on project management techniques, including parallel activities.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) - Provides technical information and resources on oil & gas project management, including best practices for parallel activities.
  • Oil & Gas Journal - Publishes articles and news related to oil & gas industry trends, which may feature discussions on parallel activities.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Parallel activities oil & gas," "concurrent engineering oil & gas," "project acceleration techniques oil & gas."
  • Include relevant industry terms: "Drilling," "Completion," "Construction," "Pipeline," "Wellhead."
  • Target specific publications: "Oil & Gas Journal parallel activities," "SPE parallel activities," "PMI project acceleration techniques."
  • Look for case studies: "Parallel activities oil & gas case study," "concurrent engineering oil & gas example."
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