Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Specific Terms: Overhead


Understanding Overhead Costs in Oil & Gas Projects

In the oil & gas industry, "overhead" is a broad term encompassing a wide range of expenses that are essential for project management and execution, but not directly tied to specific design or construction activities. These costs, while not directly related to the physical aspects of the project, are crucial for its overall success.

Here's a breakdown of key overhead cost categories in oil & gas projects:

1. Management and Supervision:

  • Salaries and benefits of project managers, engineers, and administrative staff: This includes personnel responsible for planning, coordinating, monitoring, and overseeing all project activities.
  • Training and development: Investing in staff training ensures they have the necessary skills and knowledge to manage complex oil & gas projects.
  • Travel and accommodation: Expenses associated with project team travel, meetings, and site visits.

2. Office Expenses:

  • Rent and utilities: Costs associated with office space, including rent, electricity, water, and internet access.
  • Office supplies and equipment: Including computers, software, printers, and other office equipment.
  • Communication costs: Telephone, internet, and mobile phone expenses.

3. Interest During Construction (IDC):

  • Financing costs incurred during the construction phase: This includes interest payments on loans used to fund the project.
  • IDC is a significant cost in long-term projects: It is crucial to account for this expense accurately in project budgeting.

4. Other General Costs:

  • Insurance: Project-specific insurance policies for liability, property damage, and other risks.
  • Legal fees: Legal expenses associated with contracts, permits, and other legal matters.
  • Accounting and auditing: Costs for maintaining financial records and ensuring compliance with regulations.

Why is Understanding Overhead Crucial?

  • Accurate Cost Estimation: Accurately accounting for overhead costs is essential for creating realistic project budgets.
  • Effective Budgeting and Control: Understanding the various overhead components allows for better budgeting, cost control, and resource allocation.
  • Maximizing Profitability: By efficiently managing overhead costs, companies can maximize project profitability and ensure financial success.

Strategies for Managing Overhead Costs:

  • Optimize Project Management Structure: Streamlining project management and using technology can reduce administrative overhead.
  • Negotiate Favorable Contracts: Secure competitive pricing on insurance, legal services, and other overhead-related expenses.
  • Centralized Procurement: Streamline procurement processes to obtain better pricing on supplies and equipment.
  • Regular Monitoring and Analysis: Track and analyze overhead costs regularly to identify potential areas for improvement.


Overhead costs are an integral part of oil & gas projects. By understanding and managing these costs effectively, companies can ensure project profitability and maintain a competitive edge in the industry. Recognizing the importance of overhead, implementing strategic management practices, and continuously striving for cost optimization are essential for success in the ever-evolving oil & gas landscape.

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