Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Industry Leaders: Organizational Politics

Organizational Politics

The Game of Thrones: Organizational Politics in the Oil & Gas Industry

The oil and gas industry, with its complex projects, high stakes, and tight deadlines, is a breeding ground for a phenomenon often referred to as organizational politics. This isn't about playing dirty tricks or backstabbing colleagues. It's about understanding the informal power dynamics that exist within any organization, and how those dynamics influence project decisions.

The Power of the Informal Network

Imagine a vast oil rig, a complex pipeline network, or an intricate refinery. These projects are not solely driven by technical expertise and financial budgets. They are also shaped by the relationships between individuals and teams.

  • Personal Friendships: Strong bonds can lead to preferential treatment, faster information flow, and a willingness to bend the rules for a friend.
  • Loyalties: A sense of belonging to a particular team or department can influence decisions in favor of that group, even if it's not the most rational choice.
  • Enmities: Past conflicts or rivalries can create barriers to collaboration and undermine project success.

The Advantage of Navigating the Maze

Understanding the informal network can be a strategic advantage in the oil and gas industry. By:

  • Identifying key players: Who holds the power in decision-making processes? Who are the influencers and opinion leaders?
  • Building relationships: Cultivating strong professional connections can help you gain support and access resources.
  • Understanding the unspoken rules: What are the unwritten codes of conduct? What are the acceptable ways to exert influence?

The Dark Side of Organizational Politics

When organizational politics become too pervasive, they can have negative consequences:

  • Stifling innovation: Fear of losing power or being seen as a threat can discourage employees from sharing their ideas.
  • Decreased efficiency: Political maneuvering can divert time and energy away from core tasks.
  • Eroding trust: When people feel like they are constantly competing for power, it can lead to a breakdown in trust and collaboration.

Navigating the Terrain:

So how can you navigate the world of organizational politics in the oil and gas industry?

  • Be transparent: Communicate your goals and motivations clearly.
  • Build trust: Focus on building genuine relationships based on respect and collaboration.
  • Seek consensus: Involve stakeholders in the decision-making process to gain buy-in and minimize resistance.
  • Maintain professionalism: Never resort to unethical tactics to gain an advantage.


Organizational politics is a reality in the oil and gas industry, just as it is in any organization. By understanding the informal power dynamics and navigating them effectively, you can enhance your influence, foster collaboration, and contribute to project success. However, remember that navigating this terrain requires a balance of strategic thinking and ethical conduct. The goal is to leverage the power of relationships while maintaining integrity and respect for your colleagues.

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