Glossary of Technical Terms Used in General Technical Terms: Material


Material: The Backbone of Contractual Performance

In the world of contracts, particularly in technical fields, the term "material" carries significant weight. It encompasses a wide range of items that are crucial to successful project execution and delivery. This article delves into the definition and scope of "material" in the context of general technical terms, examining its importance within contractual agreements.

Definition and Scope:

"Material" refers to any substance, item, or component that is incorporated into, attached to, consumed, or expended during the performance of a contract. This broad definition encompasses a diverse range of items, including:

  • Raw and processed materials: These form the building blocks of manufactured goods and can include metals, plastics, wood, textiles, chemicals, and many more.
  • Parts and components: These are pre-manufactured units that are integrated into a larger assembly. Examples include engines, circuit boards, and gears.
  • Assemblies: These are complex structures composed of multiple parts and components, functioning as a complete unit. Examples include vehicles, machines, and buildings.
  • Fuels and lubricants: These substances are essential for powering machinery and reducing friction, ensuring efficient operation.
  • Small tools and supplies: These are consumables used during the performance of a contract, such as wrenches, screwdrivers, cleaning materials, and protective gear.

Importance in Contractual Agreements:

Material is crucial to contractual agreements for several reasons:

  • Delivery: Contracts typically specify the exact materials that will be used in the creation or delivery of the final product or service.
  • Quality: The quality of the materials directly impacts the quality of the end product or service. Ensuring the use of high-quality materials is essential for meeting contractual obligations.
  • Cost: Material costs constitute a significant portion of project expenses. Clear contractual definitions of materials and their associated costs are necessary for financial transparency and stability.
  • Specifications: Contracts often outline specific material requirements, including material types, grades, and quantities. Adhering to these specifications is vital for successful project completion.
  • Substitution: In some cases, alternative materials might be acceptable. However, any substitutions must be agreed upon by both parties and clearly outlined in the contract.

Example Scenario:

Consider a contract for the construction of a bridge. The contract would specify the materials needed, including steel, concrete, and asphalt. It would also likely outline specific requirements for each material, such as the type of steel, the strength of the concrete, and the quality of the asphalt. Failure to adhere to these material specifications could lead to structural instability and potential safety hazards.


The term "material" is fundamental to understanding and navigating contractual agreements, particularly in technical fields. It encompasses a wide range of items that are crucial for the successful performance and delivery of a project. By clearly defining and specifying the materials used in a contract, both parties can ensure transparency, accountability, and ultimately, the achievement of desired project outcomes.

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