Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Market Survey

Market Survey

Market Surveys: Navigating the Oil & Gas Landscape

In the dynamic world of oil and gas, making informed decisions is paramount. A critical step in this process often involves conducting market surveys, which are essentially investigations into the market's ability to meet a specific need. This article delves into the world of market surveys, exploring their importance, scope, and common methodologies used in the oil & gas industry.

Understanding the Need for Market Surveys

Imagine needing a specialized piece of equipment for your drilling operation. How would you know if the market has the right solution, at the right price, and delivered on your timeline? This is where market surveys come into play. They help you:

  • Identify potential suppliers: Discover who offers the products or services you need, assessing their capabilities and reputation.
  • Assess market competition: Understand the landscape, including pricing strategies, technological advancements, and potential risks.
  • Evaluate market trends: Analyze current and future trends in the industry to anticipate challenges and opportunities.
  • Inform decision-making: By gathering and analyzing data, market surveys empower you to make informed choices regarding procurement, technology adoption, and strategic partnerships.

Types and Techniques of Market Surveys

Market surveys in oil & gas are often tailored to specific needs, encompassing a range of methodologies:

  • Informal Market Research: This involves gathering information through conversations with industry experts, reviewing trade publications, and attending industry events.
  • Formal Request for Information (RFI): This structured approach involves sending a questionnaire to potential suppliers, requesting specific information about their capabilities and offerings.
  • Market Research Reports: Utilizing existing industry reports from reputable organizations provides valuable insights into market trends, competitor analysis, and emerging technologies.
  • Competitive Benchmarking: Comparing your own operations and offerings with those of your competitors allows for identifying areas for improvement and strategic advantages.

Real-world Applications

Here are a few examples of how market surveys are used in the oil & gas industry:

  • Identifying potential drilling contractors: A company needs to find a reliable contractor for a complex drilling project. A market survey helps them identify qualified candidates, assess their experience, and compare their pricing.
  • Evaluating new technologies: Before investing in a new technology like enhanced oil recovery, a company needs to understand its market readiness, cost-effectiveness, and potential impact on their operations.
  • Assessing the feasibility of a new exploration project: Before committing resources to a new exploration area, companies conduct market surveys to understand potential risks, environmental regulations, and the availability of skilled labor.


In the fast-paced world of oil & gas, market surveys are an essential tool for making informed decisions. They provide valuable insights into the market landscape, helping companies navigate challenges, identify opportunities, and achieve long-term success. By understanding the various types and techniques of market surveys, companies can utilize this powerful tool to gain a competitive edge and secure their place in this ever-evolving industry.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Market Surveys in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of market surveys in the oil & gas industry?

a) To gather information on the latest oil and gas prices. b) To investigate the market's ability to meet a specific need. c) To track the daily production levels of oil and gas companies. d) To predict future trends in the stock market.


b) To investigate the market's ability to meet a specific need.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of conducting market surveys?

a) Identifying potential suppliers. b) Assessing market competition. c) Ensuring regulatory compliance. d) Evaluating market trends.


c) Ensuring regulatory compliance.

3. Which type of market survey involves sending a questionnaire to potential suppliers?

a) Informal Market Research b) Formal Request for Information (RFI) c) Market Research Reports d) Competitive Benchmarking


b) Formal Request for Information (RFI)

4. What is the main advantage of using market research reports in oil & gas decision-making?

a) They are readily available and often provide valuable industry insights. b) They are typically free of charge and easy to access. c) They are exclusively tailored to each company's specific needs. d) They guarantee successful outcomes for all projects.


a) They are readily available and often provide valuable industry insights.

5. How can market surveys help a company evaluate new technologies like enhanced oil recovery?

a) By determining the cost of the technology. b) By assessing its market readiness and potential impact on operations. c) By ensuring that the technology meets all environmental regulations. d) By guaranteeing a high return on investment.


b) By assessing its market readiness and potential impact on operations.

Exercise: Market Survey Scenario

Scenario: An oil and gas company is planning to invest in a new drilling rig. They need to identify potential manufacturers and evaluate their offerings.

Task: Outline a plan for conducting a market survey to fulfill this need. Your plan should include:

  1. Objectives: Clearly define what the company hopes to achieve through this survey.
  2. Methodology: Describe the methods you would use to gather information, e.g., RFI, market research reports, etc.
  3. Key Information to Gather: List the specific details you need to collect about each potential manufacturer.
  4. Evaluation Criteria: Explain how you will assess the gathered information and make a final decision.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible plan for the market survey:

1. Objectives: * Identify a shortlist of reputable drilling rig manufacturers. * Evaluate each manufacturer's capabilities, experience, and offerings. * Compare pricing, delivery timelines, and warranty terms. * Determine the best fit for the company's specific needs and budget.

2. Methodology: * Formal Request for Information (RFI): Send a detailed questionnaire to potential manufacturers, seeking information on their rig models, technical specifications, pricing, and delivery timelines. * Market Research Reports: Review industry reports on drilling rigs, focusing on market trends, competitor analysis, and technological advancements. * Informal Market Research: Attend industry events, network with experts, and gather insights from existing clients of potential manufacturers.

3. Key Information to Gather: * Manufacturer's experience and track record in drilling rig construction. * Rig models and specifications (capacity, automation, safety features). * Pricing structure and payment terms. * Delivery timelines and availability. * Warranty and maintenance services. * Customer testimonials and references.

4. Evaluation Criteria: * Technical Suitability: The rig should meet the company's drilling requirements and specifications. * Cost-Effectiveness: Compare pricing and total cost of ownership, considering factors like maintenance and operating costs. * Reliability and Safety: Assess the manufacturer's reputation for quality, reliability, and safety performance. * Delivery and Service: Evaluate the manufacturer's ability to deliver on time and provide adequate support and maintenance services. * Overall Value: Consider the overall package offered by each manufacturer, weighing technical features, pricing, and service quality.


  • The Oil & Gas Industry: A Global Perspective by David Hughes (Provides a comprehensive overview of the industry, including market trends and analysis)
  • Petroleum Economics and Management by Robert Mabro (Covers economic principles applied to the oil and gas sector, including market analysis)
  • The Business of Oil and Gas: An Introduction by James M. Thompson (Explains the business aspects of the industry, including market research and strategy)


  • Market Research in the Oil and Gas Industry by Deloitte (Covers the importance, types, and techniques of market research in the oil and gas sector)
  • The Importance of Market Research in the Oil and Gas Industry by IHS Markit (Focuses on the value of market research in decision-making for oil and gas companies)
  • Market Research and the Oil and Gas Industry by Energy in Depth (Explores the role of market research in navigating industry challenges and opportunities)

Online Resources

  • Oil & Gas Market Research Reports by Statista (Provides a wide range of market research reports on various segments of the oil and gas industry)
  • Market Research Reports by GlobalData (Offers comprehensive reports on oil and gas market trends, company profiles, and competitive landscape)
  • Oil & Gas Industry News by Reuters (Offers real-time news and insights on the oil and gas industry, including market analysis)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "market survey," "oil and gas," and specific topics (e.g., "drilling equipment") to narrow your search.
  • Include location: Specify regions or countries relevant to your research (e.g., "market survey oil and gas North America").
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches (e.g., "market research techniques oil and gas").
  • Filter by date: Refine your results by selecting a date range to find recent information.
  • Explore related topics: Use the "Related Searches" section at the bottom of your search results to discover additional relevant information.
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