Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Lead Time

Lead Time

Understanding Lead Time in the Oil & Gas Industry: The Overlap of Dependent Tasks

In the fast-paced and complex world of oil and gas, efficient planning and execution are paramount. One crucial concept that underpins successful project management in this industry is lead time. This article delves into the meaning of lead time, its importance in oil and gas operations, and the concept of overlap between dependent tasks.

What is Lead Time?

Lead time, in its simplest definition, is the total time taken to complete a specific task or series of tasks from the initiation of the process to its final completion. In the oil and gas industry, lead time applies to various stages, including:

  • Exploration and Appraisal: From seismic surveys to drilling exploratory wells, lead time encompasses the entire duration of this phase.
  • Field Development: This involves the time taken from designing a production facility to its commissioning and start-up.
  • Production: Lead time in this phase includes the time taken to extract, process, and transport oil and gas from the wellhead to the final destination.
  • Decommissioning: This covers the time required to dismantle and remove infrastructure and facilities at the end of a project's lifespan.

Why is Lead Time Important?

Understanding lead time is critical in the oil and gas industry for several reasons:

  • Project Scheduling and Budgeting: Accurately estimating lead time allows for precise project scheduling and budgeting, ensuring projects stay on track and within budget.
  • Risk Mitigation: Knowing the potential lead time for different tasks helps identify potential delays and allows for contingency planning, mitigating risks associated with project timelines.
  • Resource Allocation: Optimizing lead time enables efficient resource allocation, maximizing productivity and minimizing downtime.
  • Decision Making: Lead time data provides valuable insights for decision-making, allowing for informed choices regarding project feasibility and investment.

Lead Time and Overlapping Tasks:

A critical element of managing lead time effectively is recognizing the dependency of tasks and understanding how they can overlap.

Dependent tasks are those that cannot be started until previous tasks are completed. For example, drilling a well cannot begin until the necessary permits are obtained and the rig is in place.

Overlap occurs when the start of a dependent task is initiated before the preceding task is fully completed. This can significantly reduce overall lead time by maximizing parallel activity and reducing idle time.

Examples of Overlap in Oil & Gas:

  • Engineering and Procurement: Initiating the procurement process for equipment before the engineering design is 100% finalized can save significant time.
  • Construction and Commissioning: Starting construction activities while commissioning of certain equipment is underway can accelerate overall project delivery.

Challenges and Considerations:

While overlap can be a powerful tool to minimize lead time, it comes with challenges:

  • Coordination and Communication: Effective communication and coordination are essential to manage dependencies and ensure seamless transitions between overlapping tasks.
  • Risk Management: Overlapping tasks can increase project complexity and potentially lead to unforeseen issues. Careful risk assessment and mitigation strategies are crucial.
  • Resource Allocation: Managing resources effectively across overlapping tasks requires careful planning and allocation to prevent bottlenecks.


Lead time plays a crucial role in successful oil and gas projects. Understanding the concept and its importance, including the role of overlapping dependent tasks, empowers project managers to optimize schedules, mitigate risks, and ensure efficient and timely project delivery. By embracing best practices for managing lead time, the oil and gas industry can continue to operate effectively and contribute to the world's energy needs.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding Lead Time in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the simplest definition of lead time?

a) The time it takes to complete a single task.


Incorrect. Lead time can encompass multiple tasks.

b) The time it takes to complete a series of tasks.


Correct! Lead time covers the entire duration from initiation to completion.

c) The time it takes to design and build a facility.


Incorrect. This is specific to a single phase, not lead time in general.

d) The time it takes to extract oil and gas.


Incorrect. This is another specific phase, not encompassing all lead time.

2. Why is understanding lead time crucial for project budgeting?

a) It helps estimate the overall project cost.


Incorrect. While lead time is related to cost, it's not the primary factor for estimating the overall cost.

b) It allows for accurate scheduling of tasks and resource allocation.


Correct! Accurate lead time estimation allows for precise scheduling and resource allocation, leading to better budgeting.

c) It helps identify potential delays.


Incorrect. While lead time helps identify potential delays, its primary impact on budgeting is scheduling and resource allocation.

d) It helps mitigate risks associated with project timelines.


Incorrect. While lead time helps mitigate risks, its primary impact on budgeting is scheduling and resource allocation.

3. What is the main benefit of overlapping dependent tasks?

a) It simplifies project management.


Incorrect. Overlapping tasks can actually increase complexity.

b) It reduces overall lead time.


Correct! Overlap allows for parallel work, minimizing idle time and shortening the total lead time.

c) It eliminates the need for precise scheduling.


Incorrect. Overlapping tasks still require careful scheduling and coordination.

d) It eliminates the risk of delays.


Incorrect. Overlapping tasks can introduce new risks that need to be managed.

4. What is an example of overlapping tasks in oil & gas?

a) Obtaining permits before starting drilling.


Incorrect. This is an example of sequential tasks, not overlapping ones.

b) Starting construction while equipment commissioning is ongoing.


Correct! This is a typical example of overlapping tasks in oil & gas projects.

c) Designing a production facility before starting exploration.


Incorrect. This is an example of tasks that need to be done in a specific order.

d) Transporting oil and gas before completing the extraction process.


Incorrect. This is not a practical or efficient approach.

5. Which of the following is NOT a challenge associated with overlapping tasks?

a) Increased communication needs.


Incorrect. Overlapping tasks require more complex communication to coordinate activities.

b) Increased risk of delays.


Incorrect. Overlapping tasks can introduce new risks that need careful management.

c) Simplified resource allocation.


Correct! Overlapping tasks actually require more careful resource allocation to avoid bottlenecks.

d) Increased project complexity.


Incorrect. Overlapping tasks can make project management more complex.


Scenario: You are managing a project to develop a new offshore oil platform. The project includes the following tasks:

  1. Design the platform: This task requires 6 months to complete.
  2. Obtain permits: This task takes 3 months.
  3. Order and receive equipment: This task takes 4 months.
  4. Construct the platform: This task takes 12 months.
  5. Install equipment: This task takes 2 months.
  6. Commissioning and testing: This task takes 1 month.

Tasks 1, 2, and 3 are independent, but all other tasks are dependent on the preceding ones. Design a project schedule that incorporates overlap between tasks to minimize overall project lead time.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible schedule incorporating overlap:

| Task | Start Month | End Month | Duration (months) | Notes | |---------------------|-------------|-----------|------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Design the platform | 1 | 7 | 6 | | | Obtain permits | 1 | 4 | 3 | Can be initiated simultaneously with Design. | | Order and receive equipment | 1 | 5 | 4 | Can be initiated simultaneously with Design. | | Construct the platform | 7 | 19 | 12 | Starts after design is complete, but overlaps with equipment installation | | Install equipment | 17 | 19 | 2 | Starts after construction is underway to shorten overall project time. | | Commissioning and testing | 19 | 20 | 1 | Starts after platform construction and equipment installation is complete |

Overall Project Lead Time: 20 months

Explanation: By starting the equipment order and permit acquisition early, you reduce the idle time between tasks. The overlap between construction and equipment installation significantly reduces the overall project lead time, making the project more efficient.


  • Project Management for the Oil and Gas Industry by John R. Schuyler: Covers various aspects of project management in the oil and gas industry, including lead time, scheduling, and risk management.
  • Petroleum Engineering: A Comprehensive Introduction by L.P.D. Tissot and D.H. Welte: Provides a detailed look at the technical aspects of oil and gas exploration, production, and processing, which are essential for understanding lead time in various stages.
  • Engineering for Oil & Gas Production by J.S. Clements: Covers the engineering aspects of oil and gas production, including design, construction, and commissioning, which influence lead time significantly.


  • Optimizing Lead Time in the Oil and Gas Industry by McKinsey & Company: Discusses the importance of lead time optimization in the oil and gas industry and highlights key strategies for achieving efficiency.
  • Reducing Lead Time in Oil and Gas Projects by Deloitte: Explores the benefits of reducing lead time in oil and gas projects and provides practical recommendations for achieving this.
  • Managing Lead Time in Complex Oil and Gas Projects by Project Management Institute: Discusses the challenges and strategies for managing lead time in complex oil and gas projects, including the concept of overlapping tasks.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): Provides comprehensive resources on project management, including best practices for managing lead time in various industries.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): Offers technical resources and publications related to oil and gas exploration, production, and engineering, including insights into lead time management.
  • Energy Institute (EI): Provides a platform for professionals in the energy sector, including articles and reports related to oil and gas project management and lead time optimization.

Search Tips

  • "Lead time oil and gas": This search term will retrieve relevant articles, reports, and discussions focusing on lead time in the oil and gas industry.
  • "Lead time optimization oil and gas": This search term will bring up resources specifically on optimizing lead time in the oil and gas industry, highlighting strategies and techniques.
  • "Dependent tasks oil and gas": This search term will help you find information on dependent tasks in oil and gas projects, providing examples and strategies for managing them effectively.
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