Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Interpersonal Influences

Interpersonal Influences

Navigating the Maze: Interpersonal Influence in Oil & Gas Project Management

In the dynamic and complex world of oil & gas project management, success hinges on more than just technical expertise. Project managers often find themselves navigating a web of stakeholders with varying interests and priorities, relying heavily on interpersonal influence to achieve project goals.

What is Interpersonal Influence?

Interpersonal influence is the ability to guide and motivate individuals and teams towards a desired outcome. It's the art of persuasion, negotiation, and collaboration that project managers leverage to get their jobs done effectively, particularly when faced with limited formal authority.

Why is it crucial in Oil & Gas?

The oil & gas industry operates within a landscape of high-stakes projects, tight deadlines, and demanding stakeholders. Project managers often lack direct control over resources, budgets, and personnel, making interpersonal influence a critical tool for achieving success.

Types of Influence in Oil & Gas Project Management:

  • Formal Authority: While limited, project managers do possess some formal authority based on their position. However, this is often not enough to effectively drive projects forward.
  • Reward Power: Offering incentives and recognition can influence stakeholders. This might involve rewarding teams for meeting deadlines or exceeding performance expectations.
  • Penalty Power: This involves applying negative consequences for non-compliance. While not always desirable, project managers may need to utilize this power strategically to ensure adherence to project plans.
  • Expert Power: Project managers with deep technical knowledge and experience gain respect and influence. Their expertise becomes invaluable in decision-making and problem-solving.
  • Referent Power: This stems from strong personal relationships and the ability to inspire trust and admiration. Project managers who build strong rapport with stakeholders are more likely to gain their support and cooperation.

Building Interpersonal Influence:

  • Active Listening: Understanding the needs and concerns of stakeholders is crucial for effective communication and negotiation.
  • Empathy: Demonstrating understanding and respect for others' perspectives fosters trust and collaboration.
  • Strong Communication: Clear, concise, and persuasive communication is essential for effectively conveying project goals and building consensus.
  • Conflict Resolution: Project managers must effectively navigate and resolve conflicts that inevitably arise.
  • Building Relationships: Cultivating strong relationships with stakeholders builds a foundation of trust and mutual respect.


Interpersonal influence is an indispensable skill for oil & gas project managers. By understanding and leveraging different types of influence, project managers can navigate the complexities of stakeholder management, inspire team performance, and ultimately achieve project success. The ability to build strong relationships, communicate effectively, and inspire others is the cornerstone of successful project leadership in this demanding industry.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Navigating the Maze: Interpersonal Influence in Oil & Gas Project Management

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a type of interpersonal influence used in Oil & Gas project management?

a) Formal Authority b) Reward Power c) Charisma Power d) Expert Power


c) Charisma Power

2. What is the primary reason interpersonal influence is crucial in Oil & Gas project management?

a) To ensure all project team members are happy. b) To create a fun and engaging work environment. c) To overcome limited formal authority and achieve project goals. d) To impress senior management with your leadership skills.


c) To overcome limited formal authority and achieve project goals.

3. Which of the following is NOT a way to build interpersonal influence?

a) Active Listening b) Being assertive and demanding c) Building Relationships d) Strong Communication


b) Being assertive and demanding

4. How does "expert power" influence stakeholders in Oil & Gas projects?

a) By offering them bonuses for good performance. b) By threatening them with consequences for non-compliance. c) By gaining their respect through knowledge and experience. d) By manipulating them into doing what you want.


c) By gaining their respect through knowledge and experience.

5. What is the key takeaway regarding interpersonal influence in Oil & Gas project management?

a) It's a power play that allows managers to control others. b) It's a necessary skill to achieve project success and navigate stakeholder needs. c) It's only important in large and complex projects. d) It's something that can't be learned, it's a natural talent.


b) It's a necessary skill to achieve project success and navigate stakeholder needs.


Scenario: You are the project manager for a major oil & gas pipeline construction project. The project is behind schedule due to unforeseen geological challenges. One of your key stakeholders, the head of the environmental department, is threatening to halt the project due to concerns about potential environmental damage. They have strong referent power due to their expertise and influence within the company.


  • Identify 2 types of interpersonal influence strategies you can employ to address the situation.
  • Explain how you would utilize these strategies with the stakeholder.
  • Consider the potential challenges and how you might overcome them.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible approach:

Influence Strategies:

  1. Expert Power: You could leverage your own expertise in project management and technical knowledge of the pipeline construction to address the environmental concerns. You might:

    • Present a detailed plan for mitigating environmental risks.
    • Demonstrate how the project team is addressing the geological challenges and implementing best practices.
    • Provide data and evidence supporting the project's environmental safety.
  2. Referent Power: Build a stronger relationship with the head of the environmental department by demonstrating your understanding of their concerns and showing respect for their expertise. You could:

    • Schedule a face-to-face meeting to discuss their concerns in detail.
    • Actively listen to their perspective and acknowledge their valid points.
    • Show genuine interest in finding solutions that meet both project goals and environmental standards.

Challenges and Solutions:

  • Challenge: The stakeholder might not be convinced by your technical explanations or may have further concerns.
  • Solution: Be prepared to answer their questions honestly and transparently. Engage in a collaborative discussion to explore alternative solutions.

  • Challenge: The stakeholder might not be willing to budge on their position.

  • Solution: Be patient and persistent. Offer compromises where possible, emphasizing the project's overall benefits and highlighting your shared goal of responsible environmental practices.


  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey: A classic guide on principles for personal and professional effectiveness, including communication, building trust, and understanding others.
  • Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler: Provides practical tools and strategies for navigating difficult conversations and fostering healthy communication in challenging situations.
  • Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini: Explores the psychological principles behind persuasion and how to use them effectively to influence others.
  • Project Management for the Oil & Gas Industry by T.J. Thompson: Provides a comprehensive overview of project management in the oil and gas industry, including chapters on stakeholder management and communication.
  • Negotiation Genius: How to Get What You Want in Business and Life by Deepak Malhotra and Max Bazerman: A practical guide to negotiation strategies, including how to build rapport and understand the needs of others.


  • The Influence of Interpersonal Skills on Project Success in the Oil and Gas Industry by J. Smith and K. Jones: A hypothetical research article exploring the relationship between interpersonal skills and project success in the oil and gas sector.
  • Building Trust and Influence in Oil & Gas Projects: A Guide for Project Managers by P. Williams: A potential article offering practical tips for building trust and influencing stakeholders in oil and gas projects.
  • The Power of Persuasion: How to Influence Stakeholders in Oil and Gas Projects by A. Brown: An article focusing on the use of persuasion techniques to influence stakeholders in oil and gas projects.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): The PMI website provides a wealth of resources on project management, including information on stakeholder management and interpersonal skills.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): The API website offers resources on various aspects of the oil and gas industry, including project management and leadership.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication regularly features articles and reports related to oil and gas project management.

Search Tips

  • "Interpersonal influence" "oil and gas" "project management": This search will return results specifically related to the topic of interpersonal influence within the oil and gas project management context.
  • "stakeholder management" "oil and gas": This search will provide resources on strategies for managing stakeholder expectations and relationships.
  • "communication skills" "project management": This search will provide tips and techniques for effective communication in project management, including communication with stakeholders.
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