Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Internal Project Sources

Internal Project Sources

Tapping Internal Resources: Leveraging Intra-firm Sources in Oil & Gas Procurement

In the dynamic and complex oil & gas industry, procurement plays a crucial role in project success. While external market research is essential, companies increasingly recognize the value of internal project sources as a key strategy for informed decision-making. This internal data pool encompasses intra-firm sources and records, offering valuable insights that can significantly impact procurement outcomes.

The Power of Intra-firm Sources:

Harnessing internal data can provide a comprehensive understanding of past project experiences, leading to:

  • Reduced Risk: Accessing historical data on similar procurements allows for informed risk assessments. Learning from past successes and failures helps mitigate potential challenges and identify potential pitfalls.
  • Cost Optimization: Analyzing past cost and performance data on various suppliers helps in selecting the most competitive and reliable vendors, leading to cost-effective procurement strategies.
  • Improved Efficiency: Internal data on previous projects can be used to create efficient workflows, standardized processes, and streamlined procurement procedures, saving valuable time and resources.
  • Enhanced Negotiation: Armed with internal data, procurement teams can negotiate better terms with suppliers by demonstrating a thorough understanding of market trends, competitor pricing, and past performance.

Key Internal Data Sources:

  • Historical Procurement Data: Records from previous projects provide insights into supplier performance, cost breakdowns, contract terms, and project timelines.
  • Cost & Performance Databases: Internal databases containing information on supplier performance, cost data, and project metrics provide a wealth of information for evaluating potential vendors.
  • Supplier Performance Tracking Systems: These systems monitor and evaluate supplier performance based on various criteria, allowing for informed decisions on future procurements.
  • Internal Expertise: Leveraging the knowledge and experience of internal subject matter experts, engineers, and project managers can provide valuable insights into specific procurement requirements.

Building a Robust Internal Data System:

To maximize the benefits of internal project sources, oil & gas companies must:

  • Develop a centralized data management system: Ensure all relevant data is readily accessible and easily searchable for efficient retrieval and analysis.
  • Standardize data collection and reporting: Implement consistent data collection protocols and reporting formats across all projects for accurate comparisons and analysis.
  • Train employees on data utilization: Empower procurement teams and relevant personnel to understand the value and application of internal data for informed decision-making.
  • Regularly review and update data: Ensure data accuracy and relevance by regularly reviewing and updating internal records to reflect market changes and evolving project needs.


Leveraging internal project sources, specifically intra-firm data, is no longer optional but a critical component of successful procurement strategies in the oil & gas industry. By integrating historical data, cost and performance metrics, and internal expertise, companies can make informed decisions, optimize costs, mitigate risks, and achieve successful project outcomes. Building a robust internal data management system is key to unlocking the full potential of this valuable resource.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Tapping Internal Resources in Oil & Gas Procurement

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary benefit of leveraging intra-firm sources in oil & gas procurement?

a) Accessing external market data for competitive pricing.


Incorrect. This is primarily achieved through external market research.

b) Gaining a comprehensive understanding of past project experiences.


Correct! This allows for informed decision-making and risk mitigation.

c) Developing new relationships with external suppliers.


Incorrect. This focuses on external relationships, not internal data.

d) Obtaining regulatory approvals for procurement activities.


Incorrect. This is a separate process related to compliance.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key internal data source for oil & gas procurement?

a) Historical procurement data.


Incorrect. This is a crucial internal data source.

b) Supplier performance tracking systems.


Incorrect. This is a vital internal data source for vendor evaluation.

c) Marketing research reports from external consultants.


Correct! This is an external source, not an internal data source.

d) Cost & performance databases.


Incorrect. This is a critical internal data source for cost optimization.

3. How can leveraging internal data improve negotiation with suppliers?

a) By demonstrating a lack of knowledge about market trends.


Incorrect. This would weaken the negotiation position.

b) By offering lower prices to suppliers based on internal data.


Incorrect. While cost optimization is important, this might not be a sustainable approach.

c) By providing accurate information on past supplier performance and market conditions.


Correct! Internal data provides insights for informed negotiation and stronger leverage.

d) By avoiding the need for any negotiation with suppliers.


Incorrect. Negotiation is often essential in procurement, regardless of data availability.

4. Which of the following is NOT a step in building a robust internal data system for oil & gas procurement?

a) Standardize data collection and reporting protocols.


Incorrect. Standardization is essential for data accuracy and consistency.

b) Train employees on data utilization and analysis.


Incorrect. Employee training is crucial for effective data utilization.

c) Eliminate all internal data sources to focus on external market research.


Correct! This is a poor strategy, as internal data is valuable for procurement.

d) Regularly review and update internal data to reflect market changes.


Incorrect. Data updates are vital to maintain relevance and accuracy.

5. What is the primary objective of tapping internal resources in oil & gas procurement?

a) To reduce the reliance on external market data.


Incorrect. While internal data is valuable, external research remains important.

b) To improve project efficiency and cost-effectiveness.


Correct! This is a key goal of leveraging internal data for informed decision-making.

c) To replace traditional procurement methods with digital solutions.


Incorrect. Internal data enhances existing methods, not replaces them.

d) To eliminate all risks associated with procurement activities.


Incorrect. Risk mitigation is a goal, but not elimination of all risks.

Exercise: Optimizing Procurement with Internal Data

Scenario: Your oil & gas company is planning a new drilling project. Using internal data, how would you identify the most suitable drilling contractor for the project?


  1. Identify relevant internal data sources: List at least three key internal data sources that could provide insights for this decision.
  2. Analyze the data: Describe how you would use the data sources to compare different drilling contractors.
  3. Conclusion: Based on your analysis, explain how this internal data-driven approach would improve your procurement decision.


Exercice Correction

**1. Relevant Internal Data Sources:** * **Historical Procurement Data:** Review past records of drilling projects, including supplier performance, cost breakdowns, contract terms, and project timelines. Analyze which contractors consistently delivered quality results, stayed within budget, and met project deadlines. * **Cost & Performance Databases:** Evaluate data on drilling contractors' performance metrics, such as drilling speed, well completion rates, and safety records. This will help assess their efficiency and potential for cost savings. * **Supplier Performance Tracking Systems:** Analyze performance data on specific contractors for past projects. Assess their reliability, responsiveness, and adherence to contractual obligations. **2. Analyzing the Data:** * **Compare Cost and Performance:** Compare cost data and performance metrics of different contractors based on historical data. Identify those who offer competitive pricing and consistent high-quality drilling services. * **Evaluate Contractor Reliability:** Analyze data on past contract fulfillment, safety records, and responsiveness. This will help determine which contractors are most reliable and trustworthy. * **Identify Potential Risks:** Analyze historical data to identify potential risks associated with specific contractors, such as project delays, budget overruns, or safety incidents. **3. Conclusion:** * **Informed Decision:** Using internal data, you can make a more informed decision about the most suitable drilling contractor, taking into account past performance, cost-effectiveness, and potential risks. * **Risk Mitigation:** Leveraging historical data allows you to mitigate potential risks by selecting contractors with a proven track record and lower likelihood of project delays or cost overruns. * **Cost Optimization:** Analyzing cost data from past projects helps you identify contractors who offer competitive pricing and a history of delivering projects within budget.


  • Procurement Management in the Oil & Gas Industry by David B. Crane: This book offers a comprehensive overview of procurement in the oil & gas industry, including sections on data management and leveraging historical data.
  • Strategic Sourcing and Procurement: Principles, Practices, and Applications by Paul D. Berger: This text provides insights into strategic procurement strategies, including the use of internal data analysis for supplier selection and negotiation.
  • Supply Chain Management for the Oil and Gas Industry by David B. Crane: This book explores the role of data and information systems in supply chain management, particularly relevant to internal project sources for procurement.


  • The Role of Data Analytics in Oil & Gas Procurement by [Author Name]: Search for articles focusing on how data analytics is transforming procurement practices in the oil & gas industry.
  • Leveraging Internal Data for Enhanced Procurement Outcomes in the Oil & Gas Industry by [Author Name]: Seek articles specifically exploring the utilization of internal data sources for improved decision-making in procurement.
  • Building a Robust Data Management System for Effective Procurement in Oil & Gas by [Author Name]: Research articles discussing the implementation and benefits of centralized data management systems for procurement processes.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website hosts a wealth of resources on oil & gas industry best practices, including procurement and data management.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): The API website offers publications, reports, and research focusing on industry standards and regulations, potentially including data management guidelines for procurement.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry journal frequently publishes articles on technology advancements, including data management and analytics applications in procurement.
  • Harvard Business Review: Look for articles related to data-driven decision-making, strategic sourcing, and supply chain management in general, which can be applied to the oil & gas industry.

Search Tips

  • Use keywords such as "internal data," "intra-firm data," "data management," "procurement," "oil & gas," "supply chain," and "risk management."
  • Include industry-specific terms like "upstream," "downstream," "exploration," "production," and "refining" to narrow your search.
  • Use the "filetype:pdf" filter in Google Search to specifically find research papers and reports.
  • Combine keywords with specific company names, such as "ExxonMobil internal data procurement" or "Shell data management strategy."
  • Use quotation marks around specific phrases, like "internal project sources" or "data-driven decision-making," to find exact matches.
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