Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique ("GERT")

Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique ("GERT")

Navigating Uncertainty: GERT in Oil & Gas Project Management

In the high-stakes world of oil and gas, project success hinges on meticulous planning and execution. However, inherent complexities and uncertainties in exploration, extraction, and refining processes often pose significant challenges. Traditional project management tools, like Critical Path Method (CPM), struggle to accommodate the probabilistic nature of these projects. This is where Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique (GERT) emerges as a powerful tool, enabling a more realistic and nuanced approach to project planning.

GERT: Beyond the Linear Path

Unlike CPM, which relies on a fixed sequence of activities, GERT introduces the concept of conditional and probabilistic relationships. This means that activities within a project can be:

  • Conditional: Their execution depends on the outcome of preceding activities. For instance, drilling an exploratory well might trigger further development activities only if it yields positive results.
  • Probabilistic: The likelihood of an activity being completed is not certain. This might apply to exploration activities, where the success rate of finding commercially viable deposits is not guaranteed.

The Power of GERT in Oil & Gas

GERT's ability to handle uncertainty translates into numerous benefits for oil & gas projects:

  • Realistic Risk Assessment: By incorporating probabilistic elements, GERT allows for a more accurate assessment of project risks, enabling proactive mitigation strategies.
  • Optimized Resource Allocation: Understanding the conditional dependencies between activities allows for the efficient allocation of resources, ensuring they are deployed where and when they are most impactful.
  • Improved Decision-Making: GERT provides a clearer picture of potential project outcomes, aiding in informed decision-making at crucial junctures.
  • Enhanced Project Control: By tracking the progress of activities with varying probabilities, GERT enables better control over project schedules and budgets.

Example: Applying GERT to Exploration

Imagine an exploration project where a company plans to drill two exploratory wells. The outcome of the first well will determine whether the second well is drilled. GERT can model this scenario by:

  • Representing each well as an activity node.
  • Defining the probability of success for each well.
  • Connecting the nodes with arcs representing the conditional relationship – the second well is only executed if the first is successful.

This model allows the company to assess the overall project risk and adjust resource allocation based on the likelihood of success for each well.


GERT empowers oil & gas project managers to navigate the inherently unpredictable nature of their industry. By embracing probabilistic and conditional relationships, GERT provides a more accurate and comprehensive view of project risks and opportunities, leading to informed decision-making, optimized resource allocation, and ultimately, increased project success rates. As the industry continues to grapple with increasingly complex projects, GERT's value in managing uncertainty will only grow.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Navigating Uncertainty: GERT in Oil & Gas Project Management

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary advantage of GERT over traditional project management methods like CPM?

a) GERT can handle complex, multi-layered projects with ease. b) GERT allows for the inclusion of conditional and probabilistic relationships within project activities. c) GERT is better suited for projects with a fixed sequence of activities. d) GERT provides a more detailed breakdown of project costs.


b) GERT allows for the inclusion of conditional and probabilistic relationships within project activities.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using GERT in oil & gas projects?

a) Realistic risk assessment b) Optimized resource allocation c) Reduced project costs d) Improved decision-making


c) Reduced project costs

3. How does GERT contribute to enhanced project control?

a) By providing a detailed timeline for each activity. b) By tracking the progress of activities with varying probabilities. c) By identifying potential bottlenecks in the project. d) By automating project reporting and communication.


b) By tracking the progress of activities with varying probabilities.

4. In the example of an exploration project with two exploratory wells, what does GERT model?

a) The cost of drilling each well. b) The time required to drill each well. c) The conditional relationship between drilling the second well and the outcome of the first. d) The environmental impact of drilling the wells.


c) The conditional relationship between drilling the second well and the outcome of the first.

5. Which of the following statements about GERT is FALSE?

a) GERT is a valuable tool for managing uncertainty in oil & gas projects. b) GERT can be used to assess project risks and opportunities. c) GERT is only applicable to exploration projects. d) GERT can help optimize resource allocation.


c) GERT is only applicable to exploration projects.

Exercise: GERT in a Gas Pipeline Project

Scenario: An oil & gas company is building a new natural gas pipeline. The project involves several activities, including:

  • A: Obtaining permits and environmental approvals
  • B: Land acquisition
  • C: Pipeline construction
  • D: Testing and commissioning
  • E: Pipeline connection to the gas network

The project schedule is contingent on several factors, including:

  • The approval process for permits may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • The land acquisition process can be influenced by potential legal challenges.
  • The construction timeline is dependent on weather conditions.


  1. Identify the conditional and probabilistic relationships between the activities.
  2. Create a simple GERT network diagram representing the project. You can use basic symbols like squares for activities and arrows for dependencies.
  3. Briefly explain how GERT could be used to manage the uncertainties associated with this project.

Exercice Correction

**1. Conditional and Probabilistic Relationships:** * **A (Permits & Approvals):** Probabilistic, dependent on regulatory timelines and potential delays. * **B (Land Acquisition):** Probabilistic, subject to legal challenges and land owner negotiations. * **C (Pipeline Construction):** Conditional on A and B, as well as probabilistic due to weather factors. * **D (Testing & Commissioning):** Conditional on C. * **E (Pipeline Connection):** Conditional on D. **2. GERT Network Diagram:** * A: (Square with "A" inside) -> C: (Square with "C" inside) * B: (Square with "B" inside) -> C: (Square with "C" inside) * C: (Square with "C" inside) -> D: (Square with "D" inside) * D: (Square with "D" inside) -> E: (Square with "E" inside) **3. Using GERT for Uncertainty Management:** * GERT allows the company to define probabilities for each activity's successful completion. * This helps in evaluating potential delays and cost overruns due to uncertainties like regulatory processes, legal challenges, and weather conditions. * By simulating various scenarios using GERT, the company can analyze different risk mitigation strategies, such as allocating contingency funds or hiring additional resources. * GERT helps to make informed decisions about resource allocation and project scheduling based on a more realistic assessment of the uncertainties involved.


  • "Network Analysis for Planning and Scheduling" by Elmaghraby, S. E. - Provides an extensive overview of network analysis techniques, including GERT.
  • "Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling" by Meredith, J. R. and Mantel, S. J. - Covers GERT within the broader context of project management.
  • "Operations Research: An Introduction" by Hillier, F. S. and Lieberman, G. J. - Contains a chapter dedicated to GERT and other network analysis methods.


  • "Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique (GERT): A Network Analysis Technique for Planning and Scheduling Projects" by John R. Evans - A classic article providing a comprehensive overview of GERT.
  • "GERT: A Powerful Tool for Project Management in the Oil and Gas Industry" by A. B. Jain - Explores the specific applications of GERT in the oil and gas sector.
  • "The Use of GERT in Project Management" by D. J. Watts - Examines the advantages of using GERT for managing complex and uncertain projects.

Online Resources

  • Wikipedia - "Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique" - A good starting point for understanding the fundamentals of GERT.
  • "GERT: A Network Analysis Technique" by Management Study Guide - Offers a detailed explanation of GERT with illustrative examples.
  • "GERT Simulation" by VassarStats - Provides a practical tool for simulating and analyzing GERT networks.

Search Tips

  • "GERT project management" - Find resources related to GERT's application in project management.
  • "GERT oil and gas" - Uncover articles and case studies focusing on GERT's use in the oil and gas industry.
  • "GERT software" - Discover available software tools that facilitate GERT network modeling.
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