Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Go/No-go


Go/No-Go Decisions: Navigating the Critical Crossroads in Oil & Gas

In the fast-paced and high-stakes world of oil and gas, decisions carry significant weight. One such critical juncture is the Go/No-go decision, a pivotal moment where stakeholders determine whether to proceed with a major project or program milestone.

What is a Go/No-Go decision?

Essentially, a Go/No-go decision presents a clear-cut choice: to move forward or halt a project. This decision is typically associated with significant milestones, such as:

  • Exploration: After seismic surveys and initial drilling, a Go/No-go decision determines whether to invest in further exploration or abandon the prospect.
  • Development: Before major capital expenditure on infrastructure, a Go/No-go decision assesses the viability and profitability of a discovered field.
  • Production: During the life of a field, Go/No-go decisions might occur before significant upgrades or expansions, considering factors like market conditions and resource depletion.

Who makes the decision?

Go/No-go decisions often involve senior management, encompassing a collective of decision-makers from various departments like finance, engineering, geology, and operations. This ensures a holistic perspective encompassing financial, technical, and operational factors.

The Importance of Go/No-Go Decisions

These decisions are crucial for the following reasons:

  • Resource allocation: Go/No-go decisions strategically allocate valuable resources, ensuring their efficient and profitable utilization.
  • Risk management: By carefully assessing risks and opportunities, Go/No-go decisions help mitigate potential losses and capitalize on promising prospects.
  • Project success: These decisions serve as checkpoints, ensuring that projects stay on track and meet their objectives.
  • Transparency and accountability: Go/No-go decisions promote transparency within the organization, establishing clear accountability for project progress.

Factors influencing the decision:

Several factors are considered before making a Go/No-go decision, including:

  • Financial viability: Profitability, costs, and return on investment are key considerations.
  • Technical feasibility: The project's technical viability, considering existing technology and potential challenges, is evaluated.
  • Environmental impact: Environmental regulations and potential impacts are factored into the decision-making process.
  • Market conditions: Demand, competition, and the price of oil and gas play a crucial role.
  • Regulatory approvals: The feasibility of obtaining necessary permits and licenses is assessed.

The Go/No-go Process

A structured process typically outlines the Go/No-go decision-making process. This process may involve:

  • Project proposal: A detailed project proposal outlining objectives, risks, and mitigation strategies.
  • Technical evaluation: Expert technical teams analyze feasibility and potential challenges.
  • Financial analysis: A thorough financial analysis assessing costs, revenues, and profitability.
  • Risk assessment: A comprehensive assessment of potential risks and mitigation strategies.
  • Decision meeting: Senior management reviews the proposal and evaluations, ultimately making the Go/No-go decision.


Go/No-go decisions are a critical element in navigating the complex world of oil and gas. They ensure responsible resource allocation, effective risk management, and ultimately, project success. By carefully considering all factors and implementing a structured process, companies can make well-informed decisions that guide them toward profitable and sustainable operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Go/No-Go Decisions Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is a Go/No-Go decision in the oil and gas industry?

a) A routine decision made by junior staff. b) A decision to invest in a new piece of equipment. c) A pivotal decision to proceed or halt a major project milestone. d) A decision to change suppliers.


c) A pivotal decision to proceed or halt a major project milestone.

2. Which of the following is NOT a typical stage where a Go/No-Go decision might occur?

a) Exploration b) Development c) Production d) Marketing


d) Marketing

3. Who typically participates in making Go/No-Go decisions?

a) Only the CEO b) Only engineers and geologists c) Senior management from various departments d) Only the finance team


c) Senior management from various departments

4. What is NOT a key reason why Go/No-Go decisions are crucial?

a) To ensure efficient resource allocation b) To minimize potential risks c) To improve employee morale d) To maintain project transparency


c) To improve employee morale

5. Which of the following factors is LEAST likely to be considered in a Go/No-Go decision?

a) Market demand for oil and gas b) Cost of production c) Employee satisfaction d) Environmental regulations


c) Employee satisfaction

Go/No-Go Decision Exercise:


Your company is considering a new exploration project in a remote location. The initial seismic surveys indicate promising potential for oil reserves.


  1. Identify at least 5 key factors that your team should consider before making a Go/No-Go decision for this exploration project.
  2. For each factor, briefly describe the potential impact on the decision-making process.
  3. Create a simple table summarizing your findings.

Bonus: Briefly discuss what mitigation strategies your team might consider for some of the identified risks.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution to the exercise:

Factors to Consider for Go/No-Go Decision:

FactorPotential Impact
Financial ViabilityEstimated cost of exploration, drilling, and potential production versus projected revenue. High risk, high reward scenario.
Technical FeasibilityAvailability of suitable drilling equipment, accessibility of the site, and potential geological challenges. Requires thorough assessment.
Environmental ImpactPotential impact on local wildlife, water resources, and the environment. Requires environmental assessment and mitigation plans.
Market ConditionsCurrent and projected oil prices, demand, and competition. A volatile market can influence profitability.
Regulatory ApprovalsRequired permits and licenses from local authorities, potential delays and complications.

Mitigation Strategies for Some Risks:

  • Financial Risk: Secure funding from investors, consider partnerships, develop a phased exploration plan to reduce initial investment.
  • Technical Risk: Conduct detailed geological studies, utilize advanced drilling technology, engage experienced consultants.
  • Environmental Risk: Implement strict environmental regulations, engage environmental experts, develop a mitigation plan for potential spills.


  • "Project Management for the Oil and Gas Industry" by M.P. Wellman: This book covers various aspects of project management in the oil and gas industry, including decision-making and risk assessment.
  • "The Handbook of Petroleum Exploration and Production" by R.C. Selley, D.H. Magoon, and C.R. Cocks: This comprehensive handbook explores exploration and production processes in detail, including Go/No-Go decisions at different stages.
  • "Managing Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Projects" by M.C. Roberts: This book provides practical guidance on managing oil and gas projects, including decision-making frameworks and risk analysis.


  • "Go/No-Go Decision Making in Oil and Gas Exploration" by J.B. Hall: This article discusses the importance of Go/No-Go decisions in exploration and the factors that influence them.
  • "Go/No-Go Decision Processes for Oil and Gas Development Projects" by T.J. O'Connell: This article explores the different stages of Go/No-Go decisions in oil and gas development projects and the challenges involved.
  • "Go/No-Go Decisions in Oil and Gas: A Framework for Success" by R.A. Smith: This article presents a framework for making Go/No-Go decisions in the oil and gas industry, focusing on risk assessment and decision-making processes.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE provides numerous publications, articles, and presentations on various aspects of oil and gas exploration and development, including Go/No-Go decisions.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication often covers news, analysis, and articles related to decision-making and project management in the oil and gas sector.
  • World Oil: Another leading industry journal, World Oil offers articles and insights on various aspects of oil and gas operations, including Go/No-Go decisions.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Try using search terms like "Go/No-go decisions oil and gas exploration", "Go/No-go decision framework oil and gas", or "Go/No-go decision case studies oil and gas".
  • Combine keywords: Combine keywords with specific project stages like "Go/No-go decisions oil and gas development" or "Go/No-go decisions oil and gas production".
  • Search for specific publications: Use "" to search within specific websites like SPE, Oil & Gas Journal, or World Oil for relevant articles and resources.
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