Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Float


Mastering Float: A Project Manager's Guide to Slack and Scheduling

In the fast-paced world of project management, time is a precious resource. Successfully managing a project often comes down to understanding and utilizing float, also known as slack, total float, or path float. Essentially, float represents the amount of wiggle room an activity has within a project schedule without jeopardizing the overall project deadline.

Understanding the Basics:

Float is a mathematical calculation that indicates the maximum amount of time an activity can be delayed from its early start without pushing back the project's finish date. This concept is crucial for several reasons:

  • Flexibility: Float allows for unexpected delays or changes in resource availability without throwing the entire project off track.
  • Prioritization: Understanding float helps project managers prioritize tasks and allocate resources efficiently. Activities with high float can potentially be delayed to address more critical tasks with minimal float.
  • Risk Management: Knowing the float for each activity allows for proactive risk management. By identifying activities with limited float, project managers can take steps to mitigate potential delays.

Types of Float:

While the term "float" often refers to total float, there's also the concept of free float. Here's a breakdown:

  • Total Float: The maximum amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the project's overall finish date. This considers the latest possible start date and the earliest possible finish date for the activity.
  • Free Float: The maximum amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the start of any subsequent activity. This focuses on the individual activity's impact on its immediate successors.

Calculating Float:

Float is determined through network diagrams or critical path method (CPM) analysis, which maps out project dependencies. Here's a simplified calculation for total float:

Total Float = Latest Finish Date - Earliest Start Date

Dynamic Nature of Float:

It's important to remember that float is not static. As the project progresses, changes in the plan or unforeseen events can impact float values. Regularly updating the project schedule and recalculating float is essential for maintaining project control.

Practical Applications of Float:

  • Resource Allocation: Float can help prioritize resource allocation by focusing on tasks with minimal float, ensuring timely completion.
  • Contingency Planning: Knowing an activity's float allows for more effective contingency planning to address potential delays and minimize their impact.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Communicating float information to team members promotes transparency and encourages proactive problem-solving.


Mastering the concept of float is an essential skill for any project manager. By understanding its meaning, calculation, and dynamic nature, project managers can optimize schedules, mitigate risks, and ensure projects are completed on time and within budget. Float provides the flexibility needed to navigate project complexities and achieve success.

Test Your Knowledge


  • Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling by Harold Kerzner: This comprehensive text covers critical path method (CPM) and float calculations extensively.
  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) by the Project Management Institute (PMI): This industry standard reference outlines float as part of schedule management processes.
  • The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker: Though not explicitly about float, this classic explores time management principles that are relevant to understanding the importance of "slack" in project work.


  • "Critical Path Method: A Simple Guide" by Explains CPM and its relation to float.
  • "What is float in project management?" by Atlassian: Provides a basic overview of float and its types.
  • "Understanding Float in Project Management" by Smartsheet: Covers float calculations and its implications for resource allocation.

Online Resources

  • This website offers a wealth of resources on project management, including articles, tutorials, and templates related to critical path method and float.
  • The Project Management Institute's website provides access to project management standards, certifications, and educational materials.
  • This online project management platform offers articles, guides, and tutorials on various project management concepts, including float.

Search Tips

  • "Float project management": This general search will return results on float calculation, types of float, and its use in project schedules.
  • "Critical path method float calculation": This specific search will lead to resources that explain how to calculate float within the context of CPM.
  • "Free float vs total float project management": This search helps differentiate between the two types of float and their respective uses.
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