Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Fixed Finish

Fixed Finish

Fixed Finish: A Key Concept in Oil & Gas Specific Terms

In the oil and gas industry, precise terminology is critical for clear communication and efficient operations. One such term, "Fixed Finish," plays a vital role in understanding and managing well construction and production.

What is Fixed Finish?

"Fixed Finish" refers to a specific point or location within a wellbore where certain operations must be completed before proceeding to the next stage. It essentially marks a defined boundary in the well construction process. This could be a depth, a specific geological formation, or a pre-determined point along the wellbore.

Why is Fixed Finish Important?

Fixed Finish acts as a benchmark for several crucial aspects of well construction, including:

  • Drilling & Completion Operations: It provides a clear objective for drilling crews, outlining the depth or formation to be reached before stopping drilling operations. This allows for the appropriate tools and equipment to be prepared for subsequent completion operations.
  • Cost Management: By defining a clear finish point, project managers can better estimate costs associated with drilling, casing, and other operations. This helps in budgeting and resource allocation for the entire well construction project.
  • Safety & Efficiency: Fixed Finish ensures that critical operations, such as setting casing or cementing, are executed at the designated location, maximizing safety and efficiency.
  • Production Optimization: A well-defined Fixed Finish allows for optimal placement of production equipment, ensuring efficient hydrocarbon recovery.

Examples of Fixed Finish:

  • Casing Point: The depth where the casing is set, protecting the wellbore and preventing potential contamination.
  • Production Zone: The depth where production occurs, usually within a specific reservoir formation.
  • Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) Change Point: The depth where the drill bit and other drilling tools are changed.
  • Cementing Top: The depth where cement is placed to secure casing in the wellbore.

Imposed Finish vs. Fixed Finish:

While both terms relate to the end point of specific operations, there's a key difference:

  • Fixed Finish: A pre-determined point established during the planning phase.
  • Imposed Finish: A point that is decided during drilling operations, often due to unexpected geological conditions or operational challenges.


Understanding the concept of Fixed Finish is crucial for anyone involved in the oil and gas industry. It ensures efficient well construction, optimizes production, and minimizes potential risks and costs. By clearly defining and adhering to Fixed Finish points, the industry can continue to develop and manage oil and gas resources effectively.

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