Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Dummy


The "Dummy" Activity in Project Planning & Scheduling: A Hidden Hero

In the world of project planning and scheduling, every task matters. But sometimes, a task doesn't involve actual work. It exists solely to establish a logical connection between other activities, ensuring the flow of the project remains accurate. This is where the "dummy" activity comes into play.

What is a Dummy Activity?

A dummy activity, as its name suggests, is a placeholder activity. It does not represent actual work, but rather a dependency between other tasks. This dependency can be crucial for maintaining the project schedule's integrity.

Why Use Dummy Activities?

  1. Visual Representation of Dependencies: Dummy activities help visualize dependencies between activities that don't directly follow each other. This clarifies the project's logic and makes it easier to understand the flow of work.
  2. Maintaining Logical Sequence: By introducing dummies, you can ensure that activities occur in the intended order even if they don't share a direct predecessor-successor relationship. For example, if two activities need to start simultaneously, a dummy activity can connect them, indicating their parallel execution.
  3. Preventing Circular Dependencies: Sometimes, a project may have a circular dependency – where one task depends on another, which in turn depends on the first. A dummy activity can break this cycle, maintaining a linear flow.
  4. Accurate Scheduling & Resource Allocation: By accurately representing dependencies, dummy activities contribute to realistic scheduling and proper resource allocation. This helps avoid delays and ensures efficient use of resources.

Examples of Using Dummy Activities:

  • Parallel Activities: If activities A and B can start simultaneously, a dummy activity can be placed between them to reflect their parallel nature.
  • Delayed Start: If activity C depends on activity A, but activity B should start before C even if it doesn't directly depend on A, a dummy activity can be used to connect A and C, indicating that C's start is delayed until A is complete.
  • Resource Constraint: If two activities need the same resource, but cannot be done consecutively, a dummy activity can be used to separate them, ensuring the resource is available for both tasks.


Although invisible in the actual project work, dummy activities are powerful tools in project planning and scheduling. By clearly depicting dependencies and maintaining the logical sequence of tasks, they contribute to efficient project management, ensuring deadlines are met and resources are used optimally. Understanding and utilizing dummy activities effectively can greatly enhance the success of any project.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Dummy Activities in Project Planning

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a dummy activity in project planning?

a) To represent actual work that needs to be completed. b) To visually connect tasks that do not have a direct predecessor-successor relationship. c) To allocate resources to specific tasks. d) To estimate the duration of a project.


b) To visually connect tasks that do not have a direct predecessor-successor relationship.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using dummy activities?

a) Clarifying the project's logic. b) Maintaining a logical sequence of tasks. c) Reducing the overall project duration. d) Preventing circular dependencies.


c) Reducing the overall project duration.

3. In what scenario would a dummy activity be used to represent parallel activities?

a) When two activities need the same resource. b) When one activity needs to be completed before another can start. c) When two activities can start simultaneously. d) When there is a circular dependency between two activities.


c) When two activities can start simultaneously.

4. How do dummy activities contribute to accurate scheduling?

a) By providing a detailed breakdown of each task. b) By ensuring that dependencies between tasks are clearly represented. c) By automatically adjusting the project timeline based on resource availability. d) By calculating the critical path of the project.


b) By ensuring that dependencies between tasks are clearly represented.

5. What is a key characteristic of a dummy activity?

a) It has a defined duration. b) It requires specific resources. c) It has a cost associated with it. d) It has no duration and no work associated with it.


d) It has no duration and no work associated with it.



You are planning a website launch project. The following activities need to be completed:

  • A: Design the website (3 weeks)
  • B: Develop the website (4 weeks)
  • C: Content creation (2 weeks)
  • D: Website testing (1 week)
  • E: Marketing campaign launch (1 week)


  • B depends on A
  • C depends on A
  • D depends on B and C
  • E depends on D


Create a network diagram using dummy activities to accurately represent the dependencies and allow for parallel activities where possible.

Exercice Correction

Network Diagram:

A (3 weeks) ↓ B (4 weeks) C (2 weeks) ↓ ↓ D (1 week) ↓ E (1 week)


  • A dummy activity is placed between A and C to represent their parallel execution.
  • This allows B and C to start simultaneously after A is complete.
  • Another dummy activity is placed between B and D to show that D depends on both B and C and can only start when both are finished.


  • Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling by Harold Kerzner: This comprehensive textbook covers project management fundamentals, including network diagrams and critical path analysis, where dummy activities are explained.
  • Project Management Institute's A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide): This industry standard provides a detailed explanation of project management methodologies and tools, including the use of dummy activities in network diagrams.
  • Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, and Hybrid Approaches by Kathy Schwalbe: This book offers a practical approach to project management and includes examples and explanations of dummy activities within network diagrams.


  • "Dummy Activities in Project Management" by This article provides a concise explanation of dummy activities and their role in project scheduling.
  • "The Use of Dummy Activities in Network Diagrams" by Engineering Management: This article delves deeper into the purpose and application of dummy activities within network diagrams, particularly in critical path analysis.
  • "Why Use Dummy Activities in Project Management?" by PMWorld: This article emphasizes the benefits of using dummy activities for accurate scheduling and resource allocation.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): The official website for the Project Management Institute offers resources and certifications related to project management, including information about dummy activities.
  • This website provides a wealth of information on project management topics, including articles, tutorials, and guides specifically on dummy activities.
  • Smartsheet: This project management software company offers online resources and tutorials on project scheduling, including the use of dummy activities.

Search Tips

  • "Dummy activities project management": This search term will return results related to the concept and applications of dummy activities in project management.
  • "Dummy activities in network diagrams": This search term will yield resources that focus on the use of dummy activities within project network diagrams.
  • "Critical path analysis dummy activities": This search term will help you find resources that explain the role of dummy activities in critical path analysis.
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