Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Detailed Plans

Detailed Plans

Detailed Plans in Oil & Gas: A Roadmap to Success

In the world of oil and gas, meticulous planning is critical for project success. Detailed plans are essential blueprints that guide every step, from exploration to production, ensuring efficiency and safety while maximizing return on investment.

These plans are not mere theoretical documents; they are living, evolving guides that adapt to changing conditions and technological advancements.

Here's a closer look at two key types of detailed plans in oil and gas:

1. Detailed Resource Plan (DRP):

Summary: The DRP is a comprehensive document that outlines the estimated reserves of a particular oil or gas field, providing a detailed breakdown of recoverable resources. It incorporates geological, geophysical, and engineering data to predict the volume, composition, and production potential of the resource.

Key Elements:

  • Reservoir Description: This includes information on the size, shape, and geological characteristics of the reservoir.
  • Resource Estimation: It uses various methodologies to estimate the total volume of oil and gas in place, as well as the recoverable portion.
  • Development Concept: This outlines the proposed production strategy, including well locations, drilling methods, and infrastructure requirements.
  • Production Forecasts: The DRP includes projections for production rates, recovery factors, and ultimate recovery over the lifetime of the field.
  • Economic Evaluation: It assesses the financial viability of the project, considering costs, revenues, and potential risks.

2. Detailed Technical Plan (DTP):

Summary: The DTP delves into the specifics of how to develop and operate a project. It builds upon the information provided in the DRP, outlining detailed technical requirements for each stage of the project lifecycle.

Key Elements:

  • Drilling Plan: This specifies the number, location, and design of wells, as well as the drilling program and associated equipment.
  • Production Facilities Design: It includes specifications for production platforms, pipelines, processing plants, and other infrastructure.
  • Operational Procedures: The DTP outlines the planned operating procedures for the field, including well testing, production optimization, and safety protocols.
  • Environmental Management Plan: This outlines the environmental impact mitigation measures and monitoring plans.
  • Contingency Plans: It addresses potential risks and contingencies that could affect the project, including equipment failure, environmental incidents, and changes in market conditions.

Benefits of Detailed Plans:

  • Improved Decision-Making: Detailed plans provide a comprehensive framework for informed decision-making, ensuring a clear understanding of the project's scope, potential risks, and expected outcomes.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Well-defined plans promote coordination and efficiency across different teams and departments, minimizing delays and maximizing resource utilization.
  • Risk Mitigation: Identifying and addressing potential risks early in the planning stage helps mitigate financial losses and ensure project safety.
  • Cost Control: Detailed planning helps streamline operations, reduce unnecessary spending, and ensure the project remains within budget.
  • Environmental Responsibility: Incorporating environmental considerations into detailed plans promotes sustainable development and minimizes the project's impact on the surrounding ecosystem.


Detailed plans are essential for success in the oil and gas industry. By providing a clear roadmap and considering all aspects of a project, they ensure efficient, safe, and profitable operations. Whether it's the Detailed Resource Plan outlining the potential of a field or the Detailed Technical Plan guiding its development, these documents are crucial for navigating the complexities of this dynamic sector.

Test Your Knowledge


  • Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completions by M.J. Economides and K.G. Nolte: This comprehensive text covers drilling and completion operations, offering insights into the technical aspects of developing a detailed technical plan.
  • Reservoir Simulation by D.W. Peaceman: This book provides a deep dive into reservoir modeling and simulation, essential tools for creating accurate resource estimations and production forecasts for the detailed resource plan.
  • Project Management for Oil and Gas by S.A. O'Connell: This book focuses on the project management aspects of oil and gas projects, including planning, risk management, and cost control, all crucial for developing comprehensive detailed plans.
  • Oil & Gas Economics by J.P. Daniel: This book offers insights into the economic principles and market dynamics relevant to the oil and gas industry, aiding in the economic evaluation sections of both DRPs and DTPs.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment by M. Wathern: This book addresses the methodologies and considerations for assessing environmental impacts, crucial for incorporating environmental management plans into DTPs.


  • "Detailed Resource Planning for Oil and Gas Projects: A Practical Guide" by [Author Name]: This article could provide a practical approach to DRP development, outlining key steps and best practices. (You may need to research for specific articles on this topic).
  • "The Role of Detailed Technical Plans in Successful Oil and Gas Development" by [Author Name]: This article could focus on the importance and benefits of DTPs in the oil and gas industry. (You may need to research for specific articles on this topic).
  • "Best Practices for Risk Management in Oil and Gas Projects" by [Author Name]: This article could offer valuable insights on incorporating risk mitigation strategies into detailed plans. (You may need to research for specific articles on this topic).
  • "Sustainable Development in Oil & Gas: A Case Study of Environmental Management Plans" by [Author Name]: This article could provide examples of successful environmental management plans and their implementation in DTPs. (You may need to research for specific articles on this topic).

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website offers a wealth of resources, including publications, conferences, and training materials, covering various aspects of oil and gas development.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): The API provides industry standards, technical specifications, and best practices for the oil and gas sector, including guidelines for detailed planning.
  • International Energy Agency (IEA): The IEA offers insights into global energy trends, market analysis, and policy recommendations, relevant for understanding the context of detailed plans in oil and gas.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry journal features news, technical articles, and analysis relevant to oil and gas operations, including discussions on planning and development.
  • Schlumberger: This leading oilfield services company provides online resources and publications on various technical aspects of oil and gas development, including drilling, production, and reservoir management.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine relevant keywords like "detailed resource plan," "detailed technical plan," "oil and gas planning," "reservoir modeling," "drilling plan," "production facilities," "risk management," and "environmental management plan."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches, such as "detailed resource plan template" or "best practices for oil and gas project planning."
  • Combine keywords with operators: Use operators like "AND" and "OR" to refine your search, for example, "detailed resource plan AND best practices" or "oil and gas development OR exploration."
  • Specify file types: Add "filetype:pdf" or "filetype:doc" to your search to narrow down results to specific file types.
  • Explore related websites: Use "" or "" to search within specific websites for relevant information.
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