Glossary of Technical Terms Used in General Technical Terms: Cost Reimbursement Type Contracts

Cost Reimbursement Type Contracts

Cost Reimbursement Contracts: A Deep Dive into Risk and Reward

In the realm of cost estimation and control, contracts play a crucial role in defining the financial relationship between project owners and contractors. One specific type of contract, the Cost Reimbursement Contract, stands out for its unique risk allocation and payment structure. This article delves into the intricacies of this contract type, exploring its benefits and drawbacks while emphasizing its suitability for specific project scenarios.

The Basics:

Cost Reimbursement Contracts are based on the principle of reimbursing the contractor for all allowable estimated costs incurred during the project. This means the owner pays for every documented expense, including direct labor, materials, and overhead. The contract typically includes a predetermined fee structure, which can be either a fixed amount or a percentage of the total incurred costs.

Understanding the Risk Allocation:

The key characteristic of a Cost Reimbursement Contract is its risk-shifting nature. While the contractor is relieved of the responsibility for cost overruns, the owner bears the full brunt of financial uncertainty. This structure is particularly attractive to contractors, as it allows them to focus on delivering high-quality work without the burden of cost constraints. However, it requires meticulous cost tracking and control from the owner to ensure project expenses remain within reasonable bounds.

Key Features and Types:

  • Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF): This type involves a fixed fee paid to the contractor regardless of the project's final cost. The owner pays all allowable expenses plus the fixed fee.
  • Cost Plus Incentive Fee (CPIF): This variation introduces an incentive fee structure, where the contractor receives a bonus based on achieving predetermined performance targets. The incentive fee motivates the contractor to control costs and enhance project outcomes.
  • Cost Plus Percentage of Cost (CPPC): This type calculates the contractor's fee as a percentage of the total project costs. While seemingly straightforward, this approach can incentivize the contractor to inflate costs, raising concerns about transparency and accountability.


  • Suitable for Complex or High-Risk Projects: When projects involve significant uncertainty or technical complexity, a Cost Reimbursement Contract provides flexibility for the contractor to adapt to unforeseen challenges.
  • Encourages Innovation: The lack of cost constraints fosters a climate of creativity and innovation, allowing the contractor to explore novel solutions without financial limitations.
  • Stronger Contractor-Owner Relationship: The collaborative nature of these contracts can foster a more robust relationship based on mutual trust and understanding.


  • High Financial Risk for the Owner: Uncontrolled costs and potential cost overruns can significantly impact the owner's budget.
  • Increased Monitoring Requirements: The owner must maintain strict oversight and control over the project's finances to ensure costs remain aligned with expectations.
  • Potential for Cost Inflation: In cases where the contractor lacks sufficient incentives for cost control, potential for cost inflation exists, eroding the project's financial efficiency.

When are Cost Reimbursement Contracts Appropriate?

Cost Reimbursement Contracts are best suited for projects that exhibit specific characteristics:

  • High Technical Complexity: Projects requiring specialized expertise and innovative solutions.
  • Unforeseen Circumstances: Projects prone to unexpected delays, changes in scope, or unforeseen environmental factors.
  • Limited Market Competition: Situations where only a few qualified contractors exist, and a competitive bidding process is not feasible.


Cost Reimbursement Contracts offer a unique framework for managing projects, but they come with inherent risks that demand careful consideration. By understanding the nuances of this contract type and its suitability for specific project types, owners can make informed decisions that align with their financial goals and risk tolerance. It is crucial to prioritize strong communication, rigorous cost control, and clear performance targets to mitigate the inherent risks associated with this contract type.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "Construction Contracts: Law and Practice" by John E. Maloney (A comprehensive guide to construction contracts, including a detailed chapter on cost reimbursement contracts)
  • "Construction Contracting: Principles and Practices" by James S. Abernethy (Covers the basics of construction contracts, including cost reimbursement types, with practical examples)
  • "The Construction Manager's Handbook: A Guide to Construction Management Practices" by R.S. Means (Provides an overview of various contract types, including cost reimbursement contracts, with real-world applications)


  • "Cost-Reimbursement Contracts: When They Work and When They Don't" by Construction Executive (An insightful article discussing the pros and cons of cost reimbursement contracts)
  • "Cost-Plus Contracts: A Guide for Owners" by The Construction Specifier (A practical guide for owners considering cost reimbursement contracts, highlighting key considerations)
  • "Cost Reimbursement Contracts: A Comprehensive Overview" by Project Management Institute (A detailed overview of cost reimbursement contracts, covering different types and risk management)

Online Resources

  • "Cost Reimbursement Contracts" by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (Provides a comprehensive overview of cost reimbursement contracts for government projects)
  • "Contract Types" by the Project Management Institute (A general overview of contract types, including cost reimbursement, with links to additional resources)
  • "Cost Reimbursement Contract" by Wikipedia (A concise overview of cost reimbursement contracts, explaining their structure and applications)

Search Tips

  • "Cost Reimbursement Contract pros and cons"
  • "Cost Reimbursement Contract examples"
  • "Cost Reimbursement Contract vs. Fixed Price Contract"
  • "Cost Reimbursement Contract for [specific industry]" (e.g., "Cost Reimbursement Contract for construction")
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