Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Pipeline Construction: Completed Units

Completed Units

Understanding "Completed Units" in Oil & Gas: A Breakdown

In the complex world of oil and gas exploration and production, understanding the terminology is crucial. One term that frequently pops up is "Completed Units." This article breaks down what it means and why it's important within the industry.

Completed Units: A Definition

In the oil and gas sector, "Completed Units" refer to the number of wells or production facilities that have been fully constructed and are ready for production. It's a key indicator of progress and potential output, providing valuable insights into a company's operational efficiency and financial health.

What Makes a Unit "Complete"?

A completed unit is not just about drilling a well. It encompasses a comprehensive process, including:

  • Drilling and Completion: Successfully drilling the well to the target depth, installing casing, and connecting it to the production infrastructure.
  • Testing and Evaluation: Conducting flow tests to determine the well's productivity and ensure it meets production targets.
  • Tie-in: Connecting the well to the gathering system, which transports the produced oil and gas to processing facilities.
  • Facility Construction: If necessary, building and commissioning the required infrastructure, such as separators, tanks, and pipelines, for efficient production and handling of the extracted resources.

Why Completed Units Matter

Knowing the number of completed units is crucial for various stakeholders:

  • Investors: They use it to gauge a company's progress in developing its resources and estimate future production and revenue potential.
  • Analysts: They analyze completed unit data to assess a company's drilling and completion efficiency, and compare it to industry benchmarks.
  • Operators: They rely on completed unit numbers to track their progress, manage resources, and adjust production plans based on operational performance.

Beyond the Number:

While the number of completed units is a useful metric, it's essential to consider the following:

  • Well Type: Different types of wells (e.g., horizontal vs. vertical) have varying levels of complexity and production potential, making a direct comparison of completed unit numbers challenging.
  • Location and Geology: The productivity of a well can vary greatly depending on its geographical location and the geological formation it targets.
  • Market Conditions: Fluctuations in oil and gas prices and demand can impact the profitability of production even with a significant number of completed units.


"Completed Units" is a fundamental term in the oil and gas industry, providing a snapshot of operational progress and potential production output. However, understanding the underlying factors that influence the significance of this metric is crucial for making informed decisions and interpreting its implications for a company's performance and future prospects.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Completed Units in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "Completed Units" refer to in the oil and gas industry? a) The total number of wells drilled in a specific area. b) The number of wells that have been fully constructed and are ready for production. c) The amount of oil and gas extracted from a well. d) The number of oil and gas companies operating in a region.


b) The number of wells that have been fully constructed and are ready for production.

2. Which of the following is NOT a step involved in completing a unit? a) Drilling and completion b) Testing and evaluation c) Public relations and marketing d) Tie-in to the gathering system


c) Public relations and marketing

3. Who are the key stakeholders interested in the number of completed units? a) Investors b) Analysts c) Operators d) All of the above


d) All of the above

4. What factor can influence the productivity of a well even with a high number of completed units? a) The type of well (horizontal vs. vertical) b) The geological formation targeted c) Market conditions d) All of the above


d) All of the above

5. Why is it important to consider factors beyond just the number of completed units? a) To get a comprehensive understanding of a company's performance and potential. b) To avoid making inaccurate assumptions about a company's production capacity. c) To make informed decisions based on a complete picture of the situation. d) All of the above


d) All of the above



You are an analyst reviewing two oil and gas companies, Company A and Company B.

  • Company A has 100 completed units, all of which are vertical wells targeting a specific shale formation.
  • Company B has 50 completed units, all of which are horizontal wells targeting a different shale formation.


Based on the information provided, explain why it is NOT fair to directly compare the completed unit numbers of Company A and Company B to determine which company is performing better.

Explain your reasoning in detail, considering the factors mentioned in the article.

Exercice Correction

It is NOT fair to directly compare the completed unit numbers of Company A and Company B to determine which company is performing better because:

  • **Well Type:** Company A has vertical wells, while Company B has horizontal wells. Horizontal wells are generally more complex and have higher production potential than vertical wells. Therefore, a direct comparison based solely on the number of completed units wouldn't reflect the actual potential production capabilities of each company.
  • **Geological Formation:** Both companies target different shale formations, which can have varying levels of resource potential and production characteristics. The specific formation's productivity and resource volume play a crucial role in determining overall performance, making direct comparison based on completed unit numbers misleading.

To determine which company is performing better, a more comprehensive analysis is required, considering factors like well type, geological formation, production rates, operational efficiency, and market conditions.


  • Oil & Gas Exploration & Production: This is a broad topic, so general textbooks on oil and gas exploration and production can provide a foundation. Look for books that cover well completion and production processes.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) offers detailed information on various aspects of oil and gas engineering, including well completion and production.
  • Oil and Gas Economics: A Guide to Valuation, Risk Management, and Decision Making: This book dives into the financial aspects of the industry, including how completed units relate to production and profitability.


  • "Understanding Completed Units in the Oil & Gas Industry" (Similar to this article, but from a different source): Search for articles with this title or variations on it.
  • "Key Performance Indicators in the Oil and Gas Industry" (Journal Articles): Journals like the Journal of Petroleum Technology (SPE), Energy Economics, and Energy Policy often publish articles on industry metrics and performance analysis.
  • "Drilling and Completion Costs: A Global Perspective" (Industry Reports): Companies like Rystad Energy and Wood Mackenzie publish reports on industry trends and cost analysis, which may include data on completed units and their associated costs.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website has numerous resources, including technical papers, webinars, and events related to well completion and production.
  • Oil and Gas Investor: This website provides news, analysis, and insights into the oil and gas industry, including articles on completed unit trends.
  • Energy Information Administration (EIA): The EIA is a US government agency that provides data and analysis on energy production and consumption, including statistics on oil and gas production.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "Completed Units", try combinations like "completed units oil and gas", "well completion", "production facilities", "production capacity", "drilling and completion efficiency", etc.
  • Include company names: If you're looking for information on a specific company, include its name in your search.
  • Use quotation marks: Put specific phrases in quotes to find exact matches, like "completed units" or "production potential".
  • Filter by date: If you're looking for recent information, use the "tools" option in Google Search to filter by date range.
  • Explore related searches: Pay attention to the related searches that Google suggests at the bottom of the page. They might lead you to relevant resources.
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