Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Apportioned Task

Apportioned Task

Understanding Apportioned Tasks in Oil & Gas Operations

In the complex world of oil and gas operations, projects are often broken down into numerous tasks, each with its own unique dependencies and relationships. One such relationship is that of "apportioned tasks," a term with specific meaning within the industry.

Defining Apportioned Tasks:

An apportioned task, simply put, is a task that is directly contingent on or related to the successful completion of another task. This relationship creates a clear chain of dependency, where the progress of the apportioned task is directly affected by the status of its predecessor.

Examples of Apportioned Tasks:

  • Drilling a well: The task of "running casing" is apportioned to the task of "drilling to depth." Casing can only be installed once the well has been drilled to the desired depth.
  • Construction of a pipeline: The task of "welding pipe sections" is apportioned to the task of "laying pipe." Welding cannot commence until the pipe sections have been laid in place.
  • Production operations: The task of "processing crude oil" is apportioned to the task of "extracting oil from the reservoir." Processing can only begin once oil has been extracted.

Key Considerations for Apportioned Tasks:

  • Sequencing: The order of tasks is crucial, as the apportioned task cannot begin until its predecessor is complete.
  • Interdependence: The success of the apportioned task is directly reliant on the successful completion of the previous task.
  • Contingency planning: It is essential to plan for potential delays or issues with the predecessor task, as these can significantly impact the timeline and success of the apportioned task.
  • Resource allocation: Resources, such as equipment and personnel, often need to be allocated in a way that supports the sequence of tasks, ensuring that the necessary resources are available when needed.

Benefits of Apportioned Task Management:

  • Improved efficiency: Breaking down complex projects into manageable tasks allows for better resource allocation and optimization of workflows.
  • Enhanced communication: Clear task dependencies promote better communication between team members and stakeholders.
  • Improved risk management: Recognizing the interdependence of tasks allows for more effective contingency planning and risk mitigation strategies.


The concept of apportioned tasks is essential for efficient and effective project management in the oil and gas industry. Recognizing these dependencies and managing them effectively is crucial for ensuring successful project outcomes and achieving desired operational goals.

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