Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Adjourning


Adjourning: The Final Act in Oil & Gas Team Building

The oil and gas industry thrives on collaboration. From exploration and drilling to production and distribution, success hinges on the collective efforts of diverse teams. As projects reach completion, or team members move on to new ventures, the adjourning stage marks the end of this collaborative journey.

What is Adjourning?

Adjourning, in the context of team building, refers to the final stage of Tuckman's Stages of Group Development. This stage signifies the disbandment of a team, either due to the project's completion or the departure of team members.

Adjourning in Oil & Gas:

In the oil and gas industry, the adjourning stage can manifest in several ways:

  • Project Completion: Once a project, like drilling a new well or commissioning a pipeline, is finished, the team responsible for its execution will disband.
  • Team Member Transitions: As team members move on to new roles within the company or leave for other opportunities, the team structure may need to be adjusted or restructured.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: In the event of a company merger or acquisition, teams from both entities might be integrated or disbanded depending on the new organizational structure.

Key Characteristics of the Adjourning Stage:

  • Closure and Reflection: The team focuses on wrapping up loose ends, finalizing tasks, and reflecting on the project's successes and challenges.
  • Emotional Processing: Team members may experience a range of emotions, including sadness, relief, and even a sense of accomplishment.
  • Farewell and Transition: The team may engage in farewell activities or celebrations to acknowledge the completion of the project and the individual contributions of each member.
  • Hand-Off: In some cases, the team may need to hand off the project or its responsibilities to another team or individual.

Importance of a Successful Adjourning Stage:

A well-managed adjourning stage is crucial for:

  • Maintaining Positive Relationships: It allows team members to express their gratitude and appreciation for each other's contributions, fostering positive relationships even after the team's dissolution.
  • Preserving Knowledge: Proper documentation, knowledge sharing, and handover procedures ensure that valuable knowledge and expertise gained during the project are retained for future use.
  • Learning and Growth: Reflection on the project's journey provides opportunities for learning and personal growth, preparing team members for future challenges.

Challenges of the Adjourning Stage:

  • Emotional Closure: It can be difficult for some team members to let go, particularly if they have developed strong bonds during the project.
  • Knowledge Loss: Without effective knowledge transfer, the team's experience and expertise can be lost, potentially impacting future projects.
  • Uncertainty: The future of individual team members and the company's direction might be unclear, causing anxiety and uncertainty.

Managing the Adjourning Stage Effectively:

  • Facilitate Open Communication: Encourage team members to share their thoughts and feelings about the project's end.
  • Acknowledge Contributions: Recognize and celebrate the achievements and contributions of each team member.
  • Document Lessons Learned: Capture project successes, challenges, and lessons learned to inform future endeavors.
  • Provide Support and Guidance: Offer guidance and support to team members transitioning to new roles or projects.


Adjourning is an essential part of team building, especially in the dynamic oil and gas industry. By approaching this stage with care and consideration, organizations can ensure that the team's valuable contributions are preserved, relationships are maintained, and individual members are equipped for future successes.

Test Your Knowledge

Adjourning Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the adjourning stage in team building?

a. Closure and reflection b. Emotional processing c. Increased conflict and competition d. Farewell and transition


c. Increased conflict and competition

2. What is a primary reason for the importance of a successful adjourning stage?

a. To ensure the team remains intact for future projects. b. To create a sense of urgency for the next project. c. To maintain positive relationships and preserve knowledge. d. To encourage individual members to move on to new roles.


c. To maintain positive relationships and preserve knowledge.

3. Which of the following scenarios exemplifies the adjourning stage in the oil and gas industry?

a. A team is formed to explore a new oil field. b. A team is working on a new drilling technique. c. A team completes a major pipeline construction project. d. A team is undergoing training on safety procedures.


c. A team completes a major pipeline construction project.

4. What is a potential challenge of the adjourning stage?

a. Lack of clear project goals. b. Difficulty in establishing team roles. c. Emotional closure and knowledge loss. d. Insufficient resources for the project.


c. Emotional closure and knowledge loss.

5. Which of the following is NOT a recommended practice for managing the adjourning stage effectively?

a. Encourage open communication and acknowledge contributions. b. Encourage team members to express their frustrations and negative feelings. c. Document lessons learned and provide support for transitioning members. d. Celebrate team achievements and foster a sense of closure.


b. Encourage team members to express their frustrations and negative feelings.

Adjourning Exercise:

Scenario: Your team has just finished a 6-month project to install a new gas processing unit. The project was a success, exceeding initial production targets. Now, the team is disbanding as members move on to different projects.

Task: Develop a plan for a final team meeting to acknowledge accomplishments, address potential concerns, and ensure a smooth transition. Include:

  • Agenda items: What specific topics should be covered during the meeting?
  • Activities: What activities can be included to foster a positive and memorable experience?
  • Outcomes: What are the desired outcomes for the team members and the company?


Exercice Correction

Here's a possible plan for the final team meeting:

Agenda Items:

  • Welcome and Overview: Briefly recap the project and its achievements.
  • Individual Accomplishments: Highlight each member's contributions and acknowledge their hard work.
  • Project Successes: Discuss key milestones achieved, lessons learned, and positive impacts on the company.
  • Challenges and Opportunities: Reflect on the challenges faced during the project and identify any missed opportunities.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Discuss ways to document and share project learnings for future use (e.g., best practices, technical documents).
  • Farewell and Transition: Discuss the individual members' future roles and offer support for their transitions.
  • Closing Remarks: Express gratitude for the team's efforts and wish everyone well in their future endeavors.


  • Presentation: A team member could lead a presentation showcasing project highlights and successes.
  • Photo Album/Video: Create a compilation of team photos and videos from the project, showcasing the team's journey.
  • Award Ceremony: Recognize individual achievements with small tokens of appreciation (e.g., certificates, plaques).
  • Team Lunch/Dinner: Gather for a meal to celebrate the project's success and share stories.
  • Group Gift: Consider collecting a small gift from the team to give to the company as a final gesture of gratitude.


  • Positive Team Dynamics: Foster a sense of closure and camaraderie, leaving a positive impact on team members.
  • Knowledge Preservation: Ensure that valuable project knowledge is documented and shared for future projects.
  • Improved Transition: Provide guidance and support for team members transitioning to new roles or projects, minimizing uncertainty.
  • Company Success: Reinforce a culture of collaboration and accomplishment, contributing to future project successes.


  • The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization by Peter Senge (Focuses on organizational learning and how teams can learn and grow from their experiences)
  • The Power of Teams by Jon Katzenbach and Douglas Smith (Covers various aspects of team building, including team development stages)
  • Building Effective Teams: A Practical Guide for Managers by David A. Kolb (Provides insights on team dynamics and effective team management)


  • "Tuckman's Stages of Group Development" by Bruce W. Tuckman (The seminal article introducing the five stages of group development, including adjourning)
  • "The Adjourning Stage of Team Development: How to Manage It Effectively" by (A practical guide on managing the adjourning stage in teams)
  • "Adjourning in Team Development: A Critical Analysis" by American Society for Training & Development (A deeper look at the adjourning stage and its implications)

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • "Tuckman's Stages of Group Development adjourning" (To find specific resources on the adjourning stage)
  • "Adjourning stage team building oil and gas" (To find resources relevant to the industry)
  • "Team development best practices adjourning stage" (To explore general advice on managing this stage)
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