Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Manifold


Manifold: The Central Hub in Oil & Gas Operations

In the intricate world of oil and gas extraction and processing, every element plays a crucial role. One such element, essential for efficient and organized operations, is the manifold. Imagine it as a central hub, a strategic connection point where multiple pipelines converge and diverge, facilitating the smooth flow of oil and gas.


A manifold, in simple terms, is a main pipeway with numerous branch connections. It acts as a distribution center, allowing for the controlled channeling of fluids to different destinations.


Manifolds serve a multitude of critical functions in the oil and gas industry:

  • Fluid Distribution: Manifolds act as control points, allowing operators to direct the flow of oil, gas, or other fluids to different processing units, storage tanks, or other destinations.
  • Isolation & Control: Manifolds incorporate valves and other control mechanisms that allow operators to isolate specific branches, regulate flow rates, and perform maintenance activities without disrupting the overall flow.
  • Pressure Management: By regulating flow and connecting to various pressure vessels, manifolds help maintain optimal pressure levels within the system, ensuring efficient and safe operations.
  • Safety & Redundancy: Manifolds often incorporate safety features like pressure relief valves and redundant connections, enhancing safety and minimizing potential risks.

Types of Manifolds:

The specific type of manifold used depends on its intended purpose and the environment in which it operates. Common types include:

  • Production Manifolds: Found at the wellhead, these manifolds gather production from multiple wells and direct it to processing facilities.
  • Injection Manifolds: These manifolds facilitate the injection of fluids like water or gas into a reservoir for enhanced recovery or pressure maintenance.
  • Pipeline Manifolds: Located at key points along pipelines, these manifolds allow for the merging or splitting of flow, facilitating efficient transportation.
  • Gathering Manifolds: Found in processing plants, these manifolds collect fluids from various sources before they are further processed.


Manifolds are vital for the efficient and safe operation of oil and gas facilities. They streamline the movement of fluids, allow for precise control and monitoring, and enhance safety by incorporating redundancies and isolation mechanisms. Understanding the role of manifolds is crucial for anyone involved in the oil and gas industry, from engineers and operators to investors and stakeholders.

In conclusion, manifolds are the backbone of efficient and safe oil and gas operations. They provide the essential infrastructure for controlled fluid distribution, pressure management, and safety. Recognizing their crucial function is key to understanding the complex and vital workings of the oil and gas industry.

Test Your Knowledge

Manifold Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a manifold in the oil and gas industry?

a) To store oil and gas b) To transport oil and gas over long distances c) To distribute and control the flow of fluids d) To refine oil and gas


c) To distribute and control the flow of fluids

2. Which type of manifold is typically found at the wellhead?

a) Injection Manifold b) Pipeline Manifold c) Production Manifold d) Gathering Manifold


c) Production Manifold

3. What is the main advantage of incorporating valves in a manifold?

a) To increase the flow rate b) To reduce the pressure of the fluids c) To isolate specific branches and control flow d) To prevent corrosion


c) To isolate specific branches and control flow

4. What is the purpose of a pressure relief valve in a manifold?

a) To increase the pressure in the system b) To regulate the flow rate c) To prevent excessive pressure buildup and ensure safety d) To monitor fluid levels


c) To prevent excessive pressure buildup and ensure safety

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using manifolds in oil and gas operations?

a) Improved efficiency b) Enhanced safety c) Increased environmental impact d) Streamlined fluid movement


c) Increased environmental impact

Manifold Exercise:

Scenario: You are an engineer working on a new oil well development project. The well is expected to produce 10,000 barrels of oil per day. You need to design a production manifold to gather and distribute the oil to a nearby processing facility.


  1. Identify the key components of a production manifold: Include at least 3 essential components and explain their function.
  2. Consider the following factors when designing the manifold:
    • Flow rate and pressure requirements
    • Safety features
    • Materials and corrosion resistance
  3. Sketch a simple diagram of your proposed production manifold.

Exercice Correction

**1. Key components of a production manifold:**

  • **Inlet connection:** This connects the wellhead to the manifold, allowing oil to flow in.
  • **Valves:** These allow operators to isolate specific branches, control flow rate, and perform maintenance.
  • **Pressure relief valve:** This protects the system from excessive pressure buildup, ensuring safety.
  • **Outlet connections:** These direct the oil flow to the processing facility.

**2. Design considerations:**

  • Flow rate and pressure requirements: The manifold must be designed to handle a flow rate of 10,000 barrels per day and maintain the appropriate pressure for efficient transportation.
  • Safety features: Incorporate pressure relief valves, isolation valves, and other safety mechanisms to prevent accidents and ensure safe operation.
  • Materials and corrosion resistance: Choose materials that can withstand the harsh environment of oil production and are resistant to corrosion.

**3. Sketch a simple diagram:**

A simple diagram should show the main components mentioned above, connected in a logical sequence, with arrows indicating the flow of oil.


  • "Oil and Gas Production Operations" by John M. Campbell: This comprehensive textbook covers various aspects of oil and gas production, including detailed information on manifolds and their applications.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Principles and Practices" by Tarek Ahmed: Another widely recognized textbook that delves into the fundamentals of petroleum engineering, including manifold design and operation.
  • "Pipeline Design and Construction" by John J. McKetta: This book focuses on pipeline systems and includes sections on manifold design, construction, and maintenance.


  • "Manifold Systems in Oil and Gas Production" by SPE: This SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) article provides a detailed overview of manifold types, applications, and design considerations in the oil and gas industry.
  • "Manifold Design for Enhanced Oil Recovery" by Journal of Petroleum Technology: This article explores manifold design specific to enhanced oil recovery operations, covering aspects like injection optimization and pressure management.
  • "Safety Considerations in Manifold Design" by Oil & Gas Journal: This article highlights safety aspects related to manifold design, emphasizing pressure relief systems, isolation features, and redundancy.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website hosts a wealth of technical papers, research articles, and industry publications related to manifolds in oil and gas.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This online publication provides news, technical articles, and industry insights relevant to manifold design, operation, and maintenance.
  • World Oil: This website offers technical articles, industry updates, and case studies on manifold systems in various oil and gas applications.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "manifold," use more specific terms like "oil and gas manifold," "production manifold," or "pipeline manifold" for more relevant results.
  • Combine keywords: Use phrases like "manifold design principles," "manifold safety considerations," or "manifold application in oil and gas."
  • Add location: If you're looking for information related to specific regions, add location keywords like "manifold systems in the Gulf of Mexico" or "manifold design in Canada."
  • Filter by source: Use Google's advanced search options to filter results by specific website types (e.g., academic articles, industry publications, news websites).
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