Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Specific Terms: Flow displacement meter

Flow displacement meter

Flow Displacement Meters: A Vital Tool in Oil & Gas Measurement

In the demanding world of oil and gas production, precise measurement is critical. Flow displacement meters are essential instruments used to measure the flow rate of various commodities within pipelines, providing valuable data for production optimization, accounting, and safety.

What is a Flow Displacement Meter?

A flow displacement meter is a device that operates based on the principle of measuring the volume of fluid displaced by a moving object within the pipe. The meter essentially captures a known volume of the flowing commodity and measures how much fluid passes through it during a specific time period. This allows for the calculation of the flow rate.

Types of Flow Displacement Meters:

The most common types of flow displacement meters include:

  • Positive Displacement Meters (PDMs): These meters operate by trapping a fixed volume of fluid and then displacing it through the meter, creating a measurable change in volume.

    • Rotary Meters: These meters have a rotor that rotates within a chamber, trapping and displacing the fluid with each rotation.
    • Gear Meters: Two intermeshing gears rotate within a chamber, capturing a precise volume of fluid with each revolution.
    • Piston Meters: A piston moves within a cylinder, displacing the fluid and measuring its volume.
  • Nutating Disc Meters: These meters use a disc that oscillates (nutates) within a chamber. The number of oscillations is proportional to the volume of fluid flowing through the meter.

Advantages of Flow Displacement Meters:

  • High Accuracy: Displacement meters offer high accuracy in flow measurement, especially at low flow rates.
  • Wide Flow Range: They can measure a wide range of flow rates, making them suitable for various applications.
  • Low Maintenance: Displacement meters are relatively robust and require minimal maintenance.
  • Direct Volume Measurement: They provide direct volume measurements, eliminating the need for complex calculations.

Applications in Oil & Gas:

Flow displacement meters are widely used in various oil and gas applications, including:

  • Crude Oil Measurement: Measuring crude oil flow at wellheads, gathering stations, and refineries.
  • Natural Gas Measurement: Measuring natural gas flow at production sites, pipelines, and distribution networks.
  • Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Measurement: Measuring LPG flow at filling stations, storage tanks, and pipelines.
  • Water Measurement: Measuring water flow for injection and production processes.

Challenges and Considerations:

While displacement meters offer numerous benefits, some limitations must be considered:

  • Flow Rate Sensitivity: The accuracy of displacement meters can be affected by flow rate fluctuations.
  • Viscosity Sensitivity: The viscosity of the fluid can influence the meter's accuracy, requiring adjustments or specific meter types.
  • Pressure Drop: Displacement meters can cause a pressure drop in the pipeline, which may need to be considered in the overall system design.


Flow displacement meters are indispensable tools for accurate flow measurement in the oil and gas industry. Their high accuracy, wide flow range, and low maintenance requirements make them ideal for a wide range of applications. By understanding their principles and limitations, engineers can select the most appropriate type of displacement meter for specific needs, ensuring accurate and reliable flow measurement for optimal production, safety, and efficient operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Flow Displacement Meters

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the fundamental principle behind flow displacement meters?

a) Measuring the change in pressure across a restriction. b) Measuring the time it takes for a specific volume of fluid to pass a point. c) Measuring the volume of fluid displaced by a moving object. d) Measuring the velocity of the fluid using a Doppler effect.


c) Measuring the volume of fluid displaced by a moving object.

2. Which type of flow displacement meter utilizes a rotor that rotates within a chamber?

a) Nutating Disc Meter b) Piston Meter c) Gear Meter d) Rotary Meter


d) Rotary Meter

3. What is a significant advantage of flow displacement meters?

a) They are unaffected by changes in flow rate. b) They provide highly accurate flow measurements. c) They operate independently of the fluid's viscosity. d) They are the most cost-effective type of flow meter.


b) They provide highly accurate flow measurements.

4. In which oil and gas application are flow displacement meters NOT typically used?

a) Measuring crude oil flow at wellheads. b) Measuring natural gas flow at distribution networks. c) Measuring the flow of chemicals used in the refining process. d) Measuring the flow of water for injection in oil production.


c) Measuring the flow of chemicals used in the refining process.

5. What is a potential challenge associated with using flow displacement meters?

a) Their susceptibility to electromagnetic interference. b) Their limited ability to measure high flow rates. c) Their tendency to cause a pressure drop in the pipeline. d) Their requirement for frequent calibration.


c) Their tendency to cause a pressure drop in the pipeline.

Exercise: Selecting the Right Flow Meter

Scenario: You are tasked with selecting a flow meter for a new natural gas pipeline. The pipeline will transport a high volume of gas at various flow rates. The meter needs to be highly accurate, reliable, and have minimal maintenance requirements.


  1. Based on the information about flow displacement meters, explain why they would be a suitable choice for this application.
  2. Identify which type of flow displacement meter would be most appropriate for this scenario and provide a justification for your choice.

Exercise Correction

1. **Suitability:** Flow displacement meters are suitable for this application due to their high accuracy, wide flow range, and low maintenance requirements. They are ideal for measuring large volumes of gas and can handle fluctuating flow rates, making them reliable for a high-volume pipeline. 2. **Type of Meter:** A **rotary meter** would be most appropriate for this scenario. Rotary meters can handle high flow rates and offer good accuracy, especially for large volumes of natural gas. They are also relatively robust and require less maintenance compared to other types of displacement meters.


  • "Flow Measurement Engineering Handbook" by Richard W. Miller: This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of flow measurement, including displacement meters. It delves into the principles, types, applications, and selection criteria of these meters.
  • "Fluid Mechanics" by Frank M. White: This textbook provides a detailed explanation of fluid mechanics principles, which are essential for understanding the operation of flow displacement meters.
  • "Instrumentation and Control for Process Industries" by Norman N. Lipták: This book offers a comprehensive overview of instrumentation used in process industries, including detailed chapters on flow measurement and displacement meters.


  • "Positive Displacement Meters: A Comprehensive Guide" by Emerson Automation Solutions: This article provides a detailed overview of positive displacement meters, including their types, advantages, limitations, and applications in various industries.
  • "Flow Meters: A Guide to Selection and Application" by Flow Research Inc.: This article discusses different types of flow meters, including displacement meters, and provides guidance on selecting the appropriate meter for specific applications.
  • "Accuracy and Calibration of Flow Displacement Meters" by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): This article explores the importance of accuracy and calibration in flow displacement meters, providing insights into their performance and reliability.

Online Resources

  • The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) website: This website provides a wealth of information on flow measurement standards, calibration methods, and best practices, including resources related to displacement meters.
  • The American Petroleum Institute (API) website: This website provides standards and guidelines for the oil and gas industry, including those related to flow measurement and displacement meters.
  • Emerson Automation Solutions: This website offers a range of flow measurement solutions, including detailed information on their flow displacement meter offerings.

Search Tips

  • "Flow displacement meter types": To explore different types of displacement meters.
  • "Flow displacement meter applications": To find examples of how these meters are used in various industries.
  • "Flow displacement meter accuracy": To learn about their accuracy and limitations.
  • "Flow displacement meter calibration": To research how these meters are calibrated for optimal performance.
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