Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Safety Training & Awareness: Floating roof

Floating roof

Keeping It Safe and Sound: Floating Roofs in Oil & Gas Storage

The oil and gas industry relies heavily on storage tanks to hold vast quantities of volatile and flammable liquids. Ensuring the safe and efficient storage of these materials is paramount, and one crucial component in this endeavor is the floating roof.

What is a Floating Roof?

A floating roof is a unique type of tank roof that floats on the surface of the stored liquid, instead of being fixed to the tank's structure. This design eliminates the space between the roof and the liquid surface, preventing the accumulation of potentially hazardous gases and vapors.

How Does it Work?

The floating roof is typically made of lightweight materials like aluminum or fiberglass and is supported by the liquid itself. As the liquid level in the tank fluctuates, the roof rises and falls with it. This movement maintains a tight seal, preventing the ingress of air and the formation of flammable vapors.

The Benefits of Floating Roofs:

  • Enhanced Safety: Floating roofs significantly reduce the risk of fire and explosions by eliminating the possibility of vapor accumulation.
  • Reduced Emissions: By minimizing the headspace between the roof and the liquid, floating roofs greatly reduce the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
  • Increased Storage Capacity: The floating roof design maximizes the usable storage volume, allowing for more efficient storage.
  • Cost Savings: Floating roofs can help reduce the cost of environmental remediation and compliance by minimizing emissions.

Types of Floating Roofs:

There are two main types of floating roofs:

  • Pontoon Roofs: These roofs rest on a series of pontoons that float on the liquid surface. Pontoon roofs are suitable for large tanks with significant liquid fluctuations.
  • Double Deck Roofs: This design consists of two concentric decks, with the outer deck supporting the inner deck. Double deck roofs are typically used for smaller tanks with lower liquid fluctuations.

Applications in Oil & Gas:

Floating roofs are commonly used in various oil and gas applications, including:

  • Crude Oil Storage: Storing crude oil, a highly volatile substance, requires stringent safety measures. Floating roofs provide an effective way to prevent vapor accumulation and minimize the risk of fire.
  • Gasoline Storage: Gasoline storage tanks often employ floating roofs to mitigate the risk of vapor explosion.
  • Petroleum Products Storage: Floating roofs are used for storing other petroleum products like diesel, kerosene, and jet fuel.


Floating roofs are an essential component of safe and efficient oil and gas storage. Their unique design minimizes the risk of fire and explosion while reducing emissions and maximizing storage capacity. As the industry strives to implement sustainable practices, floating roofs continue to play a vital role in ensuring the responsible and safe storage of valuable resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Floating Roofs in Oil & Gas Storage

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a floating roof in an oil and gas storage tank?

a) To provide structural support for the tank. b) To prevent the accumulation of hazardous gases and vapors. c) To regulate the temperature of the stored liquid. d) To facilitate the transfer of liquid into and out of the tank.


b) To prevent the accumulation of hazardous gases and vapors.

2. Which of the following materials are commonly used to construct floating roofs?

a) Steel and concrete. b) Aluminum and fiberglass. c) Plastic and rubber. d) Wood and brick.


b) Aluminum and fiberglass.

3. How does a floating roof maintain a tight seal and prevent vapor accumulation?

a) By using a fixed seal around the edge of the roof. b) By adjusting the roof height based on liquid level changes. c) By employing a vacuum system to draw out vapors. d) By injecting inert gases into the headspace.


b) By adjusting the roof height based on liquid level changes.

4. Which type of floating roof is suitable for large tanks with significant liquid fluctuations?

a) Double Deck Roofs b) Pontoon Roofs c) Fixed Roofs d) Dome Roofs


b) Pontoon Roofs

5. What is a major benefit of using floating roofs in oil and gas storage?

a) Increased storage capacity. b) Reduced emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). c) Enhanced safety by preventing fire and explosions. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Exercise: Floating Roof Selection


You are a safety engineer responsible for choosing the appropriate floating roof design for a new crude oil storage tank. The tank will have a capacity of 50,000 barrels and will experience significant liquid level fluctuations due to frequent loading and unloading operations.


  1. Identify the best type of floating roof (Pontoon or Double Deck) for this application, providing justification for your choice.
  2. List two key safety considerations that should be taken into account when implementing this floating roof system.

Exercice Correction

  1. Pontoon Roofs would be the best choice for this application. The tank's large size and significant liquid level fluctuations make a pontoon roof design more suitable. Pontoon roofs are designed to handle substantial movement and maintain a tight seal during these fluctuations.

  2. Safety Considerations:

    a) Regular Inspection and Maintenance: Floating roofs require regular inspection and maintenance to ensure proper operation and prevent leaks. This includes checking for structural integrity, seal integrity, and any signs of damage or corrosion. b) Emergency Response Plans: It's crucial to have comprehensive emergency response plans in place for situations involving a floating roof failure. This includes procedures for isolating the tank, containing leaks, and addressing potential fire hazards.


  • Tank Design and Construction: A comprehensive resource covering various aspects of tank design, including floating roof technology.
  • API Standard 650: Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage: This standard provides detailed guidelines for the design and construction of floating roof tanks.
  • API Standard 653: Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction: Covers inspection and maintenance procedures specifically for floating roof tanks.


  • "Floating Roofs: A Vital Component of Safe and Efficient Oil and Gas Storage" by [Author Name] in [Journal Name] - Look for articles specifically focusing on the safety and environmental benefits of floating roofs in oil and gas storage.
  • "Floating Roof Technology: Evolution and Innovation" by [Author Name] in [Journal Name] - Explore the advancements in floating roof design and materials over time.

Online Resources

  • American Petroleum Institute (API): - API provides numerous resources, including standards, publications, and research related to floating roof tanks.
  • National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): - NFPA offers safety codes and standards relevant to the operation and maintenance of floating roof tanks.
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): - EPA publishes regulations and guidelines related to air pollution control, including the use of floating roofs to reduce VOC emissions.
  • Manufacturer websites: Search for manufacturers specializing in floating roof tanks (e.g., McDermott, Chicago Bridge & Iron, Fluor) for technical data, case studies, and product information.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "floating roof tanks," "oil and gas storage," "safety," "emissions," "API standards," "NFPA codes."
  • Combine keywords with operators: "floating roof tanks + safety," "API 650 + floating roof," "emissions reduction + floating roof."
  • Include quotation marks: "floating roof" to find exact matches.
  • Filter results by date: Focus on recent publications to get the latest information.
  • Use advanced search operators: " floating roof" to restrict search to a specific website.
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