Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: WHFP


WHFP: The Vital Sign of a Well

WHFP, standing for Well Head Flowing Pressure, is a critical measurement in the oil and gas industry. It's a direct indicator of the pressure at which oil or gas flows from the wellhead, providing valuable insights into the well's health and productivity.

Understanding the Significance of WHFP:

  • Production Rate: WHFP directly influences the flow rate of oil or gas. Higher WHFP generally results in higher production rates.
  • Reservoir Pressure: WHFP offers a glimpse into the pressure within the reservoir. Decreasing WHFP may signal a decline in reservoir pressure, indicating potential production issues.
  • Well Integrity: Fluctuations in WHFP can indicate problems with wellbore integrity, such as leaks or blockages.
  • Downhole Conditions: WHFP can provide clues about the condition of downhole equipment, like the tubing and casing.

How WHFP is Measured:

WHFP is typically measured using a pressure gauge installed at the wellhead. This gauge can be either analog or digital, providing real-time pressure readings. Modern technologies like remote monitoring systems can transmit WHFP data wirelessly, enabling continuous monitoring and analysis.

WHFP in Action:

  • Production Optimization: By monitoring WHFP, engineers can optimize production rates and maximize well output.
  • Reservoir Management: Declining WHFP can trigger interventions like stimulation or re-fracturing to maintain production.
  • Problem Detection: Sudden drops or spikes in WHFP can alert operators to potential issues, allowing for timely interventions and preventing production losses.

Factors Influencing WHFP:

  • Reservoir Pressure: The main driving force behind WHFP.
  • Wellbore Geometry: Factors like wellbore diameter, tubing size, and well depth impact flow resistance.
  • Fluid Properties: The viscosity, density, and compressibility of the oil or gas affect pressure gradients.
  • Production Rate: Higher production rates generally lead to lower WHFP.

In Conclusion:

WHFP is an essential parameter for optimizing well performance and ensuring long-term production. Understanding its significance and effectively monitoring it is crucial for maintaining well health and maximizing profitability in the oil and gas industry.

Test Your Knowledge


Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does WHFP stand for?

(a) Well Head Flowing Production (b) Well Head Flowing Pressure (c) Well Head Flowing Pipeline (d) Well Head Flowing Rate


(b) Well Head Flowing Pressure

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor influencing WHFP?

(a) Reservoir Pressure (b) Wellbore Geometry (c) Fluid Properties (d) Weather Conditions


(d) Weather Conditions

3. What is the primary method for measuring WHFP?

(a) Thermometer (b) Flow Meter (c) Pressure Gauge (d) Seismic Survey


(c) Pressure Gauge

4. How does WHFP relate to production rate?

(a) Higher WHFP always results in lower production rates. (b) Higher WHFP generally results in higher production rates. (c) WHFP has no impact on production rate. (d) Lower WHFP always results in higher production rates.


(b) Higher WHFP generally results in higher production rates.

5. Which of the following is NOT a practical application of WHFP monitoring?

(a) Optimizing production rates (b) Detecting downhole equipment issues (c) Predicting future oil prices (d) Managing reservoir pressure


(c) Predicting future oil prices

WHFP Exercise


You are an engineer monitoring the WHFP of a well. You notice a sudden drop in the WHFP reading.


  1. List three possible causes for this sudden drop in WHFP.
  2. Briefly describe the steps you would take to investigate the situation and determine the root cause of the WHFP decline.

Exercice Correction

**Possible Causes:** 1. **Reservoir Pressure Decline:** The reservoir pressure may be declining, leading to reduced pressure at the wellhead. 2. **Wellbore Blockage:** A blockage or restriction in the wellbore, such as debris or scaling, can impede fluid flow. 3. **Equipment Failure:** A failure in the downhole equipment, such as a broken pump or tubing leak, can cause a significant pressure drop. **Investigative Steps:** 1. **Review production data:** Compare the WHFP drop to any changes in production rates, flow rates, or other relevant data. 2. **Inspect wellhead equipment:** Visually inspect the wellhead for any signs of leaks, damage, or malfunctioning equipment. 3. **Analyze pressure readings:** Compare the WHFP readings to historical data to identify any unusual trends or patterns. 4. **Run diagnostic tests:** Conduct tests such as pressure surveys or flow tests to evaluate well performance and identify any issues. 5. **Consult with specialists:** If necessary, consult with reservoir engineers, drilling engineers, or production specialists to determine the best course of action.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook covers all aspects of oil and gas production, including wellhead pressure measurement and analysis.
  • Reservoir Engineering: This text delves into the principles of reservoir mechanics and pressure behavior, essential for understanding the relationship between WHFP and reservoir conditions.
  • Production Operations: This book provides practical guidance on managing well production, including monitoring and interpreting WHFP data.


  • "Wellhead Pressure: A Key Indicator of Well Health" - This article discusses the importance of WHFP in well performance monitoring and analysis.
  • "Understanding the Relationship Between WHFP and Production Rate" - This article explores the correlation between WHFP and the rate at which oil or gas is produced.
  • "Using WHFP Data for Reservoir Management" - This article examines how WHFP measurements can guide decisions on reservoir stimulation, re-fracturing, and production optimization.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): SPE offers a wealth of information on oil and gas production, including resources on wellhead pressure measurement, analysis, and interpretation.
  • Oil and Gas Journal: This industry publication features articles and research related to wellhead pressure and its impact on production.
  • PetroWiki: This online encyclopedia provides comprehensive explanations of key concepts in oil and gas production, including WHFP.

Search Tips

  • "WHFP oil and gas" - This search query will return articles and documents directly related to WHFP in the oil and gas industry.
  • "Wellhead pressure measurement" - This search will provide information on the techniques and equipment used to measure WHFP.
  • "WHFP analysis" - This search will reveal articles and tools for interpreting WHFP data and making informed decisions about well performance.
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