Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Velocity String

Velocity String

Boosting Production: Understanding Velocity Strings in Oil and Gas Operations

In the world of oil and gas extraction, maximizing production while minimizing costs is paramount. One innovative technique employed to achieve this is the use of velocity strings, a specialized type of tubing that plays a crucial role in enhancing fluid flow within a well.

What are Velocity Strings?

Velocity strings are essentially small diameter tubing strings, often made of coiled tubing, that are suspended inside the existing production tubing. They occupy a portion of the flow path, effectively reducing the available space for fluid to travel. This seemingly simple action has a profound effect on the production process.

The Power of Increased Velocity:

By constricting the flow path, velocity strings achieve a significant increase in the velocity of the produced fluids. This increased velocity offers several advantages:

  • Improved Water Lifting Capacity: As the fluid moves faster, its ability to lift water from the wellbore significantly improves. This is particularly beneficial in wells where water production can be a major challenge.
  • Reduced Gas Interference: By increasing the fluid velocity, velocity strings can minimize the interference of gas in the production stream. This leads to a more efficient extraction process and a higher volume of oil produced.
  • Enhanced Flow Efficiency: The higher velocity also improves the overall efficiency of fluid flow through the wellbore, leading to a smoother and more consistent production process.

How Velocity Strings Work:

The principle behind velocity strings is simple yet effective. By reducing the cross-sectional area available for fluid flow, the velocity of the fluid increases. This concept is known as the Venturi Effect. As the fluid accelerates through the narrower space, its kinetic energy increases, which can be harnessed to enhance water lifting and reduce gas interference.

Applications and Benefits:

Velocity strings find applications in various scenarios, including:

  • Water-prone Wells: Their water lifting capabilities make them ideal for wells where water production is a significant concern.
  • Gas-producing Wells: By reducing gas interference, velocity strings can boost oil production in wells that produce both oil and gas.
  • Low-pressure Wells: They can help improve flow efficiency and production in wells with low pressure.

Advantages of Velocity Strings:

  • Cost-effective Solution: Compared to other production enhancement techniques, velocity strings are often more cost-effective.
  • Easy Installation: Their relatively small size and flexible nature make them easier to install and deploy in existing wells.
  • Minimal Downtime: The installation process can be carried out with minimal disruption to ongoing production, minimizing downtime.


Velocity strings have emerged as a valuable tool in oil and gas production, offering a simple yet effective way to enhance fluid flow and increase overall production. By leveraging the power of increased velocity, they contribute to a more efficient and profitable operation, making them a significant asset in the modern oil and gas industry.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Velocity Strings in Oil and Gas Operations

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of velocity strings in oil and gas wells?

a) To increase the pressure inside the wellbore. b) To increase the velocity of the produced fluids. c) To prevent the flow of gas into the wellbore. d) To isolate different zones within the wellbore.


b) To increase the velocity of the produced fluids.

2. How do velocity strings achieve increased fluid velocity?

a) By injecting high-pressure fluids into the wellbore. b) By using a specialized pump to draw fluids out of the wellbore. c) By constricting the flow path of the produced fluids. d) By introducing a chemical solution to reduce fluid viscosity.


c) By constricting the flow path of the produced fluids.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using velocity strings?

a) Improved water lifting capacity. b) Reduced gas interference. c) Increased wellbore pressure. d) Enhanced flow efficiency.


c) Increased wellbore pressure.

4. What is the principle behind the operation of velocity strings?

a) Bernoulli's Principle b) Archimedes' Principle c) Pascal's Law d) Venturi Effect


d) Venturi Effect

5. Velocity strings are particularly useful in which type of wells?

a) Wells with high pressure and high oil production. b) Wells with low pressure and high water production. c) Wells with high pressure and high gas production. d) Wells with low pressure and low oil production.


b) Wells with low pressure and high water production.

Exercise: Velocity String Application


An oil well is experiencing significant water production, leading to a decline in oil production. The well has a low pressure and a high water-to-oil ratio.


Explain how the use of velocity strings could help improve the production of this well. Be specific about the benefits that velocity strings would offer in this situation.

Exercice Correction

The velocity strings would be beneficial in this scenario due to the following reasons:

  • **Improved Water Lifting Capacity:** Velocity strings would increase the velocity of the produced fluids, enhancing their ability to lift water from the wellbore. This would result in less water being produced alongside the oil, increasing the oil production rate.
  • **Reduced Gas Interference:** While the scenario doesn't explicitly mention gas production, velocity strings can help reduce gas interference, which could further improve oil production.
  • **Enhanced Flow Efficiency:** The increased velocity would improve the overall flow efficiency of the well, leading to a smoother and more consistent oil production process.

In summary, velocity strings could significantly improve the production of this well by effectively removing water from the wellbore and enhancing the overall flow efficiency, resulting in a higher volume of oil produced.


  • "Oil Well Completion Techniques" by John C. Lolon: This book covers various completion techniques, including velocity strings.
  • "Production Optimization in Oil and Gas Wells" by William L. Dow: This book delves into various methods for optimizing production, likely mentioning velocity strings as a technique.
  • "Modern Well Completion Practices" by John M. Campbell: This comprehensive book covers the latest practices in well completion, likely including a section on velocity strings.


  • "Velocity Strings: A Cost-Effective Solution for Increasing Oil Production" by XYZ: This article would focus on the effectiveness of velocity strings in specific scenarios and their economic benefits. (This is a hypothetical example, try searching online for similar articles using keywords like "velocity strings, oil production, cost-effective").
  • "Improving Water Lifting Capacity in Oil Wells Using Velocity Strings" by ABC: This article would focus on the application of velocity strings in water-prone wells, outlining their benefits in lifting water efficiently. (This is also a hypothetical example, search for relevant articles using similar keywords).

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Journal: The SPE journal publishes numerous articles related to oil and gas production techniques, including those discussing velocity strings. Search using relevant keywords like "velocity strings, water lifting, production enhancement".
  • OnePetro: This platform hosts a vast database of technical papers, including those related to well completion and production optimization. Search for "velocity strings" to find relevant articles.
  • Oil and Gas Journal (OGJ): This industry publication features articles related to various aspects of oil and gas operations, including production enhancement techniques. Search for "velocity strings" or "production optimization" to find relevant content.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use specific keywords like "velocity strings, oil production, water lifting, gas interference" to refine your search results.
  • Combine keywords with operators: Use operators like "AND" and "OR" to specify the relationship between keywords. For example, "velocity strings AND water lifting AND oil production".
  • Use quotation marks: Surround specific phrases with quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, "velocity string installation".
  • Explore related searches: Google's "People also ask" feature and "Related searches" at the bottom of the page can offer additional relevant keywords and search terms.
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