Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Upper Kelly Cock

Upper Kelly Cock

The Upper Kelly Cock: A Vital Safety Valve in Oil & Gas Operations

The Upper Kelly Cock, often referred to simply as the Kelly Cock, is a crucial safety valve found in oil and gas drilling operations. Its primary function is to isolate the wellbore from the surface equipment in the event of a "kick" or surge of high pressure from the well. This critical device plays a vital role in preventing potentially catastrophic accidents and ensuring the safety of drilling personnel.

What is a Kick?

A kick occurs when high-pressure formation fluids, often a mixture of gas and oil, unexpectedly flow into the wellbore. This sudden influx of pressure can overwhelm the drilling mud's hydrostatic pressure, causing a surge of fluid up the drill string and potentially reaching the surface.

How the Upper Kelly Cock Works

The Upper Kelly Cock is a gate valve situated at the top of the kelly, the rotating joint that connects the drill string to the rotary table. In normal drilling operations, the Upper Kelly Cock remains open, allowing drilling fluid to circulate freely through the drill string.

In the event of a kick:

  1. Detection: The drillers notice signs of a kick, such as a rapid increase in the rate of penetration or a decrease in the drilling mud weight.
  2. Activation: The Upper Kelly Cock is immediately closed, isolating the wellbore from the surface equipment. This action stops the flow of high-pressure fluids from reaching the surface.
  3. Control: The drilling crew can then take steps to control the kick, such as increasing the mud weight or shutting in the well entirely.

Importance of the Upper Kelly Cock:

  • Safety: The Upper Kelly Cock is a vital safety device, preventing the release of potentially hazardous fluids and gases into the environment.
  • Damage Prevention: It protects the surface equipment from the pressure surge caused by a kick, preventing damage and costly repairs.
  • Controllability: The Upper Kelly Cock provides the crew with time and opportunity to implement controlled procedures to manage the kick effectively.

Other Safety Devices in Drilling:

The Upper Kelly Cock is just one component of a comprehensive safety system employed in oil and gas drilling. Other critical devices include:

  • Blowout Preventers (BOPs): These are essential devices located at the wellhead that can seal the wellbore in the event of a major blowout.
  • Choke Manifolds: These control the flow rate of fluids from the well.
  • Mud Systems: The drilling mud provides hydrostatic pressure and helps control wellbore pressure.


The Upper Kelly Cock is an unsung hero in the world of oil and gas drilling. While it often operates silently in the background, its critical role in safety and wellbore control cannot be overstated. Its presence ensures that drilling operations can be conducted safely and efficiently, safeguarding the environment and the lives of those involved.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Upper Kelly Cock

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the Upper Kelly Cock? a) To control the flow rate of drilling mud. b) To isolate the wellbore from surface equipment in case of a kick. c) To prevent blowouts by sealing the wellhead. d) To lubricate the drill string.


b) To isolate the wellbore from surface equipment in case of a kick.

2. What is a "kick" in oil and gas drilling? a) A sudden surge of high-pressure drilling mud. b) A sudden decrease in drilling speed. c) A sudden influx of formation fluids into the wellbore. d) A failure of the blowout preventers.


c) A sudden influx of formation fluids into the wellbore.

3. What happens to the Upper Kelly Cock when a kick is detected? a) It is immediately opened. b) It is immediately closed. c) It is left unchanged. d) It is lubricated.


b) It is immediately closed.

4. Besides the Upper Kelly Cock, what other safety device is essential in oil and gas drilling? a) Choke Manifolds b) Blowout Preventers (BOPs) c) Mud Systems d) All of the above


d) All of the above

5. What is the main advantage of the Upper Kelly Cock in terms of safety? a) It prevents the release of hazardous fluids and gases into the environment. b) It helps maintain a constant drilling speed. c) It reduces the risk of equipment failure. d) It allows for faster drilling rates.


a) It prevents the release of hazardous fluids and gases into the environment.



You are working on an oil rig, and the drillers detect a kick while drilling. The mud weight is decreasing rapidly.


  1. Describe the immediate action you would take as part of the drilling team.
  2. Explain the importance of the Upper Kelly Cock in this situation.
  3. What other steps should be taken to control the kick?

Exercice Correction

1. **Immediate Action:** The first priority is to immediately close the Upper Kelly Cock, isolating the wellbore from the surface equipment. This action prevents the high-pressure formation fluids from reaching the surface and causing potential harm to personnel and equipment. 2. **Importance of the Upper Kelly Cock:** The Upper Kelly Cock is crucial in this situation because it provides time for the drilling crew to implement controlled procedures to manage the kick effectively. By closing the valve, the uncontrolled flow of high-pressure fluids is stopped, preventing a potential blowout. 3. **Additional Steps:** * **Increase Mud Weight:** The drillers should immediately increase the weight of the drilling mud to overcome the pressure from the formation fluids and push them back into the wellbore. * **Shut in the Well:** Depending on the severity of the kick, the crew may need to completely shut in the well by closing the Blowout Preventers (BOPs). * **Monitoring:** Continuous monitoring of the well pressure and drilling mud parameters is crucial to ensure the kick is effectively controlled and the wellbore remains stable.


  • Drilling Engineering: A Comprehensive Textbook by Robert E. Krueger and William E. Maddox. This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of drilling operations, including detailed explanations of safety equipment like the Upper Kelly Cock.
  • Oil Well Drilling Technology by J.P. B. M. De Klerk. This book offers a detailed description of wellbore control methods and the role of various safety valves, including the Upper Kelly Cock.
  • Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering by J. A. Clark. This textbook covers the fundamental principles of oil and gas production, including wellbore control and the importance of safety devices.


  • "Blowout Preventers: A Key Safety Device in Oil and Gas Drilling" by John Smith (This is a placeholder; search for articles on BOPs for more relevant content).
  • "Wellbore Control: A Comprehensive Review of Drilling Safety Practices" by Richard Brown (This is a placeholder; search for articles on wellbore control for relevant content).

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Website: The SPE website provides a vast database of technical publications, including articles and presentations related to drilling safety and wellbore control.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API) Website: API publishes standards and guidelines for oil and gas operations, including those related to drilling safety and well control equipment.
  • Oil and Gas Journal: This industry publication offers numerous articles on various aspects of oil and gas operations, including drilling technology and safety.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: For example, "upper kelly cock," "well control equipment," "drilling safety," and "blowout preventer."
  • Combine keywords: Try "upper kelly cock function," "upper kelly cock application," or "upper kelly cock operation."
  • Utilize quotation marks: "upper kelly cock" will only show results where the exact phrase appears.
  • Include relevant industry terms: Use terms like "oil and gas," "drilling," "wellbore control," and "safety."
  • Check for technical reports and industry publications: Filter your search results to include technical papers, journal articles, and industry reports.
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