Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Top Job

Top Job

Top Job: A Crucial Cementing Technique in Well Construction

In the oil and gas industry, "top job" refers to a specific cementing operation used to repair or isolate zones within a wellbore. It's a technique employed when conventional cementing methods prove insufficient or when a particular section of the well needs attention.

The Process:

A top job involves injecting cement slurry through a tubing string suspended within the wellbore. This tubing string is positioned concentrically within the production casing, creating an annular space (annulus) between the two. The cement slurry is then pumped through the tubing, flowing upwards to the desired location and sealing off the annular space.

Applications of Top Jobs:

Top jobs are used in a variety of scenarios, including:

  • Zone Isolation: Top jobs can isolate specific zones within the wellbore, preventing the flow of fluids between them. This is useful for isolating water zones, preventing gas migration, or controlling the production of different oil or gas reservoirs.
  • Cement Squeeze: Top jobs are used to effectively "squeeze" cement into a leaking zone, effectively sealing it off. This is commonly done to repair leaks in the casing or cement sheath around the wellbore.
  • Completion Repair: Top jobs can be used to repair damaged or incomplete cement jobs, ensuring the integrity of the wellbore and preventing fluid leaks.
  • Well Abandonment: Top jobs play a critical role in well abandonment procedures, ensuring the well is properly sealed off and preventing the migration of fluids into surrounding formations.

Key Advantages of Top Jobs:

  • Targeted Cementing: Top jobs allow for precise placement of cement slurry, targeting specific zones within the wellbore.
  • Effective Isolation: The annular space created by the tubing string ensures that the cement slurry effectively seals off the desired area.
  • Versatile Application: Top jobs can be used for a variety of purposes, making them a valuable tool in well construction and repair.

The Importance of a Successful Top Job:

The success of a top job is crucial for ensuring the safety and productivity of a well. A properly executed top job can:

  • Prevent blowouts and other wellbore hazards.
  • Enhance the efficiency of oil and gas production.
  • Ensure the long-term integrity of the wellbore.


Top jobs are an essential component of well construction and repair in the oil and gas industry. This specialized cementing technique allows for precise targeting, effective isolation, and versatile application, making it a vital tool for ensuring the safety and productivity of wells. Understanding the process, applications, and importance of top jobs is crucial for anyone involved in the oil and gas sector.

Test Your Knowledge

Top Job Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a "top job" in well construction? a) To enhance the flow of oil and gas. b) To isolate specific zones within the wellbore. c) To replace damaged casing in the wellbore. d) To increase the depth of the well.


b) To isolate specific zones within the wellbore.

2. How is cement slurry injected during a top job? a) Through a pipe directly into the wellbore. b) Through a tubing string positioned within the production casing. c) Through a special pump attached to the drilling rig. d) Through a specialized drilling bit.


b) Through a tubing string positioned within the production casing.

3. Which of the following is NOT a common application of a top job? a) Zone isolation. b) Cement squeeze. c) Completion repair. d) Well abandonment.


d) Well abandonment. (Top jobs are used during well abandonment, but they're not the ONLY thing used.)

4. What is a key advantage of using a top job compared to conventional cementing methods? a) It is significantly faster and less expensive. b) It allows for precise placement of cement slurry in specific zones. c) It requires less specialized equipment and expertise. d) It is more environmentally friendly.


b) It allows for precise placement of cement slurry in specific zones.

5. A successful top job is crucial for ensuring the safety and productivity of a well. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of a successful top job? a) Preventing blowouts and other wellbore hazards. b) Increasing the volume of oil and gas extracted. c) Enhancing the lifespan of the well. d) Reducing the overall cost of well construction.


d) Reducing the overall cost of well construction. (While a successful top job contributes to overall well integrity, it may not directly reduce the cost of construction.)

Top Job Exercise:

Scenario: You are working on an oil well with a suspected leak in the cement sheath around the wellbore. The leak is causing water to enter the production zone and contaminate the oil.

Task: 1. Explain how you would use a top job to repair the leaking cement sheath. 2. Outline the steps involved in the process. 3. Explain the potential risks associated with this procedure.

Exercice Correction

**1. How to use a top job to repair the leaking cement sheath:** A top job would be used to "squeeze" cement into the leaking zone, effectively sealing it off. This would be a "cement squeeze" application of the top job technique. **2. Steps involved in the process:** * **Isolation:** The well would be isolated by closing the surface valves to prevent the flow of oil and water. * **Tubing Placement:** A tubing string would be lowered into the wellbore and positioned concentrically within the production casing, creating an annular space around the leaking zone. * **Cement Mixing:** The appropriate cement slurry would be mixed according to the well conditions and the specific requirements for the repair. * **Cement Pumping:** The cement slurry would be pumped through the tubing string and upward to the leaking zone, creating pressure to force the cement into the voids and cracks in the cement sheath. * **Cement Setting:** The cement would be allowed to set, effectively sealing off the leak. * **Well Evaluation:** After the cement has set, the well would be re-evaluated to confirm that the leak has been successfully sealed. **3. Potential Risks Associated with the Procedure:** * **Cement Bridging:** The cement slurry could bridge or solidify within the tubing string, preventing it from reaching the target zone. * **Wellbore Damage:** Improper placement of the tubing string or excessive pressure could damage the wellbore. * **Lost Circulation:** The cement slurry could be lost into the surrounding formations, reducing the effectiveness of the repair. * **Well Control Issues:** There is always a risk of a blowout or other well control issues during a cementing operation.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by John Lee (This textbook offers a comprehensive overview of drilling and completion operations, including cementing techniques)
  • "Cementing" by Schlumberger (This book provides a detailed analysis of cementing operations, including top jobs)
  • "Well Completion Design: Theory and Practice" by Robert M. Neely (This book covers well completion design, including various cementing applications)


  • "Top Job Cementing: A Review of Techniques and Applications" by [Author Name] (Search for relevant articles on online databases such as OnePetro, SPE, or Google Scholar)
  • "Case Study: Successful Application of a Top Job for Zone Isolation" by [Author Name] (Search for case studies published in industry journals)

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger's "Cementing" website: [Link] (This website offers a wealth of information on cementing techniques, including top jobs)
  • Halliburton's "Cementing" website: [Link] (Halliburton provides comprehensive information on cementing services and technologies)
  • Baker Hughes' "Cementing" website: [Link] (Baker Hughes also offers detailed information on cementing operations and solutions)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Top Job cementing," "top job application," "top job techniques," "top job well construction"
  • Combine keywords with relevant industry terms: "Top job oil and gas," "top job drilling," "top job well completion"
  • Include location in your search: "Top job cementing Texas," "Top job well completion North Sea"
  • Use quotation marks: "Top job cementing" to find exact matches
  • Filter your search: Use Google Scholar to find academic research papers on top job cementing
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