Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Tell Tale Screen

Tell Tale Screen

Telltale Screens: Unveiling the Secrets of Gravel Packing

In the world of oil and gas production, maximizing well productivity is paramount. One crucial aspect involves ensuring proper gravel packing, a process that creates a stable flow path for oil and gas while preventing formation sand from entering the wellbore. This is where the often overlooked telltale screen comes into play.

Telltale screens, aptly named, are short, specialized screens strategically placed at the top and bottom of older gravel packing assemblies. These screens serve a vital purpose: determining the precise location of gravel within the casing annulus during the packing process. This crucial information allows engineers to fine-tune the gravel pack design and optimize well performance.

How Telltale Screens Work:

  • Placement: Telltale screens are typically made of wire mesh or perforated metal and are placed within the casing annulus, just above and below the main gravel pack screen.
  • Function: As gravel is pumped into the wellbore, it flows down the casing annulus and settles around the main screen. The telltale screens act as "markers," allowing engineers to track the progression of gravel packing.
  • Observation: During the packing process, a special fluid is injected into the annulus, and pressure readings are taken at the telltale screen locations. Changes in pressure readings reveal the presence or absence of gravel at these points, providing valuable insights into the gravel pack's distribution.

Significance of Telltale Screens:

  • Optimal Gravel Pack Placement: By monitoring the gravel's location through the telltale screens, engineers can ensure that the pack is evenly distributed and fills the entire annulus effectively. This prevents channeling, where fluid flows preferentially through certain areas of the pack, leading to reduced well productivity.
  • Preventing Formation Damage: Uneven gravel packing can lead to sand production and formation damage, ultimately jeopardizing the well's long-term viability. Telltale screens help minimize these risks by ensuring a well-engineered gravel pack.
  • Cost Savings: Optimizing gravel pack design through the use of telltale screens translates to improved well performance and reduced operating costs. This translates to increased production and a higher return on investment for the operator.

Modern Practices:

While telltale screens have traditionally been used in older gravel packing assemblies, newer techniques, such as downhole imaging and pressure transient analysis, have emerged as alternative methods to determine gravel pack distribution. However, telltale screens remain a valuable tool for evaluating gravel pack quality, especially in wells where these newer technologies are unavailable or impractical to implement.

In conclusion, telltale screens may seem like a simple component, but they play a crucial role in ensuring optimal gravel pack performance and well productivity. By providing insights into gravel distribution, these seemingly insignificant screens contribute significantly to the success of oil and gas operations. As the industry continues to innovate, telltale screens remain a testament to the importance of meticulous engineering practices in maximizing resource extraction.

Test Your Knowledge

Telltale Screens Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of telltale screens in gravel packing?

a) To prevent sand from entering the wellbore. b) To determine the exact location of gravel within the casing annulus. c) To filter out debris from the gravel pack. d) To measure the flow rate of fluids through the well.


b) To determine the exact location of gravel within the casing annulus.

2. Where are telltale screens typically positioned in a gravel pack assembly?

a) At the bottom of the wellbore. b) At the top of the wellbore. c) Above and below the main gravel pack screen. d) Inside the formation.


c) Above and below the main gravel pack screen.

3. How do telltale screens help engineers monitor gravel pack distribution?

a) By measuring the flow rate of fluid through the screens. b) By observing the color of the fluid flowing through the screens. c) By monitoring pressure readings at the screen locations. d) By analyzing the composition of the gravel.


c) By monitoring pressure readings at the screen locations.

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using telltale screens in gravel packing?

a) Ensuring even gravel pack distribution. b) Preventing formation damage. c) Reducing operating costs. d) Increasing the risk of sand production.


d) Increasing the risk of sand production.

5. What is a modern alternative to telltale screens for evaluating gravel pack distribution?

a) Downhole imaging. b) Hydraulic fracturing. c) Acidizing. d) Perforating.


a) Downhole imaging.

Telltale Screens Exercise:

Scenario: You are an engineer responsible for overseeing the gravel packing of a new well. You have two telltale screens installed, one at the top and one at the bottom of the gravel pack. During the packing process, you monitor pressure readings at both screens. You observe that the pressure at the bottom screen remains constant, while the pressure at the top screen decreases significantly.


  1. Analyze the pressure readings and explain what they indicate about the gravel pack distribution.
  2. What potential issues might arise from this uneven gravel pack distribution?
  3. What steps could you take to address these issues and ensure optimal gravel pack performance?

Exercice Correction

1. **Analysis:** The pressure readings indicate that the gravel pack is not evenly distributed. The constant pressure at the bottom screen suggests that the gravel has filled the lower portion of the annulus. However, the decreasing pressure at the top screen indicates that the gravel has not reached the top portion of the annulus, leaving a void above the gravel pack. 2. **Potential Issues:** This uneven distribution could lead to several problems, including: * **Channeling:** Fluid may flow preferentially through the void above the gravel pack, reducing overall well productivity. * **Sand Production:** The lack of gravel support at the top of the pack could lead to sand production from the formation, potentially damaging the well and requiring costly remedial work. * **Reduced Well Life:** Uneven gravel packing can reduce the well's lifespan due to increased wear and tear on the casing and production equipment. 3. **Steps to Address:** * **Increase Gravel Volume:** You could increase the volume of gravel pumped into the well to fill the remaining void above the pack. * **Adjust Pumping Rate:** Adjust the rate of gravel injection to ensure proper filling and avoid channeling. * **Re-evaluate Gravel Size:** You might need to reconsider the size of the gravel being used. A different gravel size could be more suitable for filling the remaining void. * **Utilize Additional Tools:** Downhole imaging or pressure transient analysis could provide more detailed information about the gravel distribution and guide further corrective actions.


  • "Gravel Packing: Principles and Applications" by John A. Graham - This book provides a comprehensive overview of gravel packing techniques and covers the use of telltale screens in detail.
  • "Petroleum Production Engineering: Principles and Applications" by William C. Lyons - This textbook covers various aspects of oil and gas production, including gravel packing, and may include sections on telltale screens.
  • "Well Completion Design and Operations" by George M. Suman - This book delves into well completion methods and likely addresses telltale screens in the context of gravel packing design.


  • "Telltale Screens: A Powerful Tool for Gravel Pack Evaluation" - Search for articles with this specific title or similar keywords in reputable industry publications like:
    • Journal of Petroleum Technology (JPT)
    • SPE Production & Operations
    • Oil & Gas Journal
    • World Oil
  • "Gravel Packing Design and Optimization" - Articles on this topic may discuss the role of telltale screens in determining optimal gravel pack placement and distribution.
  • "Formation Damage Control in Gravel Pack Completions" - Articles focusing on formation damage prevention may mention telltale screens as a tool to mitigate this risk.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website: Browse the SPE library and publications for articles, papers, and presentations on gravel packing and telltale screens.
  • OnePetro: A digital repository of petroleum engineering resources, OnePetro might have articles or technical papers discussing telltale screens.
  • Online technical forums: Search forums like "Drilling & Completion Forum" and "Oil & Gas Engineering Forum" for discussions on telltale screens or gravel packing.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include keywords like "telltale screen," "gravel packing," "well completion," and "formation damage."
  • Combine keywords: Use phrases like "telltale screen function," "telltale screen placement," or "gravel packing telltale screen design."
  • Refine your search: Use advanced operators like quotation marks (" ") for exact phrases, minus signs (-) to exclude terms, and "site:" to search within a specific website.
  • Explore related terms: Try searching for terms like "gravel pack evaluation," "downhole imaging," and "pressure transient analysis" to find related resources.
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